Update Docs / Misc Refinements

Fleshed out Documentation

* improve motd readability
* default access = public
* default regions = all
* remove version 3.11 (EOL)

* access is private
* limit aws regions

* improve/refine overlay installation
* rename "actions" step to "state"

* target step "state" updates images.yaml as if "publish" WOULD be done (but won't be)
This commit is contained in:
Jake Buchholz Göktürk 2021-12-26 21:52:47 +00:00
parent 0cf623f7a5
commit c1469d6c31
8 changed files with 533 additions and 236 deletions

CONFIGURATION.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
# Configuration
All the configuration for building image variants is defined by multiple
config files; the base configs for official Alpine Linux cloud images are in
the [`configs/`](configs/) directory.
We use [HOCON](https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/main/HOCON.md) for
configuration -- this primarily facilitates importing deeper configs from
other files, but also allows the extension/concatenation of arrays and maps
(which can be a useful feature for customization), and inline comments.
## Resolving Work Environment Configs and Scripts
If `work/configs/` and `work/scripts/` don't exist, the `build` script will
install the contents of the base [`configs/`](configs/) and [`scripts/`](scripts/)
directories, and overlay additional `configs/` and `scripts/` subdirectories
from `--custom` directories (if any).
Files cannot be installed over existing files, with one exception -- the
[`configs/images.conf`](configs/images.conf) same-directory symlink. Because
the `build` script _always_ loads `work/configs/images.conf`, this is the hook
for "rolling your own" custom Alpine Linux cloud images.
The base [`configs/images.conf`](configs/images.conf) symlinks to
[`alpine.conf`](configs/images.conf), but this can be overridden using a
`--custom` directory containing a new `configs/images.conf` same-directory
symlink pointing to its custom top-level config.
For example, the configs and scripts in the [`overlays/testing/`](overlays/testing/)
directory can be resolved in a _clean_ work environment with...
./build configs --custom overlays/testing
This results in the `work/configs/images.conf` symlink to point to
`work/configs/alpine-testing.conf` instead of `work/configs/alpine.conf`.
If multiple directories are specified with `--custom`, they are applied in
the order given.
## Top-Level Config File
Examples of top-level config files are [`configs/alpine.conf`](configs/alpine.conf)
and [`overlays/testing/configs/alpine-testing.conf`](overlays/testing/configs/alpine-testing.conf).
There are three main blocks that need to exist (or be `import`ed into) the top
level HOCON configuration, and are merged in this exact order:
### `Default`
All image variant configs start with this block's contents as a starting point.
Arrays and maps can be appended by configs in `Dimensions` and `Mandatory`
### `Dimensions`
The sub-blocks in `Dimensions` define the "dimensions" a variant config is
comprised of, and the different config values possible for that dimension.
The default [`alpine.conf`](configs/alpine.conf) defines the following
dimensional configs:
* `version` - Alpine Linux _x_._y_ (plus `edge`) versions
* `arch` - machine architectures, `x86_64` or `aarch64`
* `firmware` - supports launching via legacy BIOS or UEFI
* `bootstrap` - the system/scripts responsible for setting up an instance
during its initial launch
* `cloud` - for specific cloud platforms
The specific dimensional configs for an image variant are merged in the order
that the dimensions are listed.
### `Mandatory`
After a variant's dimensional configs have been applied, this is the last block
that's merged to the image variant configuration. This block is the ultimate
enforcer of any non-overrideable configuration across all variants, and can
also provide the last element to array config items.
## Dimensional Config Directives
Because a full cross-product across all dimensional configs may produce images
variants that are not viable (i.e. `aarch64` simply does not support legacy
`bios`), or may require further adjustments (i.e. the `aws` `aarch64` images
require an additional kernel module from `3.15` forward, which aren't available
in previous versions), we have two special directives which may appear in
dimensional configs.
### `EXCLUDE` array
This directive provides an array of dimensional config keys which are
incompatible with the current dimensional config. For example,
[`configs/arch/aarch64.conf`](configs/arch/aarch64.conf) specifies...
# aarch64 is UEFI only
EXCLUDE = [bios]
...which indicates that any image variant that includes both `aarch64` (the
current dimensional config) and `bios` configuration should be skipped.
### `WHEN` block
This directive conditionally merges additional configuration ***IF*** the
image variant also includes a specific dimensional config key (or keys). In
order to handle more complex situations, `WHEN` blocks may be nested. For
example, [`configs/cloud/aws.conf`](configs/cloud/aws.conf) has...
aarch64 {
# new AWS aarch64 default...
kernel_modules.gpio_pl061 = true
initfs_features.gpio_pl061 = true
"3.14 3.13 3.12" {
# ...but not supported for older versions
kernel_modules.gpio_pl061 = false
initfs_features.gpio_pl061 = false
This configures AWS `aarch64` images to use the `gpio_pl061` kernel module in
order to cleanly shutdown/reboot instances from the web console, CLI, or SDK.
However, this module is unavailable on older Alpine versions.
Spaces in `WHEN` block keys serve as an "OR" operator; nested `WHEN` blocks
function as "AND" operators.
## Config Settings
**Scalar** values can be simply overridden in later configs.
**Array** and **map** settings in later configs are merged with the previous
values, _or entirely reset if it's first set to `null`_, for example...
