Squashed 'alpine-cloud-images/' content from commit 59d83fd

git-subtree-dir: alpine-cloud-images
git-subtree-split: 59d83fdf536c111dd48525430a6ce3d4028d6f8b
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Reimer 2023-04-28 10:12:12 +00:00
commit 5d0009b5f8
63 changed files with 4028 additions and 0 deletions

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CONFIGURATION.md Normal file
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# Configuration
All the configuration for building image variants is defined by multiple
config files; the base configs for official Alpine Linux cloud images are in
the [`configs/`](configs/) directory.
We use [HOCON](https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/main/HOCON.md) for
configuration -- this primarily facilitates importing deeper configs from
other files, but also allows the extension/concatenation of arrays and maps
(which can be a useful feature for customization), and inline comments.
## Resolving Work Environment Configs and Scripts
If `work/configs/` and `work/scripts/` don't exist, the `build` script will
install the contents of the base [`configs/`](configs/) and [`scripts/`](scripts/)
directories, and overlay additional `configs/` and `scripts/` subdirectories
from `--custom` directories (if any).
Files cannot be installed over existing files, with one exception -- the
[`configs/images.conf`](configs/images.conf) same-directory symlink. Because
the `build` script _always_ loads `work/configs/images.conf`, this is the hook
for "rolling your own" custom Alpine Linux cloud images.
The base [`configs/images.conf`](configs/images.conf) symlinks to
[`alpine.conf`](configs/images.conf), but this can be overridden using a
`--custom` directory containing a new `configs/images.conf` same-directory
symlink pointing to its custom top-level config.
For example, the configs and scripts in the [`overlays/testing/`](overlays/testing/)
directory can be resolved in a _clean_ work environment with...
./build configs --custom overlays/testing
This results in the `work/configs/images.conf` symlink to point to
`work/configs/alpine-testing.conf` instead of `work/configs/alpine.conf`.
If multiple directories are specified with `--custom`, they are applied in
the order given.
## Top-Level Config File
Examples of top-level config files are [`configs/alpine.conf`](configs/alpine.conf)
and [`overlays/testing/configs/alpine-testing.conf`](overlays/testing/configs/alpine-testing.conf).
There are three main blocks that need to exist (or be `import`ed into) the top
level HOCON configuration, and are merged in this exact order:
### `Default`
All image variant configs start with this block's contents as a starting point.
Arrays and maps can be appended by configs in `Dimensions` and `Mandatory`
### `Dimensions`
The sub-blocks in `Dimensions` define the "dimensions" a variant config is
comprised of, and the different config values possible for that dimension.
The default [`alpine.conf`](configs/alpine.conf) defines the following
dimensional configs:
* `version` - Alpine Linux _x_._y_ (plus `edge`) versions
* `arch` - machine architectures, `x86_64` or `aarch64`
* `firmware` - supports launching via legacy BIOS or UEFI
* `bootstrap` - the system/scripts responsible for setting up an instance
during its initial launch
* `cloud` - for specific cloud platforms
The specific dimensional configs for an image variant are merged in the order
that the dimensions are listed.
### `Mandatory`
After a variant's dimensional configs have been applied, this is the last block
that's merged to the image variant configuration. This block is the ultimate
enforcer of any non-overrideable configuration across all variants, and can
also provide the last element to array config items.
## Dimensional Config Directives
Because a full cross-product across all dimensional configs may produce images
variants that are not viable (i.e. `aarch64` simply does not support legacy
`bios`), or may require further adjustments (i.e. the `aws` `aarch64` images
require an additional kernel module from `3.15` forward, which aren't available
in previous versions), we have two special directives which may appear in
dimensional configs.
### `EXCLUDE` array
This directive provides an array of dimensional config keys which are
incompatible with the current dimensional config. For example,
[`configs/arch/aarch64.conf`](configs/arch/aarch64.conf) specifies...
# aarch64 is UEFI only
EXCLUDE = [bios]
...which indicates that any image variant that includes both `aarch64` (the
current dimensional config) and `bios` configuration should be skipped.
### `WHEN` block
This directive conditionally merges additional configuration ***IF*** the
image variant also includes a specific dimensional config key (or keys). In
order to handle more complex situations, `WHEN` blocks may be nested. For
example, [`configs/cloud/aws.conf`](configs/cloud/aws.conf) has...
aarch64 {
# new AWS aarch64 default...
kernel_modules.gpio_pl061 = true
initfs_features.gpio_pl061 = true
"3.14 3.13 3.12" {
# ...but not supported for older versions
kernel_modules.gpio_pl061 = false
initfs_features.gpio_pl061 = false
This configures AWS `aarch64` images to use the `gpio_pl061` kernel module in
order to cleanly shutdown/reboot instances from the web console, CLI, or SDK.
However, this module is unavailable on older Alpine versions.
Spaces in `WHEN` block keys serve as an "OR" operator; nested `WHEN` blocks
function as "AND" operators.
## Config Settings
**Scalar** values can be simply overridden in later configs.
**Array** and **map** settings in later configs are merged with the previous
values, _or entirely reset if it's first set to `null`_, for example...
some_array = [ thing ]
# [...]
some_array = null
some_array = [ other_thing ]
Mostly in order of appearance, as we walk through
[`configs/alpine.conf`](configs/alpine.conf) and the deeper configs it
### `project` string
This is a unique identifier for the whole collection of images being built.
For the official Alpine Linux cloud images, this is set to
When building custom images, you **MUST** override **AT LEAST** this setting to
avoid image import and publishing collisions.
### `name` array
The ultimate contents of this array contribute to the overall naming of the
resultant image. Almost all dimensional configs will add to the `name` array,
with two notable exceptions: **version** configs' contribution to this array is
determined when `work/images.yaml` is resolved, and is set to the current
Alpine Linux release (_x.y.z_ or _YYYYMMDD_ for edge); also because
**cloud** images are isolated from each other, it's redundant to include that
in the image name.
### `description` array
Similar to the `name` array, the elements of this array contribute to the final
image description. However, for the official Alpine configs, only the
**version** dimension adds to this array, via the same mechanism that sets the
revision for the `name` array.
### `motd` map
This setting controls the contents of what ultimately gets written into the
variant image's `/etc/motd` file. Later configs can add additional messages,
replace existing contents, or remove them entirely (by setting the value to
The `motd.release_notes` setting will be ignored if the Alpine release does
not have a release notes web page associated with it.
### `scripts` array
These are the scripts that will be executed by Packer, in order, to do various
setup tasks inside a variant's image. The `work/scripts/` directory contains
all scripts, including those that may have been added via `build --custom`.
### `script_dirs` array
Directories (under `work/scripts/`) that contain additional data that the
`scripts` will need. Packer will copy these to the VM responsible for setting
up the variant image.
### `size` string
The size of the image disk, by default we use `1G` (1 GiB). This disk may (or
may not) be further partitioned, based on other factors.
### `login` string
The image's primary login user, set to `alpine`.
### `repos` map
Defines the contents of the image's `/etc/apk/repositories` file. The map's
key is the URL of the repo, and the value determines how that URL will be
represented in the `repositories` file...
| value | result |
| `null` | make no reference to this repo |
| `false` | this repo is commented out (disabled) |
| `true` | this repo is enabled for use |
| _tag_ | enable this repo with `@`_`tag`_ |
### `packages` map
Defines what APK packages to add/delete. The map's key is the package
name, and the value determines whether (or not) to install/uninstall the
| value | result |
| `null` | don't add or delete |
| `false` | explicitly delete |
| `true` | add from default repos |
| _tag_ | add from `@`_`tag`_ repo |
| `--no-scripts` | add with `--no-scripts` option |
| `--no-scripts` _tag_ | add from `@`_`tag`_ repo, with `--no-scripts` option |
### `services` map of maps
Defines what services are enabled/disabled at various runlevels. The first
map's key is the runlevel, the second key is the service. The service value
determines whether (or not) to enable/disable the service at that runlevel...
| value | result |
| `null` | don't enable or disable |
| `false` | explicitly disable |
| `true` | explicitly enable |
### `kernel_modules` map
Defines what kernel modules are specified in the boot loader. The key is the
kernel module, and the value determines whether or not it's in the final
| value | result |
| `null` | skip |
| `false` | skip |
| `true` | include |
### `kernel_options` map
Defines what kernel options are specified on the kernel command line. The keys
are the kernel options, the value determines whether or not it's in the final
| value | result |
| `null` | skip |
| `false` | skip |
| `true` | include |
### `initfs_features` map
Defines what initfs features are included when making the image's initramfs
file. The keys are the initfs features, and the values determine whether or
not they're included in the final list...
| value | result |
| `null` | skip |
| `false` | skip |
| `true` | include |
### `qemu.machine_type` string
The QEMU machine type to use when building local images. For x86_64, this is
set to `null`, for aarch64, we use `virt`.
### `qemu.args` list of lists
Additional QEMU arguments. For x86_64, this is set to `null`; but aarch64
requires several additional arguments to start an operational VM.
### `qemu.firmware` string
The path to the QEMU firmware (installed in `work/firmware/`). This is only
used when creating UEFI images.
### `bootloader` string
The bootloader to use, currently `extlinux` or `grub-efi`.
### `access` map
When images are published, this determines who has access to those images.
The key is the cloud account (or `PUBLIC`), and the value is whether or not
access is granted, `true` or `false`/`null`.
### `regions` map
Determines where images should be published. The key is the region
identifier (or `ALL`), and the value is whether or not to publish to that
region, `true` or `false`/`null`.
### `encrypted` string
Determines whether the image will be encrypted when imported and published.
Currently, only the **aws** cloud module supports this.
### `repo_keys` array
List of addtional repository keys to trust during the package installation phase.
This allows pulling in custom apk packages by simple specifying the repository name in packages block.

