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2020-05-30 21:29:18 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2020-05-30 03:38:41 +00:00
# This bit has to stay at the very top of the script. It exists to ensure that
# running this script all by itself uses the python virtual environment with
# our dependencies installed. If will create that environment if it doesn't
# exist.
import os
import sys
import subprocess
2020-05-30 21:29:18 +00:00
args = [os.path.join("build", "bin", "python3")] + sys.argv
2020-05-30 03:38:41 +00:00
# Create the build root if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists("build"):
import venv
print("Build environment does not exist, creating...", file=sys.stderr)
venv.create("build", with_pip=True)["build/bin/pip", "install", "-U", "pip",
"pyhocon", "boto3", "python-dateutil", "PyYAML"])
2020-05-30 03:38:41 +00:00
print("Re-executing with builder python...", file=sys.stderr)
os.execv(args[0], args)
# If the build root python is not running this script re-execute it with
# that python instead to ensure all of our dependencies exist.
if os.path.join(os.getcwd(), args[0]) != sys.executable:
print("Re-executing with builder python...", file=sys.stderr)
os.execv(args[0], args)
# Below here is the real script
import io
import os
import re
import sys
import glob
import json
import time
import shutil
import logging
import argparse
import textwrap
import subprocess
import urllib.error
import dateutil.parser
from enum import Enum
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from distutils.version import StrictVersion
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
import yaml
import boto3
import pyhocon
# This is an ugly hack. We occasionally need the region name but it's not
# attached to anything publicly exposed on the client objects. Hide this here.
def region_from_client(client):
return client._client_config.region_name
class EC2Architecture(Enum):
I386 = "i386"
X86_64 = "x86_64"
ARM64 = "arm64"
class AMIState(Enum):
PENDING = "pending"
AVAILABLE = "available"
INVALID = "invalid"
DEREGISTERED = "deregistered"
TRANSIENT = "transient"
FAILED = "failed"
ERROR = "error"
class EC2SnapshotState(Enum):
PENDING = "pending"
COMPLETED = "completed"
ERROR = "error"
class TaggedAWSObject:
"""Base class for AWS API models that support tagging
EDGE = StrictVersion("0.0")
missing_known_tags = None
_identity = lambda x: x
_known_tags = {
"Name": _identity,
"profile": _identity,
"revision": _identity,
"profile_build": _identity,
"source_ami": _identity,
"source_region": _identity,
"arch": lambda x: EC2Architecture(x),
"end_of_life": lambda x: datetime.fromisoformat(x),
"release": lambda v: EDGE if v == "edge" else StrictVersion(v),
"version": lambda v: EDGE if v == "edge" else StrictVersion(v),
def __repr__(self):
attrs = []
for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
if isinstance(v, TaggedAWSObject):
attrs.append(f"{k}=" + object.__repr__(v))
elif not k.startswith("_"):
attrs = ", ".join(attrs)
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({attrs})"
__str__ = __repr__
def aws_tags(self):
"""Convert python tags to AWS API tags
See AMI.aws_permissions for rationale.
for key, values in self.tags.items():
for value in values:
yield { "Key": key, "Value": value }
def aws_tags(self, values):
"""Convert AWS API tags to python tags
See AMI.aws_permissions for rationale.
if not getattr(self, "tags", None):
self.tags = {}
tags = defaultdict(list)
for tag in values:
# XXX(mcrute): The second paragraph might be considered a bug and worth
# fixing at some point. For now those are all read-only attributes though.
def _transform_known_tags(self):
"""Convert well known tags into python attributes
Some tags have special meanings for the model objects that they're
attached to. This copies those tags, transforms them, then sets them in
the model attributes.