some_array = [ thing ]
# [...]
some_array = null
some_array = [ other_thing ]
Mostly in order of appearance, as we walk through
[`configs/alpine.conf`](configs/alpine.conf) and the deeper configs it
### `project` string
This is a unique identifier for the whole collection of images being built.
For the official Alpine Linux cloud images, this is set to
When building custom images, you **MUST** override **AT LEAST** this setting to
avoid image import and publishing collisions.
### `name` array
The ultimate contents of this array contribute to the overall naming of the
resultant image. Almost all dimensional configs will add to the `name` array,
with two notable exceptions: **version** configs' contribution to this array is
determined when `work/images.yaml` is resolved, and is set to the current
Alpine Linux release (_x.y.z_ or _YYYYMMDD_ for edge); also because
**cloud** images are isolated from each other, it's redundant to include that
in the image name.
### `description` array
Similar to the `name` array, the elements of this array contribute to the final
image description. However, for the official Alpine configs, only the
**version** dimension adds to this array, via the same mechanism that sets the
revision for the `name` array.
### `motd` map
This setting controls the contents of what ultimately gets written into the
variant image's `/etc/motd` file. Later configs can add additional messages,
replace existing contents, or remove them entirely (by setting the value to
The `motd.version_notes` and `motd.release_notes` settings have slightly
different behavior:
* if the Alpine release (_x.y.z_) ends with `.0`, `release_notes` is dropped
to avoid redundancy
* edge versions are technically not released, so both of these notes are
dropped from `/etc/motd`
* otherwise, `version_notes` and `release_notes` are concatenated together as
`release_notes` to avoid a blank line between them
### `scripts` array
These are the scripts that will be executed by Packer, in order, to do various
setup tasks inside a variant's image. The `work/scripts/` directory contains
all scripts, including those that may have been added via `build --custom`.
### `script_dirs` array
Directories (under `work/scripts/`) that contain additional data that the
`scripts` will need. Packer will copy these to the VM responsible for setting
up the variant image.
### `size` string
The size of the image disk, by default we use `1G` (1 GiB). This disk may (or
may not) be further partitioned, based on other factors.
### `login` string
The image's primary login user, set to `alpine`.
### `local_format` string
The local VM's disk image format, set to `qcow2`.
### `repos` map
Defines the contents of the image's `/etc/apk/repositories` file. The map's
key is the URL of the repo, and the value determines how that URL will be
represented in the `repositories` file...
| value | result |
| `null` | make no reference to this repo |
| `false` | this repo is commented out (disabled) |
| `true` | this repo is enabled for use |
| _tag_ | enable this repo with `@`_`tag`_ |
### `packages` map
Defines what APK packages to add/delete. The map's key is the package
name, and the value determines whether (or not) to install/uninstall the
| value | result |
| `null` | don't add or delete |
| `false` | explicitly delete |
| `true` | add from default repos |
| _tag_ | add from `@`_`tag`_ repo |
| `--no-scripts` | add with `--no-scripts` option |
| `--no-scripts` _tag_ | add from `@`_`tag`_ repo, with `--no-scripts` option |
### `services` map of maps
Defines what services are enabled/disabled at various runlevels. The first
map's key is the runlevel, the second key is the service. The service value
determines whether (or not) to enable/disable the service at that runlevel...
| value | result |
| `null` | don't enable or disable |
| `false` | explicitly disable |
| `true` | explicitly enable |
### `kernel_modules` map
Defines what kernel modules are specified in the boot loader. The key is the
kernel module, and the value determines whether or not it's in the final
| value | result |
| `null` | skip |
| `false` | skip |
| `true` | include |
### `kernel_options` map
Defines what kernel options are specified on the kernel command line. The keys
are the kernel options, the value determines whether or not it's in the final
| value | result |
| `null` | skip |
| `false` | skip |
| `true` | include |
### `initfs_features` map
Defines what initfs features are included when making the image's initramfs
file. The keys are the initfs features, and the values determine whether or
not they're included in the final list...
| value | result |
| `null` | skip |
| `false` | skip |
| `true` | include |
### `builder` string
The Packer builder that's used to build images. This is set to `qemu`.
### `qemu.machine_type` string
The QEMU machine type to use when building local images. For x86_64, this is
set to `null`, for aarch64, we use `virt`.
### `qemu.args` list of lists
Additional QEMU arguments. For x86_64, this is set to `null`; but aarch64
requires several additional arguments to start an operational VM.
### `qemu.firmware` string
The path to the QEMU firmware (installed in `work/firmware/`). This is only
used when creating UEFI images.
### `bootloader` string
The bootloader to use, currently `extlinux` or `grub-efi`.
### `access` map
When images are published, this determines who has access to those images.
The key is the cloud account (or `PUBLIC`), and the value is whether or not
access is granted, `true` or `false`/`null`.
### `regions` map
Determines where images should be published. The key is the region
identifier (or `ALL`), and the value is whether or not to publish to that
region, `true` or `false`/`null`.