LICENSE.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Jake Buchholz Göktürk, Michael Crute
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
# Alpine Linux Cloud Image Builder
This repository contains the code and and configs for the build system used to
create official Alpine Linux images for various cloud providers, in various
configurations. This build system is flexible, enabling others to build their
own customized images.
## Pre-Built Offical Cloud Images
To get started with offical pre-built Alpine Linux cloud images, visit
https://alpinelinux.org/cloud. Currently, we build official images for the
following cloud platforms...
...we are working on also publishing offical images to other major cloud
Each published image's name contains the Alpine version release, architecture,
firmware, bootstrap, and image revision. These details (and more) are also
tagged on the images...
| Tag | Description / Values |
| name | `alpine-`_`release`_`-`_`arch`_`-`_`firmware`_`-`_`bootstrap`_`-r`_`revision`_ |
| project | `https://alpinelinux.org/cloud` |
| image_key | _`release`_`-`_`arch`_`-`_`firmware`_`-`_`bootstrap`_`-`_`cloud`_ |
| version | Alpine version (_`x.y`_ or `edge`) |
| release | Alpine release (_`x.y.z`_ or _`YYYYMMDD`_ for edge) |
| arch | architecture (`aarch64` or `x86_64`) |
| firmware | boot mode (`bios` or `uefi`) |
| bootstrap | initial bootstrap system (`tiny` = Tiny Cloud) |
| cloud | provider short name (`aws`) |
| revision | image revision number |
| imported | image import timestamp |
| import_id | imported image id |
| import_region | imported image region |
| published | image publication timestamp |
| description | image description |
Although AWS does not allow cross-account filtering by tags, the image name can
still be used to filter images. For example, to get a list of available Alpine
3.x aarch64 images in AWS eu-west-2...
aws ec2 describe-images \
--region eu-west-2 \
--owners 538276064493 \
--filters \
Name=name,Values='alpine-3.*-aarch64-*' \
Name=state,Values=available \
--output text \
--query 'reverse(sort_by(Images, &CreationDate))[].[ImageId,Name,CreationDate]'
To get just the most recent matching image, use...
--query 'max_by(Image, &CreationDate).[ImageId,Name,CreationDate]'
## Build System
The build system consists of a number of components:
* the primary `build` script
* the `configs/` directory, defining the set of images to be built
* the `scripts/` directory, containing scripts and related data used to set up
image contents during provisioning
* the Packer `alpine.pkr.hcl`, which orchestrates build, import, and publishing
of images
* the `cloud_helper.py` script that Packer runs in order to do cloud-specific
import and publish operations
### Build Requirements
* [Python](https://python.org) (3.9.7 is known to work)
* [Packer](https://packer.io) (1.7.6 is known to work)
* [QEMU](https://www.qemu.org) (6.1.0 is known to work)
* cloud provider account(s)
### Cloud Credentials
By default, the build system relies on the cloud providers' Python API
libraries to find and use the necessary credentials, usually via configuration
under the user's home directory (i.e. `~/.aws/`, `~/.oci/`, etc.) or or via
environment variables (i.e. `AWS_...`, `OCI_...`, etc.)
The credentials' user/role needs sufficient permission to query, import, and
publish images -- the exact details will vary from cloud to cloud. _It is
recommended that only the minimum required permissions are granted._
_We manage the credentials for publishing official Alpine images with an
"identity broker" service, and retrieve those credentials via the
`--use-broker` argument of the `build` script._
### The `build` Script
usage: build [-h] [--debug] [--clean] [--pad-uefi-bin-arch ARCH [ARCH ...]]
[--custom DIR [DIR ...]] [--skip KEY [KEY ...]] [--only KEY [KEY ...]]
[--revise] [--use-broker] [--no-color] [--parallel N]
[--vars FILE [FILE ...]]
positional arguments: (build up to and including this step)
configs resolve image build configuration
state refresh current image build state
rollback remove existing local/uploaded/imported images if un-published/released
local build images locally
upload upload images and metadata to storage
* import import local images to cloud provider default region (*)
* publish set image permissions and publish to cloud regions (*)
release mark images as being officially relased
(*) may not apply to or be implemented for all cloud providers
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug enable debug output
--clean start with a clean work environment
--pad-uefi-bin-arch ARCH [ARCH ...]
pad out UEFI firmware to 64 MiB ('aarch64')
--custom DIR [DIR ...] overlay custom directory in work environment
--skip KEY [KEY ...] skip variants with dimension key(s)
--only KEY [KEY ...] only variants with dimension key(s)
--revise remove existing local/uploaded/imported images if
un-published/released, or bump revision and rebuild
--use-broker use the identity broker to get credentials
--no-color turn off Packer color output
--parallel N build N images in parallel
--vars FILE [FILE ...] supply Packer with -vars-file(s) (default: [])
The `build` script will automatically create a `work/` directory containing a
Python virtual environment if one does not already exist. This directory also
hosts other data related to building images. The `--clean` argument will
remove everything in the `work/` directory except for things related to the
Python virtual environment.
If `work/configs/` or `work/scripts/` directories do not yet exist, they will
be populated with the base configuration and scripts from `configs/` and/or
`scripts/` directories. If any custom overlay directories are specified with
the `--custom` argument, their `configs/` and `scripts/` subdirectories are
also added to `work/configs/` and `work/scripts/`.
The "build step" positional argument deterimines the last step the `build`
script should execute -- all steps before this targeted step may also be
executed. That is, `build local` will first execute the `configs` step (if
necessary) and then the `state` step (always) before proceeding to the `local`
The `configs` step resolves configuration for all buildable images, and writes
it to `work/images.yaml`, if it does not already exist.
The `state` step always checks the current state of the image builds,
determines what actions need to be taken, and updates `work/images.yaml`. A
subset of image builds can be targeted by using the `--skip` and `--only`
The `rollback` step, when used with `--revise` argument indicates that any
_unpublished_ and _unreleased_ local, imported, or uploaded images should be
removed and rebuilt.
As _published_ and _released_ images can't be removed, `--revise` can be used
with `configs` or `state` to increment the _`revision`_ value to rebuild newly
revised images.
`local`, `upload`, `import`, `publish`, and `release` steps are orchestrated by
Packer. By default, each image will be processed serially; providing the
`--parallel` argument with a value greater than 1 will parallelize operations.
The degree to which you can parallelze `local` image builds will depend on the
local build hardware -- as QEMU virtual machines are launched for each image
being built. Image `upload`, `import`, `publish`, and `release` steps are much
more lightweight, and can support higher parallelism.
The `local` step builds local images with QEMU, for those that are not already
built locally or have already been imported. Images are converted to formats
amenable for import into the cloud provider (if necessary) and checksums are
The `upload` step uploads the local image, checksum, and metadata to the
defined `storage_url`. The `import`, `publish`, and `release` steps will
also upload updated image metadata.
The `import` step imports the local images into the cloud providers' default
regions, unless they've already been imported. At this point the images are
not available publicly, allowing for additional testing prior to publishing.
The `publish` step copies the image from the default region to other regions,
if they haven't already been copied there. This step will always update
image permissions, descriptions, tags, and deprecation date (if applicable)
in all regions where the image has been published.
***NOTE:*** The `import` and `publish` steps are skipped for those cloud
providers where this does not make sense (i.e. NoCloud) or for those which
it has not yet been coded.
The `release` step marks the images as being fully released.
### The `cloud_helper.py` Script
This script is meant to be called only by Packer from its `post-processor`
## Build Configuration
For more in-depth information about how the build system configuration works,
how to create custom config overlays, and details about individual config

alpine.pkr.hcl Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# Alpine Cloud Images Packer Configuration
### Variables
# include debug output from provisioning/post-processing scripts
variable "DEBUG" {
default = 0
# indicates cloud_helper.py should be run with --use-broker
variable "USE_BROKER" {
default = 0
# tuneable QEMU VM parameters, based on perfomance of the local machine;
# overrideable via build script --vars parameter referencing a Packer
# ".vars.hcl" file containing alternate settings
variable "qemu" {
default = {
boot_wait = {
aarch64 = "1m"
x86_64 = "1m"
cmd_wait = "5s"
ssh_timeout = "1m"
memory = 1024 # MiB
### Local Data
locals {
# possible actions for the post-processor
actions = [
"local", "upload", "import", "publish", "release"
debug_arg = var.DEBUG == 0 ? "" : "--debug"
broker_arg = var.USE_BROKER == 0 ? "" : "--use-broker"
# randomly generated password
password = uuidv4()
# resolve actionable build configs
configs = { for b, cfg in yamldecode(file("work/images.yaml")):
b => cfg if contains(keys(cfg), "actions")
### Build Sources
# Don't build
source null alpine {
communicator = "none"
# Common to all QEMU builds
source qemu alpine {
# qemu machine
headless = true
memory = var.qemu.memory
net_device = "virtio-net"
disk_interface = "virtio"
# build environment
boot_command = [
"ifup eth0<enter><wait${var.qemu.cmd_wait}>",
"setup-sshd openssh<enter><wait${var.qemu.cmd_wait}>",
"echo PermitRootLogin yes >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config<enter>",
"service sshd restart<enter>",
"echo 'root:${local.password}' | chpasswd<enter>",
ssh_username = "root"
ssh_password = local.password
ssh_timeout = var.qemu.ssh_timeout
shutdown_command = "poweroff"
build {
name = "alpine"
## Builders
# QEMU builder
dynamic "source" {
for_each = { for b, c in local.configs:
b => c if contains(c.actions, "local")
iterator = B
labels = ["qemu.alpine"] # links us to the base source
content {
name = B.key
# qemu machine
qemu_binary = "qemu-system-${B.value.arch}"
qemuargs = B.value.qemu.args
machine_type = B.value.qemu.machine_type
firmware = B.value.qemu.firmware
# build environment
iso_url = B.value.qemu.iso_url
iso_checksum = "file:${B.value.qemu.iso_url}.sha512"
boot_wait = var.qemu.boot_wait[B.value.arch]
# results
output_directory = "work/images/${B.value.cloud}/${B.value.image_key}"
disk_size = B.value.size
format = "qcow2"
vm_name = "image.qcow2"
# Null builder (don't build, but we might do other actions)
dynamic "source" {
for_each = { for b, c in local.configs:
b => c if !contains(c.actions, "local")
iterator = B
labels = ["null.alpine"]
content {
name = B.key
## build provisioners
# install setup files
dynamic "provisioner" {
for_each = { for b, c in local.configs:
b => c if contains(c.actions, "local")
iterator = B
labels = ["file"]
content {
only = [ "qemu.${B.key}" ] # configs specific to one build
sources = [ for d in B.value.script_dirs: "work/scripts/${d}" ]
destination = "/tmp/"
# run setup scripts
dynamic "provisioner" {
for_each = { for b, c in local.configs:
b => c if contains(c.actions, "local")
iterator = B
labels = ["shell"]
content {
only = [ "qemu.${B.key}" ] # configs specific to one build
scripts = [ for s in B.value.scripts: "work/scripts/${s}" ]
use_env_var_file = true
environment_vars = [
## build post-processor
# import and/or publish cloud images
dynamic "post-processor" {
for_each = { for b, c in local.configs:
b => c if length(setintersection(c.actions, local.actions)) > 0
iterator = B
labels = ["shell-local"]
content {
only = [ "qemu.${B.key}", "null.${B.key}" ]
inline = [ for action in local.actions:
"./cloud_helper.py ${action} ${local.debug_arg} ${local.broker_arg} ${B.key}" if contains(B.value.actions, action)

alpine.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# vim: ts=4 et:
import json
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from urllib.request import urlopen
class Alpine():
DEFAULT_RELEASES_URL = 'https://alpinelinux.org/releases.json'
DEFAULT_POSTS_URL = 'https://alpinelinux.org/posts/'
DEFAULT_CDN_URL = 'https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine'
def __init__(self, releases_url=None, posts_url=None, cdn_url=None, web_timeout=None):
self.now = datetime.utcnow()
self.release_today = self.now.strftime('%Y%m%d')
self.eol_tomorrow = (self.now + timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%F')
self.latest = None
self.versions = {}
self.releases_url = releases_url or self.DEFAULT_RELEASES_URL
self.posts_url = posts_url or self.DEFAULT_POSTS_URL
self.web_timeout = web_timeout or self.DEFAULT_WEB_TIMEOUT
self.cdn_url = cdn_url or self.DEFAULT_CDN_URL
# get all Alpine versions, and their EOL and latest release
res = urlopen(self.releases_url, timeout=self.web_timeout)
r = json.load(res)
branches = sorted(
r['release_branches'], reverse=True,
key=lambda x: x.get('branch_date', '0000-00-00')
for b in branches:
ver = b['rel_branch'].lstrip('v')
if not self.latest:
self.latest = ver
rel = None
notes = None
if releases := b.get('releases', None):
r = sorted(
releases, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x['date']
rel = r['version']
notes = r.get('notes', None)
if notes:
notes = self.posts_url + notes.removeprefix('posts/').replace('.md', '.html')
elif ver == 'edge':
# edge "releases" is today's YYYYMMDD
rel = self.release_today
self.versions[ver] = {
'version': ver,
'release': rel,
'end_of_life': b.get('eol_date', self.eol_tomorrow),
'arches': b.get('arches'),
'notes': notes,
def _ver(self, ver=None):
if not ver or ver == 'latest' or ver == 'latest-stable':
ver = self.latest
return ver
def repo_url(self, repo, arch, ver=None):
ver = self._ver(ver)
if ver != 'edge':
ver = 'v' + ver
return f"{self.cdn_url}/{ver}/{repo}/{arch}"
def virt_iso_url(self, arch, ver=None):
ver = self._ver(ver)
rel = self.versions[ver]['release']
return f"{self.cdn_url}/v{ver}/releases/{arch}/alpine-virt-{rel}-{arch}.iso"
def version_info(self, ver=None):
ver = self._ver(ver)
if ver not in self.versions:
# perhaps a release candidate?
apk_ver = self.apk_version('main', 'x86_64', 'alpine-base', ver=ver)
rel = apk_ver.split('-')[0]
ver = '.'.join(rel.split('.')[:2])
self.versions[ver] = {
'version': ver,
'release': rel,
'end_of_life': self.eol_tomorrow,
'arches': self.versions['edge']['arches'], # reasonable assumption
'notes': None,
return self.versions[ver]
# TODO? maybe implement apk_info() to read from APKINDEX, but for now
# this apk_version() seems faster and gets what we need
def apk_version(self, repo, arch, apk, ver=None):
ver = self._ver(ver)
repo_url = self.repo_url(repo, arch, ver=ver)
apks_re = re.compile(f'"{apk}-(\\d.*)\\.apk"')
res = urlopen(repo_url, timeout=self.web_timeout)
for line in map(lambda x: x.decode('utf8'), res):
if not line.startswith('<a href="'):
match = apks_re.search(line)
if match:
return match.group(1)
# didn't find it?
raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to find {apk} APK via {repo_url}")

build Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: ts=4 et:
# Ensure we're using the Python virtual env with our installed dependencies
import os
import sys
import subprocess
sys.pycache_prefix = 'work/__pycache__'
# Create the work environment if it doesn't exist.
if not os.path.exists('work'):
import venv
print('Work environment does not exist, creating...', file=sys.stderr)
venv.create('work', with_pip=True)
subprocess.run(['work/bin/pip', 'install', '-U', 'pip', 'wheel'])
subprocess.run(['work/bin/pip', 'install', '-U', *PIP_LIBS])
# Re-execute using the right virtual environment, if necessary.
venv_args = [os.path.join('work', 'bin', 'python3')] + sys.argv
if os.path.join(os.getcwd(), venv_args[0]) != sys.executable:
print("Re-executing with work environment's Python...\n", file=sys.stderr)
os.execv(venv_args[0], venv_args)
# We're now in the right Python environment...
import argparse
import io
import logging
import shutil
import time
from glob import glob
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from urllib.request import urlopen
import clouds
from alpine import Alpine
from image_config_manager import ImageConfigManager
### Constants & Variables
STEPS = ['configs', 'state', 'rollback', 'local', 'upload', 'import', 'publish', 'release']
LOGFORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
WORK_CLEAN = {'bin', 'include', 'lib', 'pyvenv.cfg', '__pycache__'}
WORK_OVERLAYS = ['configs', 'scripts']
'aarch64': {
'apk': 'aavmf',
'bin': 'usr/share/AAVMF/QEMU_EFI.fd',
'x86_64': {
'apk': 'ovmf',
'bin': 'usr/share/OVMF/OVMF.fd',
alpine = Alpine()
### Functions
# ensure list has unique values, preserving order
def unique_list(x):
d = {e: 1 for e in x}
return list(d.keys())
def remove_dupe_args():
class RemoveDupeArgs(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
setattr(args, self.dest, unique_list(values))
return RemoveDupeArgs
def are_args_valid(checker):
class AreArgsValid(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, args, values, option_string=None):
# remove duplicates
values = unique_list(values)
for x in values:
if not checker(x):
parser.error(f"{option_string} value is not a {self.metavar}: {x}")
setattr(args, self.dest, values)
return AreArgsValid
def clean_work():
log.info('Cleaning work environment')
for x in (set(os.listdir('work')) - WORK_CLEAN):
x = os.path.join('work', x)
log.debug('removing %s', x)
if os.path.isdir(x) and not os.path.islink(x):
def is_images_conf(o, x):
if not all([
o == 'configs',
return False
# must also link to file in the same directory
x_link = os.path.normpath(os.readlink(x))
return x_link == os.path.basename(x_link)
def install_overlay(overlay):
log.info("Installing '%s' overlay in work environment", overlay)
dest_dir = os.path.join('work', overlay)
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True)
for src in unique_list(['.'] + args.custom):
src_dir = os.path.join(src, overlay)
if not os.path.exists(src_dir):
log.debug('%s does not exist, skipping', src_dir)
for x in glob(os.path.join(src_dir, '**'), recursive=True):
x = x.removeprefix(src_dir + '/')
src_x = os.path.join(src_dir, x)
dest_x = os.path.join(dest_dir, x)
if is_images_conf(overlay, src_x):
rel_x = os.readlink(src_x)
if os.path.islink(dest_x):
log.debug('overriding %s', dest_x)
log.debug('ln -s %s %s', rel_x, dest_x)
os.symlink(rel_x, dest_x)
if os.path.isdir(src_x):
if not os.path.exists(dest_x):
log.debug('makedirs %s', dest_x)
if os.path.isdir(dest_x):
if os.path.exists(dest_x):
log.critical('Unallowable destination overwirte detected: %s', dest_x)
log.debug('cp -p %s %s', src_x, dest_x)
shutil.copy(src_x, dest_x)
def install_overlays():
for overlay in WORK_OVERLAYS:
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join('work', overlay)):
log.info("Using existing '%s' in work environment", overlay)
def install_qemu_firmware():
firm_dir = 'work/firmware'
if os.path.isdir(firm_dir):
log.info('Using existing UEFI firmware in work environment')
log.info('Installing UEFI firmware in work environment')
for arch, a_cfg in UEFI_FIRMWARE.items():
apk = a_cfg['apk']
bin = a_cfg['bin']
v = alpine.apk_version('community', arch, apk)
apk_url = f"{alpine.repo_url('community', arch)}/{apk}-{v}.apk"
data = urlopen(apk_url).read()
# Python tarfile library can't extract from APKs
tar_cmd = ['tar', '-zxf', '-', '-C', firm_dir, bin]
p = Popen(tar_cmd, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate(input=data)
if p.returncode:
log.critical('Unable to untar %s to get %s', apk_url, bin)
log.error('%s = %s', p.returncode, ' '.join(tar_cmd))
log.error('STDOUT:\n%s', out.decode('utf8'))
log.error('STDERR:\n%s', err.decode('utf8'))
firm_bin = os.path.join(firm_dir, f"uefi-{arch}.bin")
os.symlink(bin, firm_bin)
if arch in args.pad_uefi_bin_arch:
log.info('Padding "%s" to 67108864 bytes', firm_bin)
subprocess.run(['truncate', '-s', '67108864', firm_bin])
### Command Line & Logging
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
# general options
'--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug output')
'--clean', action='store_true', help='start with a clean work environment')
'--pad-uefi-bin-arch', metavar='ARCH', nargs='+', action=remove_dupe_args(),
default=['aarch64'], help='pad out UEFI firmware binaries to 64 MiB')
# config options
'--custom', metavar='DIR', nargs='+', action=are_args_valid(os.path.isdir),
default=[], help='overlay custom directory in work environment')
# state options
'--skip', metavar='KEY', nargs='+', action=remove_dupe_args(),
default=[], help='skip variants with dimension key(s)')
'--only', metavar='KEY', nargs='+', action=remove_dupe_args(),
default=[], help='only variants with dimension key(s)')
'--revise', action='store_true',
help='remove existing local/uploaded/imported image, or bump revision and '
' rebuild if published or released')
'--use-broker', action='store_true',
help='use the identity broker to get credentials')
# packer options
'--no-color', action='store_true', help='turn off Packer color output')
'--parallel', metavar='N', type=int, default=1,
help='build N images in parallel')
'--vars', metavar='FILE', nargs='+', action=are_args_valid(os.path.isfile),
default=[], help='supply Packer with -vars-file(s)')
# positional argument
'step', choices=STEPS, help='build up to and including this step')
args = parser.parse_args()
log = logging.getLogger('build')
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)
console = logging.StreamHandler()
logfmt = logging.Formatter(LOGFORMAT, datefmt='%FT%TZ')
logfmt.converter = time.gmtime
if args.step == 'rollback':
log.warning('"rollback" step enables --revise option')
args.revise = True
# set up credential provider, if we're going to use it
if args.use_broker:
### Setup Configs
latest = alpine.version_info()
log.info('Latest Alpine version %s, release %s, and notes: %s', latest['version'], latest['release'], latest['notes'])
if args.clean:
# install overlay(s) if missing
image_configs = ImageConfigManager(
log.info('Configuration Complete')
if args.step == 'configs':
### What needs doing?
if not image_configs.refresh_state(
step=args.step, only=args.only, skip=args.skip, revise=args.revise):
log.info('No pending actions to take at this time.')
if args.step == 'state' or args.step == 'rollback':
# install firmware if missing
### Build/Import/Publish with Packer
env = os.environ | {
'TZ': 'UTC',
'PACKER_CACHE_DIR': 'work/packer_cache'
packer_cmd = [
'packer', 'build', '-timestamp-ui',
'-parallel-builds', str(args.parallel)
if args.no_color:
if args.use_broker:
packer_cmd += ['-var', 'USE_BROKER=1']
if args.debug:
# do not add '-debug', it will pause between steps
packer_cmd += ['-var', 'DEBUG=1']
for var_file in args.vars:
packer_cmd += ['.']
log.info('Executing Packer...')
out = io.StringIO()
p = Popen(packer_cmd, stdout=PIPE, encoding='utf8', env=env)
while p.poll() is None:
text = p.stdout.readline()
print(text, end="")
if p.returncode != 0:
log.critical('Packer Failure')
log.info('Packer Completed')
# update final state in work/images.yaml
# TODO: do we need to do all of this or just save all the image_configs?
log.info('Build Finished')

cloud_helper.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: ts=4 et:
# Ensure we're using the Python virtual env with our installed dependencies
import os
import sys
import textwrap
NOTE = textwrap.dedent("""
This script is meant to be run as a Packer post-processor, and Packer is only
meant to be executed from the main 'build' script, which is responsible for
setting up the work environment.
sys.pycache_prefix = 'work/__pycache__'
if not os.path.exists('work'):
print('FATAL: Work directory does not exist.', file=sys.stderr)
print(NOTE, file=sys.stderr)
# Re-execute using the right virtual environment, if necessary.
venv_args = [os.path.join('work', 'bin', 'python3')] + sys.argv
if os.path.join(os.getcwd(), venv_args[0]) != sys.executable:
print("Re-executing with work environment's Python...\n", file=sys.stderr)
os.execv(venv_args[0], venv_args)
# We're now in the right Python environment
import argparse
import logging
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import clouds
from image_config_manager import ImageConfigManager
### Constants & Variables
ACTIONS = ['local', 'upload', 'import', 'publish', 'release']
LOGFORMAT = '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
### Command Line & Logging
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=NOTE)
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug output')
'--use-broker', action='store_true',
help='use the identity broker to get credentials')
parser.add_argument('action', choices=ACTIONS)
parser.add_argument('image_keys', metavar='IMAGE_KEY', nargs='+')
args = parser.parse_args()
log = logging.getLogger(args.action)
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)
# log to STDOUT so that it's not all red when executed by packer
console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
# set up credential provider, if we're going to use it
if args.use_broker:
# load build configs
configs = ImageConfigManager(
yaml = YAML()
yaml.explicit_start = True
for image_key in args.image_keys:
image_config = configs.get(image_key)
if args.action == 'local':
elif args.action == 'upload':
if image_config.storage:
elif args.action == 'import':
elif args.action == 'publish':
elif args.action == 'release':
# TODO: image_config.release_image() - configurable steps to take on remote host
# save per-image metadata

clouds/__init__.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# vim: ts=4 et:
from . import aws, nocloud, azure, gcp, oci
def register(*mods):
for mod in mods:
cloud = mod.__name__.split('.')[-1]
if p := mod.register(cloud):
ADAPTERS[cloud] = p
aws, # well-tested and fully supported
nocloud, # beta, but supported
azure, # alpha, needs testing, lacks import and publish
gcp, # alpha, needs testing, lacks import and publish
oci, # alpha, needs testing, lacks import and publish
# using a credential provider is optional, set across all adapters
def set_credential_provider(debug=False):
from .identity_broker_client import IdentityBrokerClient
cred_provider = IdentityBrokerClient(debug=debug)
for adapter in ADAPTERS.values():
adapter.cred_provider = cred_provider
### forward to the correct adapter
# TODO: latest_imported_tags(...)
def get_latest_imported_tags(config):
return ADAPTERS[config.cloud].get_latest_imported_tags(
def import_image(config):
return ADAPTERS[config.cloud].import_image(config)
def delete_image(config, image_id):
return ADAPTERS[config.cloud].delete_image(image_id)
def publish_image(config):
return ADAPTERS[config.cloud].publish_image(config)

