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2021-11-23 06:09:18 +00:00
# vim: ts=4 et:
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import urllib.error
from datetime import datetime
from email.utils import parsedate
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
class IdentityBrokerClient:
"""Client for identity broker
Export IDENTITY_BROKER_ENDPOINT to override the default broker endpoint.
Export IDENTITY_BROKER_API_KEY to specify an API key for the broker.
See for more information and a spec.
_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT = 'alpine-amis-user'
_LOGFORMAT = '%(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
def __init__(self, endpoint=None, key=None, account=None, debug=False):
# log to STDOUT so that it's not all red when executed by Packer
self._logger = logging.getLogger('identity-broker')
self._logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO)
console = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
self._endpoint = os.environ.get('IDENTITY_BROKER_ENDPOINT') or endpoint \
self._key = os.environ.get('IDENTITY_BROKER_API_KEY') or key
self._account = account or self._DEFAULT_ACCOUNT
if not self._key:
raise Exception('No identity broker key found')
self._headers = {
'Accept': 'application/',
'X-API-Key': self._key
self._cache = {}
self._expires = {}
self._default_region = {}
def _is_cache_valid(self, path):
if path not in self._cache:
return False
# path is subject to expiry AND its time has passed
if self._expires[path] and self._expires[path] < datetime.utcnow():
return False
return True
def _get(self, path):
if not self._is_cache_valid(path):
while True: # to handle rate limits
res = urlopen(Request(path, headers=self._headers))
except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
if ex.status == 401:
raise Exception('Expired or invalid identity broker token')
if ex.status == 406:
raise Exception('Invalid or malformed identity broker token')
# TODO: will this be entirely handled by the 401 above?
if ex.headers.get('Location') == '/logout':
raise Exception('Identity broker token is expired')
if ex.status == 429:
'Rate-limited by identity broker, sleeping 30 seconds')
raise ex
if res.status not in {200, 429}:
raise Exception(res.reason)
# never expires without valid RFC 1123 Expires header
if expires := res.getheader('Expires'):
expires = parsedate(expires)
# convert RFC 1123 to datetime, if parsed successfully
expires = datetime(*expires[:6])
self._expires[path] = expires
self._cache[path] = json.load(res)
return self._cache[path]
def get_credentials_url(self, vendor):
accounts = self._get(self._endpoint)
if vendor not in accounts:
raise Exception(f'No {vendor} credentials found')
for account in accounts[vendor]:
if account['short_name'] == self._account:
return account['credentials_url']
raise Exception('No account credentials found')
def get_regions(self, vendor):
out = {}
for region in self._get(self.get_credentials_url(vendor)):
if region['enabled']:
out[region['name']] = region['credentials_url']
if region['default']:
self._default_region[vendor] = region['name']
out[None] = region['credentials_url']
return out
def get_default_region(self, vendor):
if vendor not in self._default_region:
return self._default_region.get(vendor)
def get_credentials(self, vendor, region=None):
return self._get(self.get_regions(vendor)[region])