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@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
## _**NOTE: This is a Work-in-Progress**_
_It is intended that this will eventually replace
as the offical multi-cloud image builder for Alpine Linux._
# Alpine Linux Cloud Image Builder # Alpine Linux Cloud Image Builder
This repository contains the code and and configs for the build system used to This repository contains the code and and configs for the build system used to
@ -18,26 +10,64 @@ own customized images.
To get started with offical pre-built Alpine Linux cloud images, visit To get started with offical pre-built Alpine Linux cloud images, visit
https://alpinelinux.org/cloud. Currently, we build official images for the https://alpinelinux.org/cloud. Currently, we build official images for the
following providers: following cloud platforms...
You should also be able to find the most recently published Alpine Linux ...we are working on also publishing offical images to other major cloud
images via your cloud provider's web console, or programatically query their providers.
API with a CLI tool or library.
_(TODO: examples)_ Each published image's name contains the Alpine version release, architecture, firmware, bootstrap, and image revision. These details (and more) are also
tagged on the images...
| Tag | Description / Values |
| name | `alpine-`_`release-arch-firmware-bootstrap-`_`r`_`revision`_ |
| project | `https://alpinelinux.org/cloud` |
| image_key | _`release-arch-firmware-bootstrap-cloud`_ |
| version | Alpine version (_`x.y`_ or `edge`) |
| release | Alpine release (_`x.y.z`_ or _`YYYYMMDD`_ for edge) |
| arch | architecture (`aarch64` or `x86_64`) |
| firmware | boot mode (`bios` or `uefi`) |
| bootstrap | initial bootstrap system (`tiny` = tiny-ec2-bootstrap) |
| cloud | provider short name (`aws`) |
| revision | image revision number |
| imported | image import timestamp |
| import_id | imported image id |
| import_region | imported image region |
| published | image publication timestamp |
| description | image description |
Although AWS does not allow cross-account filtering by tags, the image name can
still be used to filter images. For example, to get a list of available Alpine
3.x aarch64 images in AWS eu-west-2...
aws ec2 describe-images \
--region eu-west-2 \
--owners 538276064493 \
--filters \
Name=name,Values='alpine-3.*-aarch64-*' \
Name=state,Values=available \
--output text \
--query 'reverse(sort_by(Images, &CreationDate))[].[ImageId,Name,CreationDate]'
To get just the most recent matching image, use...
--query 'max_by(Image, &CreationDate).[ImageId,Name,CreationDate]'
---- ----
## Build System ## Build System
The build system consists of a number of components: The build system consists of a number of components:
* the primary `build` script and related cloud-specific helpers * the primary `build` script
* a directory of `configs/` defining the set of images to be built * the `configs/` directory, defining the set of images to be built
* a Packer `alpine.pkr.hcl` orchestrating the images' local build, as well as * the `scripts/` directory, containing scripts and related data used to set up
importing them to cloud providers and publishing them to desitnation regions image contents during provisioning
* a directory of `scripts/` which set up the images' contents during * the Packer `alpine.pkr.hcl`, which orchestrates build, import, and publishing
provisioning of images
* the `cloud_helper.py` script that Packer runs in order to do cloud-specific
import and publish operations
### Build Requirements ### Build Requirements
* [Python](https://python.org) (3.9.7 is known to work) * [Python](https://python.org) (3.9.7 is known to work)
@ -47,182 +77,105 @@ The build system consists of a number of components:
### Cloud Credentials ### Cloud Credentials
This build system relies on the cloud providers' Python API libraries to find By default, the build system relies on the cloud providers' Python API
and use the necessary credentials -- via configuration in the user's home libraries to find and use the necessary credentials, usually via configuration
directory (i.e. `~/.aws/...`, `~/.oci/...`, etc.) or with special environment under the user's home directory (i.e. `~/.aws/`, `~/.oci/`, etc.) or or via
variables (i.e. `AWS_...`, `OCI_...`, etc.) environment variables (i.e. `AWS_...`, `OCI_...`, etc.)
It is expected that each cloud provider's user/role will have been set up with The credentials' user/role needs sufficient permission to query, import, and
sufficient permission in order to accomplish the operations necessary to query, publish images -- the exact details will vary from cloud to cloud. _It is
import, and publish images; _it is highly recommended that no permissions are recommended that only the minimum required permissions are granted._
granted beyond what is absolutely necessary_.
_We manage the credentials for publishing official Alpine images with an
"identity broker" service, and retrieve those credentials via the
`--use-broker` argument of the `build` script._
### The `build` Script ### The `build` Script
``` ```
usage: build [-h] [--debug] [--clean] [--revise] {configs,local,import,publish} usage: build [-h] [--debug] [--clean] [--custom DIR [DIR ...]]
[--custom DIR [DIR ...]] [--skip KEY [KEY ...]] [--only KEY [KEY ...]] [--skip KEY [KEY ...]] [--only KEY [KEY ...]] [--revise] [--use-broker]
[--no-color] [--parallel N] [--vars FILE [FILE ...]] [--no-color] [--parallel N] [--vars FILE [FILE ...]]
build steps: positional arguments: (build up to and including this step)
configs resolve build configuration configs resolve image build configuration