clouds/aws.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
# NOTE: not meant to be executed directly
# vim: ts=4 et:
import logging
import hashlib
import os
import subprocess
import time
from datetime import datetime
from .interfaces.adapter import CloudAdapterInterface
from image_tags import DictObj, ImageTags
class AWSCloudAdapter(CloudAdapterInterface):
'revision', 'imported', 'import_id', 'import_region', 'published',
'access_key': 'aws_access_key_id',
'secret_key': 'aws_secret_access_key',
'session_token': 'aws_session_token',
ARCH = {
'aarch64': 'arm64',
'x86_64': 'x86_64',
'bios': 'legacy-bios',
'uefi': 'uefi',
def sdk(self):
# delayed import/install of SDK until we want to use it
if not self._sdk:
import boto3
except ModuleNotFoundError:
subprocess.run(['work/bin/pip', 'install', '-U', 'boto3'])
import boto3
self._sdk = boto3
return self._sdk
def session(self, region=None):
if region not in self._sessions:
creds = {'region_name': region} | self.credentials(region)
self._sessions[region] = self.sdk.session.Session(**creds)
return self._sessions[region]
def regions(self):
if self.cred_provider:
return self.cred_provider.get_regions(self.cloud)
# list of all subscribed regions
return {r['RegionName']: True for r in self.session().client('ec2').describe_regions()['Regions']}
def default_region(self):
if self.cred_provider:
return self.cred_provider.get_default_region(self.cloud)
# rely on our env or ~/.aws config for the default
return None
def credentials(self, region=None):
if not self.cred_provider:
# use the cloud SDK's default credential discovery
return {}
creds = self.cred_provider.get_credentials(self.cloud, region)
# return dict suitable to use for session()
return {self.CRED_MAP[k]: v for k, v in creds.items() if k in self.CRED_MAP}
def _get_images_with_tags(self, project, image_key, tags={}, region=None):
ec2r = self.session(region).resource('ec2')
req = {'Owners': ['self'], 'Filters': []}
tags |= {
'project': project,
'image_key': image_key,
for k, v in tags.items():
req['Filters'].append({'Name': f"tag:{k}", 'Values': [str(v)]})
return sorted(
ec2r.images.filter(**req), key=lambda k: k.creation_date, reverse=True)
# necessary cloud-agnostic image info
# TODO: still necessary? maybe just incoroporate into new latest_imported_tags()?
def _image_info(self, i):
tags = ImageTags(from_list=i.tags)
return DictObj({k: tags.get(k, None) for k in self.IMAGE_INFO})
# get the latest imported image's tags for a given build key
def get_latest_imported_tags(self, project, image_key):
images = self._get_images_with_tags(
if images:
# first one is the latest
return ImageTags(from_list=images[0].tags)
return None
# import an image
# NOTE: requires 'vmimport' role with read/write of <s3_bucket>.* and its objects
def import_image(self, ic):
log = logging.getLogger('import')
description = ic.image_description
session = self.session()
s3r = session.resource('s3')
ec2c = session.client('ec2')
ec2r = session.resource('ec2')
bucket_name = 'alpine-cloud-images.' + hashlib.sha1(os.urandom(40)).hexdigest()
bucket = s3r.Bucket(bucket_name)
log.info('Creating S3 bucket %s', bucket.name)
CreateBucketConfiguration={'LocationConstraint': ec2c.meta.region_name}
s3_url = f"s3://{bucket.name}/{ic.image_file}"
log.info('Uploading %s to %s', ic.image_path, s3_url)
bucket.upload_file(str(ic.image_path), ic.image_file)
# import snapshot from S3
log.info('Importing EC2 snapshot from %s', s3_url)
ss_import_opts = {
'DiskContainer': {
'Description': description, # https://github.com/boto/boto3/issues/2286
'Format': 'VHD',
'Url': s3_url,
'Encrypted': True if ic.encrypted else False,
# NOTE: TagSpecifications -- doesn't work with ResourceType: snapshot?
if type(ic.encrypted) is str:
ss_import_opts['KmsKeyId'] = ic.encrypted
ss_import = ec2c.import_snapshot(**ss_import_opts)
ss_task_id = ss_import['ImportTaskId']
while True:
ss_task = ec2c.describe_import_snapshot_tasks(
task_detail = ss_task['ImportSnapshotTasks'][0]['SnapshotTaskDetail']
if task_detail['Status'] not in ['pending', 'active', 'completed']:
msg = f"Bad EC2 snapshot import: {task_detail['Status']} - {task_detail['StatusMessage']}"
raise RuntimeError(msg)
if task_detail['Status'] == 'completed':
snapshot_id = task_detail['SnapshotId']
except Exception:
log.error('Unable to import snapshot from S3:', exc_info=True)
# always cleanup S3, even if there was an exception raised
log.info('Cleaning up %s', s3_url)
# tag snapshot
snapshot = ec2r.Snapshot(snapshot_id)
log.info('Tagging EC2 snapshot %s', snapshot_id)
tags = ic.tags
tags.Name = tags.name # because AWS is special
except Exception:
log.error('Unable to tag snapshot:', exc_info=True)
log.info('Removing snapshot')
# register AMI
log.info('Registering EC2 AMI from snapshot %s', snapshot_id)
img = ec2c.register_image(
'DeviceName': '/dev/xvda',
'Ebs': {
'SnapshotId': snapshot_id,
'VolumeType': 'gp3'
except Exception:
log.error('Unable to register image:', exc_info=True)
log.info('Removing snapshot')
image_id = img['ImageId']
image = ec2r.Image(image_id)
# tag image (adds imported tag)
log.info('Tagging EC2 AMI %s', image_id)
tags.imported = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
tags.import_id = image_id
tags.import_region = ec2c.meta.region_name
except Exception:
log.error('Unable to tag image:', exc_info=True)
log.info('Removing image and snapshot')
# update ImageConfig with imported tag values, minus special AWS 'Name'
tags.pop('Name', None)
ic.__dict__ |= tags
# delete an (unpublished) image
def delete_image(self, image_id):
log = logging.getLogger('build')
ec2r = self.session().resource('ec2')
image = ec2r.Image(image_id)
snapshot_id = image.block_device_mappings[0]['Ebs']['SnapshotId']
snapshot = ec2r.Snapshot(snapshot_id)
log.info('Deregistering %s', image_id)
log.info('Deleting %s', snapshot_id)
# publish an image
def publish_image(self, ic):
log = logging.getLogger('publish')
source_image = self.get_latest_imported_tags(
if not source_image:
log.error('No source image for %s', ic.image_key)
raise RuntimeError('Missing source imamge')
source_id = source_image.import_id
source_region = source_image.import_region
log.info('Publishing source: %s/%s', source_region, source_id)
source = self.session().resource('ec2').Image(source_id)
# we may be updating tags, get them from image config
tags = ic.tags
# sort out published image access permissions
perms = {'groups': [], 'users': []}
if ic.access.get('PUBLIC', None):
perms['groups'] = ['all']
for k, v in ic.access.items():
if v:
log.debug('users: %s', k)
log.debug('perms: %s', perms)
# resolve destination regions
regions = self.regions
if ic.regions.pop('ALL', None):
log.info('Publishing to ALL available regions')
# clear ALL out of the way if it's still there
ic.regions.pop('ALL', None)
regions = {r: regions[r] for r in ic.regions}
publishing = {}
for r in regions.keys():
if not regions[r]:
log.warning('Skipping unsubscribed AWS region %s', r)
images = self._get_images_with_tags(
tags={'revision': ic.revision}
if images:
image = images[0]
log.info('%s: Already exists as %s', r, image.id)
ec2c = self.session(r).client('ec2')
copy_image_opts = {
'Description': source.description,
'Name': source.name,
'SourceImageId': source_id,
'SourceRegion': source_region,
'Encrypted': True if ic.encrypted else False,
if type(ic.encrypted) is str:
copy_image_opts['KmsKeyId'] = ic.encrypted
res = ec2c.copy_image(**copy_image_opts)
except Exception:
log.warning('Skipping %s, unable to copy image:', r, exc_info=True)
image_id = res['ImageId']
log.info('%s: Publishing to %s', r, image_id)
image = self.session(r).resource('ec2').Image(image_id)
publishing[r] = image
artifacts = {}
copy_wait = 180
while len(artifacts) < len(publishing):
for r, image in publishing.items():
if r not in artifacts:
if image.state == 'available':
# tag image
log.info('%s: Adding tags to %s', r, image.id)
image_tags = ImageTags(from_list=image.tags)
fresh = False
if 'published' not in image_tags:
fresh = True
if fresh:
tags.published = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
tags.Name = tags.name # because AWS is special
# tag image's snapshot, too
snapshot = self.session(r).resource('ec2').Snapshot(
# update image description to match description in tags
log.info('%s: Updating description to %s', r, tags.description)
Description={'Value': tags.description},
# apply launch perms
if perms['groups'] or perms['users']:
log.info('%s: Applying launch perms to %s', r, image.id)
# set up AMI deprecation
ec2c = image.meta.client
log.info('%s: Setting EOL deprecation time on %s', r, image.id)
except Exception:
log.warning('Unable to set EOL Deprecation on %s image:', r, exc_info=True)
artifacts[r] = image.id
if image.state == 'failed':
log.error('%s: %s - %s - %s', r, image.id, image.state, image.state_reason)
artifacts[r] = None
remaining = len(publishing) - len(artifacts)
if remaining > 0:
log.info('Waiting %ds for %d images to complete', copy_wait, remaining)
copy_wait = 30
ic.artifacts = artifacts
def register(cloud, cred_provider=None):
return AWSCloudAdapter(cloud, cred_provider)

clouds/azure.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from .interfaces.adapter import CloudAdapterInterface
# NOTE: This stub allows images to be built locally and uploaded to storage,
# but code for automated importing and publishing of images for this cloud
# publisher has not yet been written.
class AzureCloudAdapter(CloudAdapterInterface):
def get_latest_imported_tags(self, project, image_key):
return None
def import_image(self, ic):
def delete_image(self, config, image_id):
def publish_image(self, ic):
def register(cloud, cred_provider=None):
return AzureCloudAdapter(cloud, cred_provider)

clouds/gcp.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from .interfaces.adapter import CloudAdapterInterface
# NOTE: This stub allows images to be built locally and uploaded to storage,
# but code for automated importing and publishing of images for this cloud
# publisher has not yet been written.
class GCPCloudAdapter(CloudAdapterInterface):
def get_latest_imported_tags(self, project, image_key):
return None
def import_image(self, ic):
def delete_image(self, config, image_id):
def publish_image(self, ic):
def register(cloud, cred_provider=None):
return GCPCloudAdapter(cloud, cred_provider)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# vim: ts=4 et:
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import urllib.error
from datetime import datetime
from email.utils import parsedate
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
class IdentityBrokerClient:
"""Client for identity broker
Export IDENTITY_BROKER_ENDPOINT to override the default broker endpoint.
Export IDENTITY_BROKER_API_KEY to specify an API key for the broker.
See README_BROKER.md for more information and a spec.
_DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = 'https://aws-access.crute.us/api/account'
_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT = 'alpine-amis-user'
_LOGFORMAT = '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
def __init__(self, endpoint=None, key=None, account=None, debug=False):
# log to STDOUT so that it's not all red when executed by Packer
self._logger = logging.getLogger('identity-broker')
self._logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO)
console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
self._endpoint = os.environ.get('IDENTITY_BROKER_ENDPOINT') or endpoint \
self._key = os.environ.get('IDENTITY_BROKER_API_KEY') or key
self._account = account or self._DEFAULT_ACCOUNT
if not self._key:
raise Exception('No identity broker key found')
self._headers = {
'Accept': 'application/vnd.broker.v2+json',
'X-API-Key': self._key
self._cache = {}
self._expires = {}
self._default_region = {}
def _is_cache_valid(self, path):
if path not in self._cache:
return False
# path is subject to expiry AND its time has passed
if self._expires[path] and self._expires[path] < datetime.utcnow():
return False
return True
def _get(self, path):
self._logger.debug("request: %s", path)
if not self._is_cache_valid(path):
while True: # to handle rate limits
res = urlopen(Request(path, headers=self._headers))
except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
if ex.status == 401:
raise Exception('Expired or invalid identity broker token')
if ex.status == 406:
raise Exception('Invalid or malformed identity broker token')
# TODO: will this be entirely handled by the 401 above?
if ex.headers.get('Location') == '/logout':
raise Exception('Identity broker token is expired')
if ex.status == 429:
'Rate-limited by identity broker, sleeping 30 seconds')
raise ex
if res.status not in {200, 429}:
raise Exception(res.reason)
# never expires without valid RFC 1123 Expires header
if expires := res.getheader('Expires'):
expires = parsedate(expires)
# convert RFC 1123 to datetime, if parsed successfully
expires = datetime(*expires[:6])
self._expires[path] = expires
self._cache[path] = json.load(res)
self._logger.debug("response: %s", self._cache[path])
return self._cache[path]
def get_credentials_url(self, vendor):
accounts = self._get(self._endpoint)
if vendor not in accounts:
raise Exception(f'No {vendor} credentials found')
for account in accounts[vendor]:
if account['short_name'] == self._account:
return account['credentials_url']
raise Exception('No account credentials found')
def get_regions(self, vendor):
out = {}
for region in self._get(self.get_credentials_url(vendor)):
if region['enabled']:
out[region['name']] = region['credentials_url']
if region['default']:
self._default_region[vendor] = region['name']
return out
def get_default_region(self, vendor):
if vendor not in self._default_region:
return self._default_region.get(vendor)
def get_credentials(self, vendor, region=None):
if not region:
region = self.get_default_region(vendor)
return self._get(self.get_regions(vendor)[region])