It doesn't touch the tag itself so if that
attribute needs updated and re-saved the tag must be updated in
addition to the model.
self.missing_known_tags = []
for k, tf in self._known_tags.items():
v = self.tags.get(k, [])
if not v:
if len(v) > 1:
raise Exception(f"multiple instances of tag {k}")
setattr(self, k, v[0])
class AMI(TaggedAWSObject):
def aws_permissions(self):
"""Convert python permissions to AWS API permissions
The permissions model for the API makes more sense for a web service
but is overly verbose for working with in Python. This and the setter
allow transforming to/from the API syntax. The python code should
consume the allowed_groups and allowed_users lists directly.
perms = []
for g in self.allowed_groups:
perms.append({"Group": g})
for i in self.allowed_users:
perms.append({"UserId": i})
return perms
def aws_permissions(self, perms):
"""Convert AWS API permissions to python permissions
for perm in perms:
group = perm.get("Group")
if group:
user = perm.get("UserId")
if user:
def from_aws_model(cls, ob, region):
self = cls()
self.linked_snapshot = None
self.allowed_groups = []
self.allowed_users = []
self.region = region
self.architecture = EC2Architecture(ob["Architecture"])
self.creation_date = ob["CreationDate"]
self.description = ob.get("Description", None)
self.image_id = ob["ImageId"] = ob.get("Name")
self.owner_id = int(ob["OwnerId"])
self.public = ob["Public"]
self.state = AMIState(ob["State"])
self.virtualization_type = ob["VirtualizationType"]
self.state_reason = ob.get("StateReason", {}).get("Message", None)
self.aws_tags = ob.get("Tags", [])
# XXX(mcrute): Assumes we only ever have one device mapping, which is
# valid for Alpine AMIs but not a good general assumption.
# This should always resolve for AVAILABLE images but any part of the
# data structure may not yet exist for images that are still in the
# process of copying.
if ob.get("BlockDeviceMappings"):
self.snapshot_id = \
return self
class EC2Snapshot(TaggedAWSObject):
def from_aws_model(cls, ob, region):
self = cls()
self.linked_ami = None
self.region = region
self.snapshot_id = ob["SnapshotId"]
self.description = ob.get("Description", None)
self.owner_id = int(ob["OwnerId"])
self.progress = int(ob["Progress"].rstrip("%")) / 100
self.start_time = ob["StartTime"]
self.state = EC2SnapshotState(ob["State"])
self.volume_size = ob["VolumeSize"]
self.aws_tags = ob.get("Tags", [])
return self
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
class ColoredFormatter(logging.Formatter):
"""Log formatter that colors output based on level
_colors = {
"red": "31",
"green": "32",
"yellow": "33",
"blue": "34",
"magenta": "35",
"cyan": "36",
"white": "37",
def _color_wrap(self, text, color, bold=False):
code = self._colors[color]
if bold:
code = "1;{}".format(code)
return "\033[{}m{}\033[0m".format(code, text)
def format(self, record):
msg = super().format(record)
if record.levelno in {logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL}:
return self._color_wrap(msg, "red")
elif record.levelno == logging.WARNING:
return self._color_wrap(msg, "yellow")
return self._color_wrap(msg, "green")
class IdentityBrokerClient:
2020-05-30 22:07:34 +00:00
"""Client for identity broker
Export IDENTITY_BROKER_ENDPOINT to override the default broker endpoint.
Export IDENTITY_BROKER_API_KEY to specify an API key for the broker.
See for more information and a spec.