local build local images state refresh current image build state
import import to cloud providers local build images locally
publish set permissions and publish to cloud regions import import local images to cloud provider default region
publish set image permissions and publish to cloud regions
optional arguments: optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug enable debug output (False) --debug enable debug output
--clean start with a clean work environment (False) --clean start with a clean work environment
--revise bump revisions if images already published (False)
--custom DIR [DIR ...] overlay custom directory in work environment --custom DIR [DIR ...] overlay custom directory in work environment
--skip KEY [KEY ...] skip variants with dimension key(s) --skip KEY [KEY ...] skip variants with dimension key(s)
--only KEY [KEY ...] only variants with dimension key(s) --only KEY [KEY ...] only variants with dimension key(s)
--no-color turn off Packer color output (False) --revise remove existing local/imported image, or bump
--parallel N build N images in parallel (1) revision and rebuild if published
--vars FILE [FILE ...] supply Packer with additional -vars-file(s) --use-broker use the identity broker to get credentials
--no-color turn off Packer color output
--parallel N build N images in parallel (default: 1)
--vars FILE [FILE ...] supply Packer with -vars-file(s)
``` ```
A `work/` directory will be created for its Python virtual environment, any The `build` script will automatically create a `work/` directory containing a
necessary Python libraries will be `pip install`ed, and `build` will execute Python virtual environment if one does not already exist. This directory also
itself to ensure that it's running in the work environment. hosts other data related to building images. The `--clean` argument will
remove everything in the `work/` directory except for things related to the
Python virtual environment.
This directory also contains `configs/` and `scripts/` subdirs (with custom If `work/configs/` or `work/scripts/` directories do not yet exist, they will
overlays), UEFI firmware for QEMU, Packer cache, the generated `configs.yaml` be populated with the base configuration and scripts from `configs/` and/or
and `actions.yaml` configs, and the `images/` tree for local image builds. `scripts/` directories. If any custom overlay directories are specified with
the `--custom` argument, their `configs/` and `scripts/` subdirectories are
also added to `work/configs/` and `work/scripts/`.
Use `--clean` if you want to re-overlay, re-download, re-generate, or rebuild The "build step" positional argument deterimines the last step the `build`
anything in the `work/` directory. To redo the Python virtual environment, script should execute -- all steps before this targeted step may also be
simply remove the `work/` directory and its contents, and it will be recreated executed. That is, `build local` will first execute the `configs` step (if
the next time `build` is run. necessary) and then the `state` step (always) before proceeding to the `local`
### Build Steps The `configs` step resolves configuration for all buildable images, and writes
it to `work/images.yaml`, if it does not already exist.
When executing `build` you also provide the target step you wish to reach. For The `state` step always checks the current state of the image builds,
example, if you only want to build local images, use `build local`. Any determines what actions need to be taken, and updates `work/images.yaml`. A
predecessor steps which haven't been done will also be executed -- that is, subset of image builds can be targeted by using the `--skip` and `--only`
`build local` also implies `build configs` if that step hasn't completed yet. arguments. The `--revise` argument indicates that any _unpublished_ local
or imported images should be removed and rebuilt; as _published_ images can't
be removed, `--revise` instead increments the _`revision`_ value to rebuild
new images.
The **configs** step determines the latest stable Alpine Linux release, and `local`, `import`, and `publish` steps are orchestrated by Packer. By default,
ensures that the `configs/` and `scripts/` overlays, UEFI firmware, and each image will be processed serially; providing the `--parallel` argument with
`configs.yaml` exist. This allows you to validate the generated build variant a value greater than 1 will parallelize operations. The degree to which you
configuration before attempting to build any images locally. can parallelze `local` image builds will depend on the local build hardware --
as QEMU virtual machines are launched for each image being built. Image
`import` and `publish` steps are much more lightweight, and can support higher parallelism.
If `build` is moving on past **configs** to other steps, it will determine which The `local` step builds local images with QEMU, for those that are not already
image variants to work on (based on `--skip` and `--only` values) and what built locally or have already been imported.
actions will be taken, based on existence of local/imported/published images, and
generate the `actions.yaml` file. Providing the `--revise` flag allows you to
rebuild local images that were previously built, reimport unpublished images to
cloud providers, and bump the "revision" value of previously published images --
this is useful if published images require fixes but the Alpine release itself
isn't changing; published images are not removed (though they may be pruned once
their "end-of-life" date has passed).
At this point, `build` executes Packer, which is responsible for the remaining The `import` step imports the local images into the cloud providers' default