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# vim: ts=4 et:
class CloudAdapterInterface:
def __init__(self, cloud, cred_provider=None):
self._sdk = None
self._sessions = {}
self.cloud = cloud
self.cred_provider = cred_provider
self._default_region = None
def sdk(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def regions(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def default_region(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def credentials(self, region=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def session(self, region=None):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_latest_imported_tags(self, project, image_key):
raise NotImplementedError
def import_image(self, config):
raise NotImplementedError
def delete_image(self, config, image_id):
raise NotImplementedError
def publish_image(self, config):
raise NotImplementedError

clouds/nocloud.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
from .interfaces.adapter import CloudAdapterInterface
# NOTE: NoCloud images are never imported or published because there's
# no actual cloud provider associated with them.
class NoCloudAdapter(CloudAdapterInterface):
def get_latest_imported_tags(self, project, image_key):
return None
def import_image(self, ic):
def delete_image(self, config, image_id):
def publish_image(self, ic):
def register(cloud, cred_provider=None):
return NoCloudAdapter(cloud, cred_provider)

clouds/oci.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
from .interfaces.adapter import CloudAdapterInterface
# NOTE: This stub allows images to be built locally and uploaded to storage,
# but code for automated importing and publishing of images for this cloud
# publisher has not yet been written.
class OCICloudAdapter(CloudAdapterInterface):
def get_latest_imported_tags(self, project, image_key):
return None
def import_image(self, ic):
def delete_image(self, config, image_id):
def publish_image(self, ic):
def register(cloud, cred_provider=None):
return OCICloudAdapter(cloud, cred_provider)

configs/alpine.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
# NOTE: If you are using alpine-cloud-images to build public cloud images
# for something/someone other than Alpine Linux, you *MUST* override
# *AT LEAST* the 'project' setting with a unique identifier string value
# via a "config overlay" to avoid image import and publishing collisions.
project = "https://alpinelinux.org/cloud"
# all build configs start with these
Default {
project = ${project}
# image name/description components
name = [ alpine ]
description = [ Alpine Linux ]
motd {
welcome = "Welcome to Alpine!"
wiki = [
"The Alpine Wiki contains a large amount of how-to guides and general"
"information about administrating Alpine systems."
"See <https://wiki.alpinelinux.org>."
release_notes = [
"Alpine release notes:"
"* <{release_notes}>"
# initial provisioning script and data directory
scripts = [ setup ]
script_dirs = [ setup.d ]
size = 1G
login = alpine
image_format = qcow2
# these paths are subject to change, as image downloads are developed
storage_url = "ssh://tomalok@dev.alpinelinux.org/public_html/alpine-cloud-images/{v_version}/cloud/{cloud}/{arch}"
#storage_url = "file://~jake/tmp/alpine-cloud-images/{v_version}/cloud/{cloud}/{arch}"
download_url = "https://dev.alpinelinux.org/~tomalok/alpine-cloud-images/{v_version}/cloud/{cloud}/{arch}" # development
#download_url = "https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/{v_version}/cloud/{cloud}/{arch}"
# image access
access.PUBLIC = true
# image publication
regions.ALL = true
# profile build matrix
Dimensions {
version {
"3.17" { include required("version/3.17.conf") }
"3.16" { include required("version/3.16.conf") }
"3.15" { include required("version/3.15.conf") }
"3.14" { include required("version/3.14.conf") }
edge { include required("version/edge.conf") }
arch {
x86_64 { include required("arch/x86_64.conf") }
aarch64 { include required("arch/aarch64.conf") }
firmware {
bios { include required("firmware/bios.conf") }
uefi { include required("firmware/uefi.conf") }
bootstrap {
tiny { include required("bootstrap/tiny.conf") }
cloudinit { include required("bootstrap/cloudinit.conf") }
cloud {
aws { include required("cloud/aws.conf") }
nocloud { include required("cloud/nocloud.conf") }
# these are considered "alpha"
azure { include required("cloud/azure.conf") }
gcp { include required("cloud/gcp.conf") }
oci { include required("cloud/oci.conf") }
# all build configs merge these at the very end
Mandatory {
name = [ "r{revision}" ]
description = [ "- https://alpinelinux.org/cloud" ]
encrypted = false
# final motd message
motd.motd_change = "You may change this message by editing /etc/motd."
# final provisioning script
scripts = [ cleanup ]
# TODO: remove this after testing
#access.PUBLIC = false
#regions {
# ALL = false
# us-west-2 = true
# us-east-1 = true

configs/arch/aarch64.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
name = [aarch64]
arch_name = aarch64
# aarch64 is UEFI only
EXCLUDE = [bios]
qemu.machine_type = virt
qemu.args = [
[-cpu, cortex-a57],
[-boot, d],
[-device, virtio-gpu-pci],
[-device, usb-ehci],
[-device, usb-kbd],

configs/arch/x86_64.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
name = [x86_64]
arch_name = x86_64
qemu.machine_type = null
qemu.args = null

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
name = [cloudinit]
bootstrap_name = cloud-init
bootstrap_url = "https://cloud-init.io"
# start cloudinit images with 3.15
EXCLUDE = ["3.12", "3.13", "3.14"]
packages {
cloud-init = true
dhclient = true # offically supported, for now
openssh-server-pam = true
e2fsprogs-extra = true # for resize2fs
services.default.cloud-init-hotplugd = true
scripts = [ setup-cloudinit ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
name = [tiny]
bootstrap_name = Tiny Cloud
bootstrap_url = "https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/cloud/tiny-cloud"
services {
sysinit.tiny-cloud-early = true
default.tiny-cloud = true
default.tiny-cloud-final = true
aws {
packages.tiny-cloud-aws = true
"3.12" {
# tiny-cloud-network requires ifupdown-ng (unavailable in 3.12)
packages.tiny-cloud-aws = null
services.sysinit.tiny-cloud-early = null
services.default.tiny-cloud = null
services.default.tiny-cloud-final = null
# fall back to tiny-ec2-bootstrap instead
packages.tiny-ec2-bootstrap = true
services.default.tiny-ec2-bootstrap = true
# other per-cloud packages
nocloud.packages.tiny-cloud-nocloud = true
azure.packages.tiny-cloud-azure = true
gcp.packages.tiny-cloud-gcp = true
oci.packages.tiny-cloud-oci = true
scripts = [ setup-tiny ]

configs/cloud/aws.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
cloud_name = Amazon Web Services
image_format = vhd
kernel_modules {
ena = true
nvme = true
kernel_options {
"nvme_core.io_timeout=4294967295" = true
initfs_features {
ena = true
nvme = true
# TODO: what about IPv6-only networks?
# maybe we only set it for <= 3.17, and leave it to dhcpcd?
ntp_server =
access.PUBLIC = true
regions.ALL = true
cloud_region_url = "https://{region}.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home#Images:visibility=public-images;imageId={image_id}",
cloud_launch_url = "https://{region}.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home#launchAmi={image_id}"
aarch64 {
# new AWS aarch64 default...
kernel_modules.gpio_pl061 = true
initfs_features.gpio_pl061 = true
"3.14 3.13 3.12" {
# ...but not supported for older versions
kernel_modules.gpio_pl061 = false
initfs_features.gpio_pl061 = false

configs/cloud/azure.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
cloud_name = Microsoft Azure (alpha)
image_format = vhd
# start with 3.18
EXCLUDE = ["3.12", "3.13", "3.14", "3.15", "3.16", "3.17"]
# TODO: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/linux/time-sync
ntp_server = ""

configs/cloud/gcp.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
cloud_name = Google Cloud Platform (alpha)
# TODO: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/import/importing-virtual-disks
# Mentions "VHD" but also mentions "..." if that also includes QCOW2, then
# we should use that instead. The "Manual Import" section on the sidebar
# has a "Manually import boot disks" subpage which also mentions importing
# compressed raw images... We would prefer to avoid that if possible.
image_format = vhd
# start with 3.18
EXCLUDE = ["3.12", "3.13", "3.14", "3.15", "3.16", "3.17"]
# TODO: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/instances/configure-ntp
# (metadata.google.internal)
ntp_server = ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
cloud_name = NoCloud
image_format = qcow2
# start with 3.18
EXCLUDE = ["3.12", "3.13", "3.14", "3.15", "3.16", "3.17"]
ntp_server = ""

configs/cloud/oci.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
cloud_name = Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (alpha)
image_format = qcow2
# start with 3.18
EXCLUDE = ["3.12", "3.13", "3.14", "3.15", "3.16", "3.17"]
ntp_server = ""

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
name = [bios]
firmware_name = BIOS
bootloader = extlinux
packages.syslinux = --no-scripts
qemu.firmware = null

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
name = [uefi]
firmware_name = UEFI
bootloader = grub-efi
packages {
grub-efi = --no-scripts
dosfstools = true
aarch64 {
qemu.firmware = work/firmware/uefi-aarch64.bin
x86_64 {
qemu.firmware = work/firmware/uefi-x86_64.bin

configs/images.conf Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("base/1.conf")
# NOTE: EOL 2022-05-01

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("base/2.conf")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("base/2.conf")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("base/3.conf")
motd {
sudo_deprecated = "NOTE: 'sudo' has been deprecated, please use 'doas' instead."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("base/4.conf")
motd {
sudo_removed = "NOTE: 'sudo' is no longer installed by default, please use 'doas' instead."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("base/4.conf")
motd {
sudo_removed = "NOTE: 'sudo' is not installed by default, please use 'doas' instead."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
repos {
"https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v{version}/main" = true
"https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v{version}/community" = true
"https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v{version}/testing" = false
packages {
alpine-base = true
linux-virt = true
alpine-mirrors = true
chrony = true
e2fsprogs = true
openssh = true
sudo = true
tzdata = true
services {
sysinit {
devfs = true
dmesg = true
hwdrivers = true
mdev = true
boot {
acpid = true
bootmisc = true
hostname = true
hwclock = true
modules = true
swap = true
sysctl = true
syslog = true
default {
chronyd = true
networking = true
sshd = true
shutdown {
killprocs = true
mount-ro = true
savecache = true
kernel_modules {
sd-mod = true
usb-storage = true
ext4 = true
kernel_options {
"console=ttyS0,115200n8" = true
initfs_features {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("1.conf")
packages {
# drop old alpine-mirrors
alpine-mirrors = null

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("2.conf")
packages {
# doas will officially replace sudo in 3.16
doas = true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("3.conf")
packages {
# doas officially replaces sudo in 3.16
sudo = false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("4.conf")
packages {
# start using dhcpcd for improved IPv6 experience
dhcpcd = true

configs/version/edge.conf Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
include required("base/5.conf")
motd {
sudo_removed = "NOTE: 'sudo' is not installed by default, please use 'doas' instead."
# clear out inherited repos
repos = null
repos {
"https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main" = true
"https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community" = true
"https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing" = true