_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT = "alpine-amis-user"
def __init__(self, endpoint=None, key=None, account=None):
self.endpoint = endpoint or self._DEFAULT_ENDPOINT
self.account = account or self._DEFAULT_ACCOUNT
self.key = key
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
self._logger = logging.getLogger()
2020-05-30 21:29:18 +00:00
override_endpoint = os.environ.get("IDENTITY_BROKER_ENDPOINT")
if override_endpoint:
self.endpoint = override_endpoint
if not self.key:
self.key = os.environ.get("IDENTITY_BROKER_API_KEY")
if not self.key:
raise Exception("No identity broker key found")
def _get(self, path):
while True: # to handle rate limits
res = urlopen(Request(path, headers={"X-API-Key": self.key}))
except urllib.error.HTTPError as ex:
if ex.headers.get("Location") == "/logout":
raise Exception("Identity broker token is expired")
2020-06-02 06:12:05 +00:00
if ex.status == 429:
"Rate-limited by identity broker, sleeping 30 seconds")
raise ex
if res.status not in {200, 429}:
raise Exception(res.reason)
return json.load(res)
def get_credentials_url(self):
for account in self._get(self.endpoint):
if account["short_name"] == self.account:
return account["credentials_url"]
raise Exception("No account found")
def get_regions(self):
out = {}
for region in self._get(self.get_credentials_url()):
if region["enabled"]:
out[region["name"]] = region["credentials_url"]
return out
def get_credentials(self, region):
return self._get(self.get_regions()[region])
def _boto3_session_from_creds(self, creds, region):
return boto3.session.Session(
def boto3_session_for_region(self, region):
return self._boto3_session_from_creds(
self.get_credentials(region), region)
def iter_regions(self):
for region, cred_url in self.get_regions().items():
yield self._boto3_session_from_creds(self._get(cred_url), region)
class ReleaseReadmeUpdater:
SECTION_TPL = textwrap.dedent("""
### Alpine Linux {release} ({date})
<details><summary><i>click to show/hide</i></summary><p>
" [{id}](https://{r}"
"#Images:visibility=public-images;imageId={id}) "
"#launchAmi={id})) |"
def __init__(self, repo_root, profile, archs=None):
self.repo_root = repo_root
self.profile = profile
self.archs = archs or ["x86_64", "aarch64"]
def extract_ver(x):
return StrictVersion("0.0" if x["release"] == "edge" else x["release"])
def get_sorted_releases(self, release_data):
sections = defaultdict(lambda: {
"release": "",
"built": {},
"name": {},
"ami": defaultdict(dict)
for build, releases in release_data.items():
for release, amis in releases.items():
for name, info in amis.items():
arch = info["arch"]
built = int(info["build_time"])
ver = sections[info["version"]]
if arch not in ver["built"] or ver["built"][arch] < built:
ver["release"] = release
ver["name"][arch] = name
ver["built"][arch] = built
for region, ami in info["artifacts"].items():
ver["ami"][region][arch] = ami
return sorted(sections.values(), key=self.extract_ver, reverse=True)
def make_ami_list(self, sorted_releases):
ami_list = "## AMIs\n"
for info in sorted_releases:
rows = ["| Region |", "| ------ |"]
for arch in self.archs:
if arch in info["name"]:
rows[0] += f" {info['name'][arch]} |"
rows[1] += " --- |"
for region, amis in sorted(info["ami"].items()):
row = f"| {region} |"
for arch in self.archs:
if arch in amis:
row += self.AMI_TPL.format(r=region, id=amis[arch])
ami_list += self.SECTION_TPL.format(
return ami_list
def update_markdown(self):
release_dir = os.path.join(self.repo_root, "releases")
profile_file = os.path.join(release_dir, f"{self.profile}.yaml")
with open(profile_file, "r") as data:
sorted_releases = self.get_sorted_releases(yaml.safe_load(data))
readme_md = os.path.join(release_dir, "")
with open(readme_md, "r") as file:
readme =
with open(readme_md, "w") as file:
re.sub("## AMIs.*\Z", self.make_ami_list(sorted_releases),
readme, flags=re.S))
class GenReleaseReadme:
"""Update release README
command_name = "gen-release-readme"
def add_args(parser):
parser.add_argument("profile", help="name of profile to update")
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
def run(self, args, root, log):
ReleaseReadmeUpdater(root, args.profile).update_markdown()
class MakeAMIs:
"""Build Packer JSON variable files from HOCON build profiles
command_name = "make-amis"
def add_args(parser):
2020-05-28 19:48:59 +00:00
parser.add_argument("--region", "-r", default="us-west-2",
help="region to use for build")
2020-05-30 21:30:32 +00:00
parser.add_argument("--use-broker", action="store_true",
help="use identity broker to obtain per-region credentials")
parser.add_argument("profile", help="name of profile to build")