**local**, **import**, and **publish** steps -- and also for parallelization, if regions, unless they've already been imported. At this point the images are
the `--parallel` argument is given. Because build hardware varies, it is also not available publicly, allowing for additional testing prior to publishing.
possible to tune a number of QEMU timeouts and memory requirements by providing
an HCL2 Packer Vars file and specifying `--vars <filename>` to override the
defaults in `alpine.pkr.hcl`.
### Packer and `alpine.pkr.hcl` The `publish` step copies the image from the default region to other regions,
if they haven't already been copied there. This step will always update
Packer loads and merges `actions.yaml` and `configs.yaml`, and iterates the image permissions, descriptions, tags, and deprecation date (if applicable)
resulting object in order to determine what it should do with each image in all regions where the image has been published.
variant configuration.
`alpine.pkr.hcl` defines two base `source` blocks -- `null` is used when an
image variant is already built locally and/or already imported to the
destination cloud provider; otherwise, the `qemu` source is used.
The `qemu` builder spins up a QEMU virtual machine with a blank virtual disk
attached, using the latest stable Alpine Linux Virtual ISO, brings up the VM's
network, enables the SSH daemon, and sets a random password for root.
If an image variant is to be **built locally**, the two dynamic provisioners copy
the required data for the setup scripts to the VM's `/tmp/` directory, and then
run those setup scripts. It's these scripts that are ultimately responsible for
installing and configuring the desired image on the attached virtual disk.
When the setup scripts are complete, the virtual machine is shut down, and the
resulting local disk image can be found at
The dynamic post-processor uses the `cloud_helper.py` script to **import** a
local image to the cloud provider, and/or **publish** an imported image to the
cloud provider's destination regions, based on what actions are applicable for
that image variant. When the **publish** step is reapplied to an
already-published image, the script ensures that images have been copied to all
destination regions (for example, if the cloud provider recently added a new
region), and that all launch permissions are set as expected.
### The `cloud_helper.py` Script ### The `cloud_helper.py` Script
This script is only meant to be imported by `build` and called from Packer, and This script is meant to be called only by Packer from its `post-processor`
provides a normalized cloud-agnostic way of doing common cloud operations -- block for image `import` and `publish` steps.
getting details about a variant's latest imported image, importing new local
image to the cloud, removing a previouly imported (but unpublished) image so it
can be replaced, or publishing an imported image to destination regions.
---- ----
## Build Configuration ## Build Configuration
The `build` script generates `work/configs.yaml` based on the contents of the For more in-depth information about how the build system configuration works,
top-level config file, `work/configs/configs.conf`; normally this is a symlink to how to create custom config overlays, and details about individual config
`alpine.conf`, but can be overridden for custom builds. All configs are settings, see [CONFIGURATION.md](CONFIGURATION.md).
declared in [HOCON](https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/master/HOCON.md)
format, which allows importing from other files, simple variable interpolation,
and easy merging of objects. This flexibility helps keep configuration
The top-level `build.conf` has three main blocks, `Default` (default/starting
values), `Dimensions` (with configs that apply in different circumstances), and
`Mandatory` (required/final values). The configuration for these blocks are
merged in this exact order.
### Dimensions and Build Variants
Build variants _(I was watching Loki™ at the time...)_ are the sets of
dimensional "features" and related configuration details produced from a
Cartesian product across each of the dimensional keys. Dimensional configs are
merged together in the order they appear in `build.conf`.
If two dimensional keys are incompatible (for example, **version/3.11** did not
yet support **arch/aarch64**), an `EXCLUDE` directive indicates that such a
variant is non-viable, and will be skipped.
Likewise, if one dimension's configuration depends on the value of a different
dimensional key, the `WHEN` directive will supply the conditional config
details when that other dimensional key is part of the variant.
Currently the base set of dimensions (and dimension keys) are...
**version** - current "release" value for each is autodetected, and always a
component of an image's name
* **edge** ("release" value is the current UTC date)
* all *non-EOL* Alpine Linux versions
**arch** - machine architecture
* **x86_64** (aka "amd64")
* **aarch64** (aka "arm64")
**firmware** - machine boot firmware
* **bios** (legacy BIOS)
* **uefi**
**bootstrap** - image instantiation bootstrap is provided by...
* **tiny** (tiny-cloud-boostrap)
* **cloudinit** (cloud-init)
**cloud** - cloud provider or platform
* **aws** - Amazone Web Services / EC2
* **oci** - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure _(WiP)_
* **gcp** - Google Cloud Platform _(WiP)_
* **azure** - Microsoft Azure _(WiP)_
...each dimension may (or may not) contribute to the image name or description,
if the dimensional key's config contributes to the `name` or `description`
array values.
### Customized Builds