gen_mksite_releases.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# vim: ts=4 et:
# TODO: perhaps integrate into "./build release"
# Ensure we're using the Python virtual env with our installed dependencies
import os
import sys
import textwrap
NOTE = textwrap.dedent("""
This script's output provides a mustache-ready datasource to alpine-mksite
(https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/infra/alpine-mksite) and should be
run after the main 'build' script has published ALL images.
STDOUT from this script should be saved as 'cloud/releases.yaml' in the
above alpine-mksite repo.
sys.pycache_prefix = 'work/__pycache__'
if not os.path.exists('work'):
print('FATAL: Work directory does not exist.', file=sys.stderr)
print(NOTE, file=sys.stderr)
# Re-execute using the right virtual environment, if necessary.
venv_args = [os.path.join('work', 'bin', 'python3')] + sys.argv
if os.path.join(os.getcwd(), venv_args[0]) != sys.executable:
print("Re-executing with work environment's Python...\n", file=sys.stderr)
os.execv(venv_args[0], venv_args)
# We're now in the right Python environment
import argparse
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
import clouds
from image_config_manager import ImageConfigManager
### Constants & Variables
LOGFORMAT = '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
### Functions
# allows us to set values deep within an object that might not be fully defined
def dictfactory():
return defaultdict(dictfactory)
# undo dictfactory() objects to normal objects
def undictfactory(o):
if isinstance(o, defaultdict):
o = {k: undictfactory(v) for k, v in o.items()}
return o
### Command Line & Logging
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=NOTE)
'--use-broker', action='store_true',
help='use the identity broker to get credentials')
parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='enable debug output')
args = parser.parse_args()
log = logging.getLogger('gen_mksite_releases')
log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO)
console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
# set up credential provider, if we're going to use it
if args.use_broker:
# load build configs
configs = ImageConfigManager(
# make sure images.yaml is up-to-date with reality
yaml = YAML()
filters = dictfactory()
versions = dictfactory()
data = {}
log.info('Transforming image data')
for i_key, i_cfg in configs.get().items():
if not i_cfg.published:
version = i_cfg.version
if version == 'edge':
image_name = i_cfg.image_name
release = i_cfg.release
arch = i_cfg.arch
firmware = i_cfg.firmware
bootstrap = i_cfg.bootstrap
cloud = i_cfg.cloud
if cloud not in filters['clouds']:
filters['clouds'][cloud] = {
'cloud': cloud,
'cloud_name': i_cfg.cloud_name,
filters['regions'] = {}
if arch not in filters['archs']:
filters['archs'][arch] = {
'arch': arch,
'arch_name': i_cfg.arch_name,
if firmware not in filters['firmwares']:
filters['firmwares'][firmware] = {
'firmware': firmware,
'firmware_name': i_cfg.firmware_name,
if bootstrap not in filters['bootstraps']:
filters['bootstraps'][bootstrap] = {
'bootstrap': bootstrap,
'bootstrap_name': i_cfg.bootstrap_name,
if i_cfg.artifacts:
for region, image_id in {r: i_cfg.artifacts[r] for r in sorted(i_cfg.artifacts)}.items():
if region not in filters['regions']:
filters['regions'][region] = {
'region': region,
'clouds': [cloud],
if cloud not in filters['regions'][region]['clouds']:
versions[version] |= {
'version': version,
'release': release,
'end_of_life': i_cfg.end_of_life,
versions[version]['images'][image_name] |= {
'image_name': image_name,
'arch': arch,
'firmware': firmware,
'bootstrap': bootstrap,
'published': i_cfg.published.split('T')[0], # just the date
versions[version]['images'][image_name]['downloads'][cloud] |= {
'cloud': cloud,
'image_format': i_cfg.image_format,
'image_url': i_cfg.download_url + '/' + (i_cfg.image_name)
versions[version]['images'][image_name]['regions'][region] |= {
'cloud': cloud,
'region': region,
'region_url': i_cfg.region_url(region, image_id),
'launch_url': i_cfg.launch_url(region, image_id),
log.info('Making data mustache-compatible')
# convert filters to mustache-compatible format
data['filters'] = {}
for f in ['clouds', 'regions', 'archs', 'firmwares', 'bootstraps']:
data['filters'][f] = [
filters[f][k] for k in filters[f] # order as they appear in work/images.yaml
for r in data['filters']['regions']:
c = r.pop('clouds')
r['clouds'] = [{'cloud': v} for v in c]
# convert versions to mustache-compatible format
data['versions'] = []
versions = undictfactory(versions)
for version in sorted(versions, reverse=True, key=lambda s: [int(u) for u in s.split('.')]):
images = versions[version].pop('images')
i = []
for image_name in images: # order as they appear in work/images.yaml
downloads = images[image_name].pop('downloads')
d = []
for download in downloads:
images[image_name]['downloads'] = d
regions = images[image_name].pop('regions')
r = []
for region in sorted(regions):
images[image_name]['regions'] = r
versions[version]['images'] = i
log.info('Dumping YAML')
yaml.dump(data, sys.stdout)

image_config.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
# vim: ts=4 et:
import hashlib
import mergedeep
import os
import pyhocon
import shutil
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
import clouds
from image_storage import ImageStorage, run
from image_tags import ImageTags
class ImageConfig():
'qcow2': ['ln', '-f'],
'vhd': ['qemu-img', 'convert', '-f', 'qcow2', '-O', 'vpc', '-o', 'force_size=on'],
# these tags may-or-may-not exist at various times
'built', 'uploaded', 'imported', 'import_id', 'import_region', 'published', 'released'
'local', 'upload', 'import', 'publish', 'release'
def __init__(self, config_key, obj={}, log=None, yaml=None):
self._log = log
self._yaml = yaml
self._storage = None
self.config_key = str(config_key)
tags = obj.pop('tags', None)
self.__dict__ |= self._deep_dict(obj)
# ensure tag values are str() when loading
if tags:
self.tags = tags
def to_yaml(cls, representer, node):
d = {}
for k in node.__dict__:
# don't serialize attributes starting with _
if k.startswith('_'):
d[k] = node.__getattribute__(k)
return representer.represent_mapping('!ImageConfig', d)
def v_version(self):
return 'edge' if self.version == 'edge' else 'v' + self.version
def local_dir(self):
return Path('work/images') / self.cloud / self.image_key
def local_image(self):
return self.local_dir / ('image.qcow2')
def image_name(self):
return self.name.format(**self.__dict__)
def image_description(self):
return self.description.format(**self.__dict__)
def image_file(self):
return '.'.join([self.image_name, self.image_format])
def image_path(self):
return self.local_dir / self.image_file
def metadata_file(self):
return '.'.join([self.image_name, 'yaml'])
def region_url(self, region, image_id):
return self.cloud_region_url.format(region=region, image_id=image_id, **self.__dict__)
def launch_url(self, region, image_id):
return self.cloud_launch_url.format(region=region, image_id=image_id, **self.__dict__)
def tags(self):
# stuff that really ought to be there
t = {
'arch': self.arch,
'bootstrap': self.bootstrap,
'cloud': self.cloud,
'description': self.image_description,
'end_of_life': self.end_of_life,
'firmware': self.firmware,
'image_key': self.image_key,
'name': self.image_name,
'project': self.project,
'release': self.release,
'revision': self.revision,
'version': self.version
# stuff that might not be there yet
for k in self.OPTIONAL_TAGS:
if self.__dict__.get(k, None):
t[k] = self.__dict__[k]
return ImageTags(t)
# recursively convert a ConfigTree object to a dict object
def _deep_dict(self, layer):
obj = deepcopy(layer)
if isinstance(layer, pyhocon.ConfigTree):
obj = dict(obj)
for key, value in layer.items():
# some HOCON keys are quoted to preserve dots
if '"' in key:
key = key.strip('"')
# version values were HOCON keys at one point, too
if key == 'version' and '"' in value:
value = value.strip('"')
obj[key] = self._deep_dict(value)
except AttributeError:
return obj
def _merge(self, obj={}):
mergedeep.merge(self.__dict__, self._deep_dict(obj), strategy=mergedeep.Strategy.ADDITIVE)
def _get(self, attr, default=None):
return self.__dict__.get(attr, default)
def _pop(self, attr, default=None):
return self.__dict__.pop(attr, default)
# make data ready for Packer ingestion
def _normalize(self):
# stringify arrays
self.name = '-'.join(self.name)
self.description = ' '.join(self.description)
self.repo_keys = ' '.join(self.repo_keys)
self._stringify_dict_keys('kernel_modules', ',')
self._stringify_dict_keys('kernel_options', ' ')
self._stringify_dict_keys('initfs_features', ' ')
def _resolve_motd(self):
# merge release notes, as apporpriate
if 'release_notes' not in self.motd or not self.release_notes:
self.motd.pop('release_notes', None)
motd = {}
for k, v in self.motd.items():
if v is None:
# join list values with newlines
if type(v) is list:
v = "\n".join(v)
motd[k] = v
self.motd = '\n\n'.join(motd.values()).format(**self.__dict__)
def _resolve_urls(self):
if 'storage_url' in self.__dict__:
self.storage_url = self.storage_url.format(v_version=self.v_version, **self.__dict__)
if 'download_url' in self.__dict__:
self.download_url = self.download_url.format(v_version=self.v_version, **self.__dict__)
def _stringify_repos(self):
# stringify repos map
# <repo>: <tag> # @<tag> <repo> enabled
# <repo>: false # <repo> disabled (commented out)
# <repo>: true # <repo> enabled
# <repo>: null # skip <repo> entirely
# ...and interpolate {version}
self.repos = "\n".join(filter(None, (
f"@{v} {r}" if isinstance(v, str) else
f"#{r}" if v is False else
r if v is True else None
for r, v in self.repos.items()
def _stringify_packages(self):
# resolve/stringify packages map
# <pkg>: true # add <pkg>
# <pkg>: <tag> # add <pkg>@<tag>
# <pkg>: --no-scripts # add --no-scripts <pkg>
# <pkg>: --no-scripts <tag> # add --no-scripts <pkg>@<tag>
# <pkg>: false # del <pkg>
# <pkg>: null # skip explicit add/del <pkg>
pkgs = {'add': '', 'del': '', 'noscripts': ''}
for p, v in self.packages.items():
k = 'add'
if isinstance(v, str):
if '--no-scripts' in v:
k = 'noscripts'
v = v.replace('--no-scripts', '')
v = v.strip()
if len(v):
p += f"@{v}"
elif v is False:
k = 'del'
elif v is None:
pkgs[k] = p if len(pkgs[k]) == 0 else pkgs[k] + ' ' + p
self.packages = pkgs
def _stringify_services(self):
# stringify services map
# <level>:
# <svc>: true # enable <svc> at <level>
# <svc>: false # disable <svc> at <level>
# <svc>: null # skip explicit en/disable <svc> at <level>
self.services = {
'enable': ' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.endswith('='), (
'{}={}'.format(lvl, ','.join(filter(None, (
s if v is True else None
for s, v in svcs.items()
for lvl, svcs in self.services.items()
'disable': ' '.join(filter(lambda x: not x.endswith('='), (
'{}={}'.format(lvl, ','.join(filter(None, (
s if v is False else None
for s, v in svcs.items()
for lvl, svcs in self.services.items()
def _stringify_dict_keys(self, d, sep):
self.__dict__[d] = sep.join(filter(None, (
m if v is True else None
for m, v in self.__dict__[d].items()
def _is_step_or_earlier(self, s, step):
log = self._log
if step == 'state':
return True
if step not in self.STEPS:
return False
return self.STEPS.index(s) <= self.STEPS.index(step)
# TODO: this needs to be sorted out for 'upload' and 'release' steps
def refresh_state(self, step, revise=False):
log = self._log
actions = {}
revision = 0
step_state = step == 'state'
step_rollback = step == 'rollback'
undo = {}
# enable initial set of possible actions based on specified step
for s in self.STEPS:
if self._is_step_or_earlier(s, step):
actions[s] = True
# pick up any updated image metadata
# TODO: check storage and/or cloud - use this instead of remote_image
# latest_revision = self.get_latest_revision()
if (step_rollback or revise) and self.local_image.exists():
undo['local'] = True
if step_rollback:
if self.local_image.exists():
undo['local'] = True
if not self.published or self.released:
if self.uploaded:
undo['upload'] = True
if self.imported:
undo['import'] = True
# TODO: rename to 'remote_tags'?
# if we load remote tags into state automatically, shouldn't that info already be in self?
remote_image = clouds.get_latest_imported_tags(self)
log.debug('\n%s', remote_image)
if revise:
if self.local_image.exists():
# remove previously built local image artifacts
log.warning('%s existing local image dir %s',
'Would remove' if step_state else 'Removing',
if not step_state:
if remote_image and remote_image.get('published', None):
log.warning('%s image revision for %s',
'Would bump' if step_state else 'Bumping',
revision = int(remote_image.revision) + 1
elif remote_image and remote_image.get('imported', None):
# remove existing imported (but unpublished) image
log.warning('%s unpublished remote image %s',
'Would remove' if step_state else 'Removing',
if not step_state:
clouds.delete_image(self, remote_image.import_id)
remote_image = None
elif remote_image:
if remote_image.get('imported', None):
# already imported, don't build/upload/import again
log.debug('%s - already imported', self.image_key)
actions.pop('local', None)
actions.pop('upload', None)
actions.pop('import', None)
if remote_image.get('published', None):
# NOTE: re-publishing can update perms or push to new regions
log.debug('%s - already published', self.image_key)
if self.local_image.exists():
# local image's already built, don't rebuild
log.debug('%s - already locally built', self.image_key)
actions.pop('local', None)
self.built = None
# merge remote_image data into image state
if remote_image:
self.__dict__ |= dict(remote_image)
self.__dict__ |= {
'revision': revision,
'uploaded': None,
'imported': None,
'import_id': None,
'import_region': None,
'published': None,
'artifacts': None,
'released': None,
# remove remaining actions not possible based on specified step
for s in self.STEPS:
if not self._is_step_or_earlier(s, step):
actions.pop(s, None)
self.actions = list(actions)
log.info('%s/%s = %s', self.cloud, self.image_name, self.actions)
self.state_updated = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
def storage(self):
if self._storage is None:
self._storage = ImageStorage(self.local_dir, self.storage_url, log=self._log)
return self._storage
def _save_checksum(self, file):
self._log.info("Calculating checksum for '%s'", file)
sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256()
sha512_hash = hashlib.sha512()
with open(file, 'rb') as f:
for block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b''):
with open(str(file) + '.sha256', 'w') as f:
print(sha256_hash.hexdigest(), file=f)
with open(str(file) + '.sha512', 'w') as f:
print(sha512_hash.hexdigest(), file=f)
# convert local QCOW2 to format appropriate for a cloud
def convert_image(self):
self._log.info('Converting %s to %s', self.local_image, self.image_path)
self.CONVERT_CMD[self.image_format] + [self.local_image, self.image_path],
log=self._log, errmsg='Unable to convert %s to %s',
errvals=[self.local_image, self.image_path]
self.built = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
def upload_image(self):
self.image_file + '.sha256',
self.image_file + '.sha512'
self.uploaded = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
def save_metadata(self, action):
os.makedirs(self.local_dir, exist_ok=True)
self._log.info('Saving image metadata')
# TODO: save metadata updated timestamp as metadata?
# TODO: def self.metadata to return what we consider metadata?
metadata = dict(self.tags)
self.metadata_updated = datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
metadata |= {
'artifacts': self._get('artifacts', None),
'metadata_updated': self.metadata_updated
metadata_path = self.local_dir / self.metadata_file
self._yaml.dump(metadata, metadata_path)
if action != 'local' and self.storage:
self.metadata_file + '.sha256',
self.metadata_file + '.sha512'
def load_metadata(self):
# TODO: what if we have fresh configs, but the image is already uploaded/imported?
# we'll need to get revision first somehow
if 'revision' not in self.__dict__:
# TODO: revision = '*' for now - or only if unknown?
# get a list of local matching <name>-r*.yaml?
metadata_path = self.local_dir / self.metadata_file
if metadata_path.exists():
self._log.info('Loading image metadata from %s', metadata_path)
self.__dict__ |= self._yaml.load(metadata_path).items()
# get a list of storage matching <name>-r*.yaml
# retrieve metadata (and image?) from storage_url
# else:
# retrieve metadata from imported image
# if there's no stored metadata, we are in transition,
# get a list of imported images matching <name>-r*.yaml