parser.add_argument("builds", nargs="*",
help="name of builds within a profile to build")
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
def run(self, args, root, log):
os.chdir(os.path.join(root, "build"))
builds = args.builds or os.listdir(
os.path.join("profile", args.profile))
for build in builds:
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"\n*** Building %s/%s ***\n\n", args.profile, build)
build_dir = os.path.join("profile", args.profile, build)
if not os.path.exists(build_dir):
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"Build dir '%s' does not exist", build_dir)
2020-05-30 19:14:48 +00:00
env = None
2020-05-30 21:30:32 +00:00
if args.use_broker:
2020-05-30 19:14:48 +00:00
creds = IdentityBrokerClient().get_credentials(args.region)
env = {
"PATH": os.environ.get("PATH"),
"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": creds["access_key"],
"AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": creds["secret_key"],
"AWS_SESSION_TOKEN": creds["session_token"],
"AWS_DEFAULT_REGION": args.region,
out = io.StringIO()
res = subprocess.Popen([
os.environ.get("PACKER", "packer"),
2020-05-30 19:14:48 +00:00
], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", env=env)
while res.poll() is None:
text = res.stdout.readline()
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
print(text, end="") # input is already colorized
if res.returncode == 0:
UpdateReleases().update_readme(args.profile, build, root)
if "is used by an existing AMI" in out.getvalue():
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"\n=== DONE ===\n")
class PruneAMIs:
"""Prune AMIs from AWS
command_name = "prune-amis"
def add_args(parser):
LEVEL_HELP = textwrap.dedent("""\
revision - keep only the latest revision per release
release - keep only the latest release per version
version - keep only the versions that aren't end-of-life
"level", choices=["revision", "release", "version"],
parser.add_argument("profile", help="profile to prune")
"build", nargs="?", help="build within profile to prune")
def delete_image(ec2, image):
for blockdev in image["BlockDeviceMappings"]:
if "Ebs" not in blockdev:
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
def run(self, args, root, log):
now = datetime.utcnow()
release_yaml = os.path.join(root, "releases", f"{args.profile}.yaml")
with open(release_yaml, "r") as data:
before = yaml.safe_load(data)
known = defaultdict(list)
prune = defaultdict(list)
after = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(dict))
# for all builds in the profile...
for build_name, releases in before.items():
# this is not the build that was specified
if is not None and != build_name:
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"< skipping %s/%s", args.profile, build_name)
# ensure its release data remains intact
after[build_name] = before[build_name]
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"> PRUNING %s/%s for %s",
args.profile, build_name, args.level)
criteria = {}
# scan releases for pruning criteria
for release, amis in releases.items():
for ami_name, info in amis.items():
version = info["version"]
built = info["build_time"]
2020-05-30 21:29:18 +00:00
eol = info.get("end_of_life")
if eol:
eol = datetime.fromisoformat(info["end_of_life"])
for region, ami_id in info["artifacts"].items():
if args.level == "revision":
# find build timestamp of most recent revision, per release
if release not in criteria or built > criteria[release]:
criteria[release] = built
elif args.level == "release":
# find build timestamp of most recent revision, per version
if version not in criteria or built > criteria[version]:
criteria[version] = built
elif args.level == "version":
# find latest EOL date, per version
if (
version not in criteria or
(not criteria[version]) or
(eol and eol > criteria[version])
criteria[version] = eol
# rescan again to determine what doesn't make the cut
for release, amis in releases.items():
for ami_name, info in amis.items():
version = info["version"]
2020-05-30 21:29:18 +00:00
eol = info.get("end_of_life")
if eol:
eol = datetime.fromisoformat(info["end_of_life"])
if args.level == "revision":
if info["build_time"] < criteria[release]:
for region, ami_id in info["artifacts"].items():
elif args.level == "release":
if info["build_time"] < criteria[version]:
for region, ami_id in info["artifacts"].items():
elif args.level == "version":
if criteria[version] and (
(version != "edge" and criteria[version] < now) or
(version == "edge" and ((not eol) or (eol < now)))
for region, ami_id in info["artifacts"].items():