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@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
# Enable script debug output, set via 'packer build -var DEBUG=1' # Alpine Cloud Images Packer Configuration
### Variables
# include debug output from provisioning/post-processing scripts
variable "DEBUG" { variable "DEBUG" {
default = 0 default = 0
} }
# indicates cloud_helper.py should be run with --use-broker
variable "USE_BROKER" { variable "USE_BROKER" {
default = 0 default = 0
} }
# Tuneable based on perfomance of whatever Packer's running on, # tuneable QEMU VM parameters, based on perfomance of the local machine;
# override with './build --vars <pkrvars-file>' # overrideable via build script --vars parameter referencing a Packer
# ".vars.hcl" file containing alternate settings
variable "qemu" { variable "qemu" {
default = { default = {
boot_wait = { boot_wait = {
@ -20,6 +26,7 @@ variable "qemu" {
} }
} }
### Local Data
locals { locals {
debug_arg = var.DEBUG == 0 ? "" : "--debug" debug_arg = var.DEBUG == 0 ? "" : "--debug"

View File

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import logging
import shutil import shutil
import time import time
from glob import glob
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.request import urlopen
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ from image_configs import ImageConfigManager
### Constants & Variables ### Constants & Variables
STEPS = ['configs', 'actions', 'local', 'import', 'publish'] STEPS = ['configs', 'state', 'local', 'import', 'publish']
LOGFORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' LOGFORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
WORK_CLEAN = {'bin', 'include', 'lib', 'pyvenv.cfg', '__pycache__'} WORK_CLEAN = {'bin', 'include', 'lib', 'pyvenv.cfg', '__pycache__'}
WORK_OVERLAYS = ['configs', 'scripts'] WORK_OVERLAYS = ['configs', 'scripts']
@ -100,46 +101,54 @@ def clean_work():
os.unlink(x) os.unlink(x)
def is_same_dir_symlink(x): def is_images_conf(o, x):
if not os.path.islink(x): if not all([
o == 'configs',
return False return False
# must also link to file in the same directory
x_link = os.path.normpath(os.readlink(x)) x_link = os.path.normpath(os.readlink(x))
return x_link == os.path.basename(x_link) return x_link == os.path.basename(x_link)
# TODO: revisit this to improve --custom overlay implementation
def install_overlay(overlay): def install_overlay(overlay):
log.info("Installing '%s' overlay in work environment", overlay) log.info("Installing '%s' overlay in work environment", overlay)
dest_dir = os.path.join('work', overlay) dest_dir = os.path.join('work', overlay)
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
for src in unique_list(['.'] + args.custom): for src in unique_list(['.'] + args.custom):
src_dir = os.path.join(src, overlay) src_dir = os.path.join(src, overlay)
for x in os.listdir(src_dir): for x in glob(os.path.join(src_dir, '**'), recursive=True):
x = x.removeprefix(src_dir + '/')
src_x = os.path.join(src_dir, x) src_x = os.path.join(src_dir, x)
dest_x = os.path.join(dest_dir, x) dest_x = os.path.join(dest_dir, x)
if is_same_dir_symlink(src_x):
rel_x = os.readlink(src_x)
rel_x = os.path.relpath(src_x, dest_dir)
# TODO: only images.conf symlink can be overridden, in reality if is_images_conf(overlay, src_x):
if os.path.islink(dest_x): rel_x = os.readlink(src_x)
# only same-dir symlinks can be overridden if os.path.islink(dest_x):
if not is_same_dir_symlink(dest_x): print(f"\toverriding {dest_x}")
log.warning("Can't override %s with %s", dest_x, src_x) os.unlink(dest_x)
print(f"\tln -s {rel_x} {dest_x}")
os.symlink(rel_x, dest_x)