image_config_manager.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
# vim: ts=4 et:
import itertools
import logging
import pyhocon
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from image_config import ImageConfig
class ImageConfigManager():
def __init__(self, conf_path, yaml_path, log=__name__, alpine=None):
self.conf_path = Path(conf_path)
self.yaml_path = Path(yaml_path)
self.log = logging.getLogger(log)
self.alpine = alpine
self.now = datetime.utcnow()
self._configs = {}
self.yaml = YAML()
self.yaml.explicit_start = True
# hide !ImageConfig tag from Packer
self.yaml.representer.org_represent_mapping = self.yaml.representer.represent_mapping
self.yaml.representer.represent_mapping = self._strip_yaml_tag_type
# load resolved YAML, if exists
if self.yaml_path.exists():
def get(self, key=None):
if not key:
return self._configs
return self._configs[key]
# load already-resolved YAML configs, restoring ImageConfig objects
def _load_yaml(self):
self.log.info('Loading existing %s', self.yaml_path)
for key, config in self.yaml.load(self.yaml_path).items():
self._configs[key] = ImageConfig(key, config, log=self.log, yaml=self.yaml)
# save resolved configs to YAML
def _save_yaml(self):
self.log.info('Saving %s', self.yaml_path)
self.yaml.dump(self._configs, self.yaml_path)
# hide !ImageConfig tag from Packer
def _strip_yaml_tag_type(self, tag, mapping, flow_style=None):
if tag == '!ImageConfig':
tag = u'tag:yaml.org,2002:map'
return self.yaml.representer.org_represent_mapping(tag, mapping, flow_style=flow_style)
# resolve from HOCON configs
def _resolve(self):
self.log.info('Generating configs.yaml in work environment')
cfg = pyhocon.ConfigFactory.parse_file(self.conf_path)
# set version releases
for v, vcfg in cfg.Dimensions.version.items():
# version keys are quoted to protect dots
self._set_version_release(v.strip('"'), vcfg)
dimensions = list(cfg.Dimensions.keys())
self.log.debug('dimensions: %s', dimensions)
for dim_keys in (itertools.product(*cfg['Dimensions'].values())):
config_key = '-'.join(dim_keys).replace('"', '')
# dict of dimension -> dimension_key
dim_map = dict(zip(dimensions, dim_keys))
# replace version with release, and make image_key from that
release = cfg.Dimensions.version[dim_map['version']].release
(rel_map := dim_map.copy())['version'] = release
image_key = '-'.join(rel_map.values())
image_config = ImageConfig(
'image_key': image_key,
'release': release
} | dim_map,
# merge in the Default config
skip = False
# merge in each dimension key's configs
for dim, dim_key in dim_map.items():
dim_cfg = deepcopy(cfg.Dimensions[dim][dim_key])
# now that we're done with ConfigTree/dim_cfg, remove " from dim_keys
dim_keys = set(k.replace('"', '') for k in dim_keys)
# WHEN blocks inside WHEN blocks are considered "and" operations
while (when := image_config._pop('WHEN', None)):
for when_keys, when_conf in when.items():
# WHEN keys with spaces are considered "or" operations
if len(set(when_keys.split(' ')) & dim_keys) > 0:
exclude = image_config._pop('EXCLUDE', None)
if exclude and set(exclude) & set(dim_keys):
self.log.debug('%s SKIPPED, %s excludes %s', config_key, dim_key, exclude)
skip = True
if eol := image_config._get('end_of_life', None):
if self.now > datetime.fromisoformat(eol):
self.log.warning('%s SKIPPED, %s end_of_life %s', config_key, dim_key, eol)
skip = True
if skip is True:
# merge in the Mandatory configs at the end
# clean stuff up
image_config.qemu['iso_url'] = self.alpine.virt_iso_url(arch=image_config.arch)
# we've resolved everything, add tags attribute to config
self._configs[config_key] = image_config
# set current version release
def _set_version_release(self, v, c):
info = self.alpine.version_info(v)
c.put('release', info['release'])
c.put('end_of_life', info['end_of_life'])
c.put('release_notes', info['notes'])
# release is also appended to name & description arrays
c.put('name', [c.release])
c.put('description', [c.release])
# update current config status
def refresh_state(self, step, only=[], skip=[], revise=False):
self.log.info('Refreshing State')
has_actions = False
for ic in self._configs.values():
# clear away any previous actions
if hasattr(ic, 'actions'):
delattr(ic, 'actions')
dim_keys = set(ic.config_key.split('-'))
if only and len(set(only) & dim_keys) != len(only):
self.log.debug("%s SKIPPED, doesn't match --only", ic.config_key)
if skip and len(set(skip) & dim_keys) > 0:
self.log.debug('%s SKIPPED, matches --skip', ic.config_key)
ic.refresh_state(step, revise)
if not has_actions and len(ic.actions):
has_actions = True
# re-save with updated actions
return has_actions

image_storage.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
# vim: ts=4 et:
import shutil
import os
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from image_tags import DictObj
def run(cmd, log, errmsg=None, errvals=[]):
# ensure command and error values are lists of strings
cmd = [str(c) for c in cmd]
errvals = [str(ev) for ev in errvals]
log.debug('COMMAND: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
p = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, encoding='utf8')
out, err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:
if errmsg:
log.error(errmsg, *errvals)
log.error('COMMAND: %s', ' '.join(cmd))
log.error('EXIT: %d', p.returncode)
log.error('STDOUT:\n%s', out)
log.error('STDERR:\n%s', err)
raise RuntimeError
return out, err
class ImageStorage():
def __init__(self, local, storage_url, log):
self.log = log
self.local = local
self.url = storage_url.removesuffix('/')
url = urlparse(self.url)
if url.scheme not in ['', 'file', 'ssh']:
self.log.error('Storage with "%s" scheme is unsupported', url.scheme)
raise RuntimeError
if url.scheme in ['', 'file']:
self.scheme = 'file'
self.remote = Path(url.netloc + url.path).expanduser()
self.scheme = 'ssh'
self.host = url.hostname
self.remote = Path(url.path[1:]) # drop leading / -- use // for absolute path
self.ssh = DictObj({
'port': ['-p', url.port] if url.port else [],
'user': ['-l', url.username] if url.username else [],
self.scp = DictObj({
'port': ['-P', url.port] if url.port else [],
'user': url.username + '@' if url.username else '',
def store(self, *files):
log = self.log
if not files:
log.debug('No files to store')
src = self.local
dest = self.remote
if self.scheme == 'file':
dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
for file in files:
log.info('Storing %s', dest / file)
shutil.copy2(src / file, dest / file)
url = self.url
host = self.host
ssh = self.ssh
scp = self.scp
['ssh'] + ssh.port + ssh.user + [host, 'mkdir', '-p', dest],
log=log, errmsg='Unable to ensure existence of %s', errvals=[url]
src_files = []
for file in files:
log.info('Storing %s', url + '/' + file)
src_files.append(src / file)
['scp'] + scp.port + src_files + [scp.user + ':'.join([host, str(dest)])],
log=log, errmsg='Failed to store files'
def retrieve(self, *files):
log = self.log
if not files:
log.debug('No files to retrieve')
src = self.remote
dest = self.local
dest.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if self.scheme == 'file':
for file in files:
log.info('Retrieving %s', src / file)
shutil.copy2(src / file, dest / file)
url = self.url
host = self.host
scp = self.scp
src_files = []
for file in files:
log.info('Retrieving %s', url + '/' + file)
src_files.append(scp.user + ':'.join([host, str(src / file)]))
['scp'] + scp.port + src_files + [dest],
log=log, errmsg='Failed to retrieve files'
# TODO: optional files=[]?
def list(self, match=None):
log = self.log
path = self.remote
if not match:
match = '*'
files = []
if self.scheme == 'file':
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
log.info('Listing of %s files in %s', match, path)
files = sorted(glob(str(path / match)), key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)
url = self.url
host = self.host
ssh = self.ssh
log.info('Listing %s files at %s', match, url)
['ssh'] + ssh.port + ssh.user + [host, 'mkdir', '-p', path],
log=log, errmsg='Unable to create path'
out, _ = run(
['ssh'] + ssh.port + ssh.user + [host, 'ls', '-1drt', path / match],
log=log, errmsg='Failed to list files'
files = out.splitlines()
return [os.path.basename(f) for f in files]
def remove(self, files):
log = self.log
if not files:
log.debug('No files to remove')
dest = self.remote
if self.scheme == 'file':
for file in files:
path = dest / file
log.info('Removing %s', path)
if path.exists():
url = self.url
host = self.host
ssh = self.ssh
dest_files = []
for file in files:
log.info('Removing %s', url + '/' + file)
dest_files.append(dest / file)
['ssh'] + ssh.port + ssh.user + [host, 'rm', '-f'] + dest_files,
log=log, errmsg='Failed to remove files'

image_tags.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# vim: ts=4 et:
class DictObj(dict):
def __getattr__(self, key):
return self[key]
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self[key] = value
def __delattr__(self, key):
del self[key]
class ImageTags(DictObj):
def __init__(self, d={}, from_list=None, key_name='Key', value_name='Value'):
for key, value in d.items():
self.__setattr__(key, value)
if from_list:
self.from_list(from_list, key_name, value_name)
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self[key] = str(value)
def as_list(self, key_name='Key', value_name='Value'):
return [{key_name: k, value_name: v} for k, v in self.items()]
def from_list(self, list=[], key_name='Key', value_name='Value'):
for tag in list:
self.__setattr__(tag[key_name], tag[value_name])

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
# Overlay for testing alpine-cloud-images
# start with the production alpine config
include required("alpine.conf")
# override specific things...
project = alpine-cloud-images__test
Default {
# unset before resetting
name = null
name = [ test ]
description = null
description = [ Alpine Test ]
Dimensions {
cloud {
# add a machine type dimension
machine {
vm { include required("machine/vm.conf") }
metal { include required("machine/metal.conf") }
# just test in these regions
aws.regions {
us-west-2 = true
us-east-1 = true
# adapters need to be written
#oci { include required("testing/oci.conf") }
#gcp { include required("testing/gcp.conf") }
#azure { include required("testing/azure.conf") }
# test in private, and only in regions specified above
Mandatory.access.PUBLIC = false
Mandatory.regions.ALL = false