after[build_name][release][ami_name] = info
for session in IdentityBrokerClient().iter_regions():
region = session.region_name
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"* scanning: %s ...", region)
ec2 = session.client("ec2")
for image in ec2.describe_images(Owners=["self"])["Images"]:
image_name, image_id = image["Name"], image["ImageId"]
if region in prune and image["ImageId"] in prune[region]:
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"REMOVE: %s = %s", image_name, image_id)
elif region in known and image["ImageId"] in known[region]:
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"KEEP: %s = %s", image_name, image_id)
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"UNKNOWN: %s = %s", image_name, image_id)
# update releases/<profile>.yaml
with open(release_yaml, "w") as data:
yaml.dump(after, data, sort_keys=False)
class ConfigBuilder:
now = datetime.utcnow()
tomorrow = now + timedelta(days=1)
def unquote(x):
return x.strip('"')
def force_iso_date(input):
return datetime.fromisoformat(input).isoformat(timespec="seconds")
def resolve_now(cls):
def resolve_revision(cls, input):
if input is None or input == "":
return cls.resolve_now()
return input
def resolve_tomorrow(cls):
return cls.tomorrow.isoformat(timespec="seconds")
def resolve_end_of_life(cls, input):
if input is None or input == "":
return cls.resolve_tomorrow()
return input
def fold_comma(cls, input):
return ",".join([cls.unquote(k) for k in input.keys()])
def fold_space(cls, input):
return " ".join([cls.unquote(k) for k in input.keys()])
def fold_repos(cls, input):
return "\n".join(
f"@{v} {cls.unquote(k)}" if isinstance(v, str) else cls.unquote(k)
for k, v in input.items())
def fold_packages(input):
return " ".join(
f"{k}@{v}" if isinstance(v, str) else k
for k, v in input.items())
def fold_services(input):
return " ".join(
"{}={}".format(k, ",".join(v.keys()))
for k, v in input.items())
def __init__(self, config_path, out_dir):
self.config_path = config_path
self.out_dir = out_dir
self._keys_to_transform = {
2020-05-28 22:11:30 +00:00
"kernel_modules" : self.fold_comma,
"kernel_options" : self.fold_space,
"initfs_features" : self.fold_space,
"repos" : self.fold_repos,
"pkgs" : self.fold_packages,
"svcs" : self.fold_services,
"revision" : self.resolve_revision,
2020-05-28 22:11:30 +00:00
"end_of_life" : lambda x: \
def build_all(self):
for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.config_path, "*.conf")):
profile = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file)[-1])[0]
def rel_symlink(self, src_path, dest_dir, dest):
os.path.relpath(src_path, dest_dir),
os.path.join(dest_dir, dest))
def build_profile(self, profile):
build_config = pyhocon.ConfigFactory.parse_file(
os.path.join(self.config_path, f"{profile}.conf"))
for build, cfg in build_config["BUILDS"].items():
build_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, profile, build)
setup_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, "setup-ami.d")
# Always start fresh
shutil.rmtree(build_dir, ignore_errors=True)
# symlink everything in scripts/setup-ami.d
for item in os.listdir("scripts/setup-ami.d"):
self.rel_symlink(os.path.join("scripts/setup-ami.d", item), setup_dir, item)
# symlink additional setup_script
if "setup_script" in cfg.keys() and cfg["setup_script"] is not None:
self.rel_symlink(cfg["setup_script"], setup_dir, "setup_script")
del cfg["setup_script"]
if "setup_copy" in cfg.keys() and cfg["setup_copy"] is not None:
for dst, src in cfg["setup_copy"].items():
self.rel_symlink(src, setup_dir, dst)
del cfg["setup_copy"]
cfg["profile"] = profile
cfg["profile_build"] = build
# Order of operations is important here
for k, v in cfg.items():
transform = self._keys_to_transform.get(k)
if transform:
cfg[k] = transform(v)
if isinstance(v, str) and "{var." in v:
cfg[k] = v.format(var=cfg)
with open(os.path.join(build_dir, "vars.json"), "w") as out:
json.dump(cfg, out, indent=4, separators=(",", ": "))
class ResolveProfiles:
"""Build Packer JSON variable files from HOCON build profiles
command_name = "resolve-profiles"
def add_args(parser):
"profile", help="name of profile to build", nargs="*")
def resolve_profiles(self, profiles, root):
builder = ConfigBuilder(
os.path.join(root, "profiles"),
os.path.join(root, "build", "profile"))
if profiles:
for profile in profiles:
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
def run(self, args, root, log):
self.resolve_profiles(args.profile, root)
class UpdateReleases:
"""Update release YAML
command_name = "update-releases"
def add_args(parser):
parser.add_argument("profile", help="name of profile to update")