if os.path.isdir(src_x):
if not os.path.exists(dest_x):
log.debug('makedirs %s', dest_x)
if os.path.isdir(dest_x):
continue continue
log.debug('overriding %s with %s', dest_x, src_x) if os.path.exists(dest_x):
os.unlink(dest_x) log.critical('Unallowable destination overwirte detected: %s', dest_x)
elif os.path.exists(dest_x):
# we expect only symlnks in the overlay destination!
log.critical('Config overlay non-symlink detected: %s', dest_x)
sys.exit(1) sys.exit(1)
log.debug('ln -sf %s %s', rel_x, dest_x) log.debug('cp -p %s %s', src_x, dest_x)
os.symlink(rel_x, dest_x) shutil.copy(src_x, dest_x)
def install_overlays(): def install_overlays():
@ -188,22 +197,24 @@ parser.add_argument(
'--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug output') '--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug output')
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
'--clean', action='store_true', help='start with a clean work environment') '--clean', action='store_true', help='start with a clean work environment')
'--revise', action='store_true',
help='bump revisions if images already published')
# positional argument
'step', choices=STEPS, help='build up to and including this step')
# config options # config options
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
'--custom', metavar='DIR', nargs='+', action=are_args_valid(os.path.isdir), '--custom', metavar='DIR', nargs='+', action=are_args_valid(os.path.isdir),
default=[], help='overlay custom directory in work environment') default=[], help='overlay custom directory in work environment')
# state options
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
'--skip', metavar='KEY', nargs='+', action=remove_dupe_args(), '--skip', metavar='KEY', nargs='+', action=remove_dupe_args(),
default=[], help='skip variants with dimension key(s)') default=[], help='skip variants with dimension key(s)')
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
'--only', metavar='KEY', nargs='+', action=remove_dupe_args(), '--only', metavar='KEY', nargs='+', action=remove_dupe_args(),
default=[], help='only variants with dimension key(s)') default=[], help='only variants with dimension key(s)')
'--revise', action='store_true',
help='remove existing local/imported image, or bump revision and rebuild'
'if published')
'--use-broker', action='store_true',
help='use the identity broker to get credentials')
# packer options # packer options
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
'--no-color', action='store_true', help='turn off Packer color output') '--no-color', action='store_true', help='turn off Packer color output')
@ -213,10 +224,9 @@ parser.add_argument(
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
'--vars', metavar='FILE', nargs='+', action=are_args_valid(os.path.isfile), '--vars', metavar='FILE', nargs='+', action=are_args_valid(os.path.isfile),
default=[], help='supply Packer with -vars-file(s)') default=[], help='supply Packer with -vars-file(s)')
# positional argument
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
'--use-broker', action='store_true', 'step', choices=STEPS, help='build up to and including this step')
help='use the identity broker to get credentials')
# perhaps others?
args = parser.parse_args() args = parser.parse_args()
log = logging.getLogger('build') log = logging.getLogger('build')
@ -261,7 +271,7 @@ if not image_configs.refresh_state(
log.info('No pending actions to take at this time.') log.info('No pending actions to take at this time.')
sys.exit(0) sys.exit(0)
if args.step == 'actions': if args.step == 'state':
sys.exit(0) sys.exit(0)
# install firmware if missing # install firmware if missing