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# bare metal
name = ["metal"]
machine_name = "Bare Metal"
packages.linux-virt = null
packages.linux-lts = true
# TODO: other kernel_modules, kernel_options, or initfs_features?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#name = [vm] # don't append anything to the name
machine_name = "Virtual"
# all image defaults are for virutal machines

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# vim: ts=2 et:
builder = qemu

scripts/cleanup Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#!/bin/sh -eu
# vim: ts=4 et:
[ -z "$DEBUG" ] || [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || set -x
export \
die() {
printf '\033[1;7;31m FATAL: %s \033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed red
exit 1
einfo() {
printf '\n\033[1;7;36m> %s <\033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed cyan
cleanup() {
# Sweep cruft out of the image that doesn't need to ship or will be
# re-generated when the image boots
rm -f \
"$TARGET/var/cache/apk/"* \
"$TARGET/etc/resolv.conf" \
"$TARGET/root/.ash_history" \
# unmount extra EFI mount
if [ "$FIRMWARE" = uefi ]; then
umount "$TARGET/boot/efi"
umount \
"$TARGET/dev" \
"$TARGET/proc" \
umount "$TARGET"
einfo "Cleaning up and unmounting image volume..."
einfo "Done!"

scripts/setup Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
#!/bin/sh -eu
# vim: ts=4 et:
[ -z "$DEBUG" ] || [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || set -x
export \
DEVICE=/dev/vda \
TARGET=/mnt \
die() {
printf '\033[1;7;31m FATAL: %s \033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed red
exit 1
einfo() {
printf '\n\033[1;7;36m> %s <\033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed cyan
# set up the builder's environment
setup_builder() {
einfo "Setting up Builder Instance"
setup-apkrepos -1 # main repo via dl-cdn
# ODO? also uncomment community repo?
# Always use latest versions within the release, security patches etc.
apk upgrade --no-cache --available
apk --no-cache add \
e2fsprogs \
dosfstools \
gettext \
lsblk \
make_filesystem() {
einfo "Making the Filesystem"
# make sure we're using a blank block device
lsblk -P --fs "$DEVICE" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
die "'$DEVICE' is not a valid block device"
if lsblk -P --fs "$DEVICE" | grep -vq 'FSTYPE=""'; then
die "Block device '$DEVICE' is not blank"
if [ "$FIRMWARE" = uefi ]; then
# EFI partition isn't optimally aligned, but is rarely used after boot
parted "$DEVICE" -- \
mklabel gpt \
mkpart EFI fat32 512KiB 1MiB \
mkpart / ext4 1MiB 100% \
set 1 esp on \
unit MiB print
mkfs.fat -n EFI "${DEVICE}1"
mkfs.ext4 -O ^64bit -L / "$root_dev"
mkdir -p "$TARGET"
mount -t ext4 "$root_dev" "$TARGET"
if [ "$FIRMWARE" = uefi ]; then
mkdir -p "$TARGET/boot/efi"
mount -t vfat "${DEVICE}1" "$TARGET/boot/efi"
install_base() {
einfo "Installing Alpine Base"
mkdir -p "$TARGET/etc/apk"
echo "$REPOS" > "$TARGET/etc/apk/repositories"
cp -a /etc/apk/keys "$TARGET/etc/apk"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
for key in $REPO_KEYS; do
wget -q $key -P "$TARGET/etc/apk/keys"
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
apk --root "$TARGET" --initdb --no-cache add $PACKAGES_ADD
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
apk --root "$TARGET" --no-cache --no-scripts add $PACKAGES_NOSCRIPTS
# shellcheck disable=SC2086
[ -z "$PACKAGES_DEL" ] || \
apk --root "$TARGET" --no-cache del $PACKAGES_DEL
setup_chroot() {
mount -t proc none "$TARGET/proc"
mount --bind /dev "$TARGET/dev"
mount --bind /sys "$TARGET/sys"
# Needed for bootstrap, will be removed in the cleanup stage.
install -Dm644 /etc/resolv.conf "$TARGET/etc/resolv.conf"
install_bootloader() {
einfo "Installing Bootloader"
# create initfs
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
kernel=$(basename $(find "$TARGET/lib/modules/"* -maxdepth 0))
# ensure features can be found by mkinitfs
# already taken care of?
[ -f "$TARGET/etc/mkinitfs/features.d/$FEATURE.modules" ] || \
[ -f "$TARGET/etc/mkinitfs/features.d/$FEATURE.files" ] && continue
# find the kernel module directory
module=$(chroot "$TARGET" /sbin/modinfo -k "$kernel" -n "$FEATURE")
[ -z "$module" ] && die "initfs_feature '$FEATURE' kernel module not found"
# replace everything after .ko with a *
echo "$module" | cut -d/ -f5- | sed -e 's/\.ko.*/.ko*/' \
> "$TARGET/etc/mkinitfs/features.d/$FEATURE.modules"
# TODO? this appends INITFS_FEATURES, we may want to allow removal someday?
sed -Ei "s/^features=\"([^\"]+)\"/features=\"\1 $INITFS_FEATURES\"/" \
chroot "$TARGET" /sbin/mkinitfs "$kernel"
if [ "$FIRMWARE" = uefi ]; then
install_extlinux() {
# Use disk labels instead of UUID or devices paths so that this works across
# instance familes. UUID works for many instances but breaks on the NVME
# ones because EBS volumes are hidden behind NVME devices.
# Shorten timeout (1/10s), eliminating delays for instance launches.
# ttyS0 is for EC2 Console "Get system log" and "EC2 Serial Console"
# features, whereas tty0 is for "Get Instance screenshot" feature. Enabling
# the port early in extlinux gives the most complete output in the log.
# TODO: review for other clouds -- this may need to be cloud-specific.
sed -Ei -e "s|^[# ]*(root)=.*|\1=LABEL=/|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(default_kernel_opts)=.*|\1=\"$KERNEL_OPTIONS\"|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(serial_port)=.*|\1=ttyS0|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(modules)=.*|\1=$KERNEL_MODULES|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(default)=.*|\1=virt|" \
-e "s|^[# ]*(timeout)=.*|\1=1|" \
chroot "$TARGET" /sbin/extlinux --install /boot
# TODO: is this really necessary? can we set all this stuff during --install?
chroot "$TARGET" /sbin/update-extlinux --warn-only
install_grub_efi() {
[ -d "/sys/firmware/efi" ] || die "/sys/firmware/efi does not exist"
case "$ARCH" in
x86_64) grub_target=x86_64-efi ; fwa=x64 ;;
aarch64) grub_target=arm64-efi ; fwa=aa64 ;;
*) die "ARCH=$ARCH is currently unsupported" ;;
# disable nvram so grub doesn't call efibootmgr
chroot "$TARGET" /usr/sbin/grub-install --target="$grub_target" --efi-directory=/boot/efi \
--bootloader-id=alpine --boot-directory=/boot --no-nvram
# fallback mode
install -D "$TARGET/boot/efi/EFI/alpine/grub$fwa.efi" "$TARGET/boot/efi/EFI/boot/boot$fwa.efi"
# install default grub config
envsubst < "$SETUP/grub.template" > "$SETUP/grub"
install -o root -g root -Dm644 -t "$TARGET/etc/default" \
# generate/install new config
chroot "$TARGET" grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
configure_system() {
einfo "Configuring System"
# default network configuration
install -o root -g root -Dm644 -t "$TARGET/etc/network" "$SETUP/interfaces"
# configure NTP server, if specified
[ -n "$NTP_SERVER" ] && \
sed -e 's/^pool /server /' -e "s/pool.ntp.org/$NTP_SERVER/g" \
-i "$TARGET/etc/chrony/chrony.conf"
# setup fstab
install -o root -g root -Dm644 -t "$TARGET/etc" "$SETUP/fstab"
# if we're using an EFI bootloader, add extra line for EFI partition
if [ "$FIRMWARE" = uefi ]; then
cat "$SETUP/fstab.grub-efi" >> "$TARGET/etc/fstab"
# Disable getty for physical ttys, enable getty for serial ttyS0.
sed -Ei -e '/^tty[0-9]/s/^/#/' -e '/^#ttyS0:/s/^#//' "$TARGET/etc/inittab"
# setup sudo and/or doas
if grep -q '^sudo$' "$TARGET/etc/apk/world"; then
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > "$TARGET/etc/sudoers.d/wheel"
if grep -q '^doas$' "$TARGET/etc/apk/world"; then
echo 'permit nopass :wheel' > "$TARGET/etc/doas.d/wheel.conf"
# explicitly lock the root account
chroot "$TARGET" /bin/sh -c "/bin/echo 'root:*' | /usr/sbin/chpasswd -e"
chroot "$TARGET" /usr/bin/passwd -l root
# set up image user
chroot "$TARGET" /usr/sbin/addgroup "$user"
chroot "$TARGET" /usr/sbin/adduser -h "/home/$user" -s /bin/sh -G "$user" -D "$user"
chroot "$TARGET" /usr/sbin/addgroup "$user" wheel
chroot "$TARGET" /bin/sh -c "echo '$user:*' | /usr/sbin/chpasswd -e"
# modify PS1s in /etc/profile to add user
sed -Ei \
-e "s/(^PS1=')(\\$\\{HOSTNAME%)/\\1\\$\\USER@\\2/" \
-e "s/( PS1=')(\\\\h:)/\\1\\\\u@\\2/" \
-e "s/( PS1=')(%m:)/\\1%n@\\2/" \
# write /etc/motd
echo "$MOTD" > "$TARGET"/etc/motd
# shellcheck disable=SC2046
setup_services() {
for lvl_svcs in $SERVICES_ENABLE; do
rc add $(echo "$lvl_svcs" | tr '=,' ' ')
for lvl_svcs in $SERVICES_DISABLE; do
rc del $(echo "$lvl_svcs" | tr '=,' ' ')
rc() {
op="$1" # add or del
runlevel="$2" # runlevel name
shift 2
services="$*" # names of services
for svc in $services; do
chroot "$TARGET" rc-update "$op" "$svc" "$runlevel"

scripts/setup-cloudinit Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#!/bin/sh -eu
# vim: ts=4 et:
[ -z "$DEBUG" ] || [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || set -x
einfo() {
printf '\n\033[1;7;36m> %s <\033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed cyan
einfo "Installing up cloud-init bootstrap components..."
# This adds the init scripts at the correct boot phases
chroot "$TARGET" /sbin/setup-cloud-init
# cloud-init locks our user by default which means alpine can't login from
# SSH. This seems like a bug in cloud-init that should be fixed but we can
# hack around it for now here.
if [ -f "$TARGET"/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg ]; then
sed -i '/lock_passwd:/s/True/False/' "$TARGET"/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
# configure the image for a particular cloud datasource
case "$CLOUD" in
echo "Unsupported Cloud '$CLOUD'" >&2
exit 1
printf '\n\n# Cloud-Init will use default configuration for this DataSource\n'
printf 'datasource_list: ["%s"]\n' "$DATASOURCE" >> "$TARGET"/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg

scripts/setup-tiny Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#!/bin/sh -eu
# vim: ts=4 et:
[ -z "$DEBUG" ] || [ "$DEBUG" = 0 ] || set -x
einfo() {
printf '\n\033[1;7;36m> %s <\033[0m\n' "$@" >&2 # bold reversed cyan
if [ "$VERSION" = "3.12" ]; then
# tiny-cloud-network requires ifupdown-ng, not in 3.12
einfo "Configuring Tiny EC2 Bootstrap..."
echo "EC2_USER=$IMAGE_LOGIN" > /etc/conf.d/tiny-ec2-bootstrap
einfo "Configuring Tiny Cloud..."
sed -i.bak -Ee "s/^#?CLOUD_USER=.*/CLOUD_USER=$IMAGE_LOGIN/" \
rm "$TARGET"/etc/conf.d/tiny-cloud.bak

scripts/setup.d/fstab Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# <fs> <mountpoint> <type> <opts> <dump/pass>
LABEL=/ / ext4 defaults,noatime 1 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
LABEL=EFI /boot/efi vfat defaults,noatime,uid=0,gid=0,umask=077 0 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# default alpine-cloud-images network configuration
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "VisualEditor0",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "*"
"Sid": "VisualEditor1",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::alpine-cloud-images.*"
"Sid": "VisualEditor2",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::alpine-cloud-images.*/*"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"Service": "vmie.amazonaws.com"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"sts:Externalid": "vmimport"