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# *AT LEAST* the 'project' setting with a unique identifier string value # *AT LEAST* the 'project' setting with a unique identifier string value
# via a "config overlay" to avoid image import and publishing collisions. # via a "config overlay" to avoid image import and publishing collisions.
project = https://alpinelinux.org/cloud project = "https://alpinelinux.org/cloud"
# all build configs start with these # all build configs start with these
Default { Default {
@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ Default {
motd { motd {
welcome = "Welcome to Alpine!" welcome = "Welcome to Alpine!"
wiki = \
"The Alpine Wiki contains a large amount of how-to guides and general\n"\ wiki = "The Alpine Wiki contains a large amount of how-to guides and general\n"
"information about administrating Alpine systems.\n"\ wiki += "information about administrating Alpine systems.\n"
"See <https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/>." wiki += "See <https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/>."
version_notes = "Release Notes:\n"\
"* <https://alpinelinux.org/posts/alpine-{version}.0/released.html>" version_notes = "Release Notes:\n"
release_notes = "* <https://alpinelinux.org/posts/{release}/released.html" version_notes += "* <https://alpinelinux.org/posts/alpine-{version}.0/released.html>"
release_notes = "* <https://alpinelinux.org/posts/{release}/released.html"
} }
# initial provisioning script and data directory # initial provisioning script and data directory
@ -34,6 +35,12 @@ Default {
login = alpine login = alpine
local_format = qcow2 local_format = qcow2
# image access
access.PUBLIC = true
# image publication
regions.ALL = true
} }
# profile build matrix # profile build matrix
@ -43,7 +50,6 @@ Dimensions {
"3.14" { include required("version/3.14.conf") } "3.14" { include required("version/3.14.conf") }
"3.13" { include required("version/3.13.conf") } "3.13" { include required("version/3.13.conf") }
"3.12" { include required("version/3.12.conf") } "3.12" { include required("version/3.12.conf") }
"3.11" { include required("version/3.11.conf") }
edge { include required("version/edge.conf") } edge { include required("version/edge.conf") }
} }
arch { arch {
@ -65,11 +71,10 @@ Dimensions {
# all build configs merge these at the very end # all build configs merge these at the very end
Mandatory { Mandatory {
name = [ "r{revision}" ] name = [ "r{revision}" ]
description = [ - https://alpinelinux.org/cloud ] description = [ "- https://alpinelinux.org/cloud" ]
motd { # final motd message
motd_change = "You may change this message by editing /etc/motd." motd.motd_change = "You may change this message by editing /etc/motd."
# final provisioning script # final provisioning script
scripts = [ cleanup ] scripts = [ cleanup ]

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("base/1.conf")
# Alpine 3.11 doesn't support aarch64
EXCLUDE = [ aarch64 ]

View File

@ -366,32 +366,41 @@ class ImageConfig():
actions = {} actions = {}
revision = 0 revision = 0
remote_image = clouds.latest_build_image(self) remote_image = clouds.latest_build_image(self)
step_state = step == 'state'
# enable actions based on the specified step # enable actions based on the specified step
if step in ['local', 'import', 'publish']: if step in ['local', 'import', 'publish', 'state']:
actions['build'] = True actions['build'] = True
if step in ['import', 'publish']: if step in ['import', 'publish', 'state']:
actions['import'] = True actions['import'] = True
if step == 'publish': if step in ['publish', 'state']:
# we will resolve publish destinations (if any) later # we will resolve publish destinations (if any) later
actions['publish'] = True actions['publish'] = True
if revise: if revise:
if self.local_path.exists(): if self.local_path.exists():
# remove previously built local image artifacts # remove previously built local image artifacts
log.warning('Removing existing local image dir %s', self.local_dir) log.warning('%s existing local image dir %s',
shutil.rmtree(self.local_dir) 'Would remove' if step_state else 'Removing',
if not step_state:
if remote_image and remote_image.published: if remote_image and remote_image.published:
log.warning('Bumping image revision for %s', self.image_key) log.warning('%s image revision for %s',
'Would bump' if step_state else 'Bumping',
revision = int(remote_image.revision) + 1 revision = int(remote_image.revision) + 1
elif remote_image and remote_image.imported: elif remote_image and remote_image.imported:
# remove existing imported (but unpublished) image # remove existing imported (but unpublished) image
log.warning('Removing unpublished remote image %s', remote_image.import_id) log.warning('%s unpublished remote image %s',
clouds.remove_image(self, remote_image.import_id) 'Would remove' if step_state else 'Removing',
if not step_state:
clouds.remove_image(self, remote_image.import_id)
remote_image = None remote_image = None

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@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ Dimensions {
#cloudinit { include required("testing/cloudinit.conf") } #cloudinit { include required("testing/cloudinit.conf") }
} }
cloud { cloud {
# just test in these regions
aws.regions {
us-west-2 = true
us-east-1 = true
# adapters need to be written # adapters need to be written
#oci { include required("testing/oci.conf") } #oci { include required("testing/oci.conf") }
#gcp { include required("testing/gcp.conf") } #gcp { include required("testing/gcp.conf") }
@ -30,10 +35,6 @@ Dimensions {
} }
} }
# test in private, and only in a couple regions # test in private, and only in regions specified above
Mandatory.access.PUBLIC = false Mandatory.access.PUBLIC = false
Mandatory.regions = { Mandatory.regions.ALL = false
ALL = false
us-west-2 = true
us-east-1 = true