parser.add_argument("build", help="name of build to update")
def parse_ids(ids):
parsed = re.split(":|,", ids)
return dict(zip(parsed[0::2], parsed[1::2]))
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
def run(self, args, root, log):
self.update_readme(args.profile,, root)
def update_readme(self, profile, build, root):
release_dir = os.path.join(root, "releases")
if not os.path.exists(release_dir):
release_yaml = os.path.join(release_dir, f"{profile}.yaml")
releases = {}
if os.path.exists(release_yaml):
with open(release_yaml, "r") as data:
releases = yaml.safe_load(data)
manifest_json = os.path.join(
root, "build", "profile", profile, build,
with open(manifest_json, "r") as data:
manifest = json.load(data)
data = manifest["builds"][0]["custom_data"]
release = data["release"]
if build not in releases:
releases[build] = {}
if release not in releases[build]:
releases[build][release] = {}
releases[build][release][data["ami_name"]] = {
"description": data["ami_desc"],
"profile": profile,
"profile_build": build,
"version": data["version"],
"release": release,
"arch": data["arch"],
"revision": data["revision"],
"end_of_life": data["end_of_life"],
"build_time": manifest["builds"][0]["build_time"],
"artifacts": self.parse_ids(manifest["builds"][0]["artifact_id"]),
with open(release_yaml, "w") as data:
yaml.dump(releases, data, sort_keys=False)
class ReleaseAMIs:
"""Copy AMIs to other regions and optionally make them public.
Copies an AMI from a source region to destination regions. If the AMI
exists in some regions but not others it will copy only to the new regions.
This copy will add tags to the destination AMIs to link them to the source
By default does not make the AMIs public. Running the command a second time
with the --public flag will make the already copied AMIs public. If some
AMIs are public and others are not, will make them all public.
This command will fill in missing regions and synchronized public settings
if it's re-run with the same AMI ID as new regions are added.
command_name = "release"
def add_args(parser):
parser.add_argument("--use-broker", action="store_true",
help="use identity broker to obtain per-region credentials")
parser.add_argument("--public", action="store_true",
help="make all copied images public, even previously copied ones")
parser.add_argument("--source-region", default="us-west-2",
help="source region hosting ami to copy")
parser.add_argument("--region", "-r", action="append",
help="destination regions for copy, may be specified multiple "
parser.add_argument("--allow-accounts", action="append",
help="add permissions for other accounts to non-public images, "
"may be specified multiple times")
parser.add_argument("--out-file", "-o",
help="output file for JSON AMI map, otherwise stdout")
parser.add_argument("ami", help="ami id to copy")
# TODO: for efficiency, the main release loop will need some work
# parser.add_argument("amis", nargs="+", help="ami(s) to copy")
def check_args(args):
if not args.use_broker and not args.region:
return ["Use broker or region must be specified"]
if args.use_broker and args.region:
return ["Broker and region flags are mutually exclusive."]
if args.out_file and os.path.exists(args.out_file):
return ["Output file already exists"]
def get_source_region_client(self, use_broker, source_region):
if use_broker:
return IdentityBrokerClient().boto3_session_for_region(
return boto3.session.Session(region_name=source_region).client(
def iter_regions(self, use_broker, regions):
if use_broker:
for region in IdentityBrokerClient().iter_regions():
yield region.client("ec2")
for region in regions:
yield boto3.session.Session(region_name=region).client("ec2")
def get_image(self, client, image_id):
images = client.describe_images(ImageIds=[image_id], Owners=["self"])
perms = client.describe_image_attribute(
Attribute="launchPermission", ImageId=image_id)
ami = AMI.from_aws_model(
images["Images"][0], region_from_client(client))
ami.aws_permissions = perms["LaunchPermissions"]
return ami
def get_image_with_tags(self, client, **tags):
images = self.get_images_with_tags(client, **tags)
if len(images) > 1:
raise Exception(f"Too many images for query {tags!r}")
elif len(images) == 0:
return None
return images[0]
def get_images_with_tags(self, client, **tags):
images = []
res = client.describe_images(Owners=["self"], Filters=[
{"Name": f"tag:{k}", "Values": [v]} for k, v in tags.items()])
for image in res["Images"]:
ami = AMI.from_aws_model(image, region_from_client(client))
perms = client.describe_image_attribute(
Attribute="launchPermission", ImageId=ami.image_id)
ami.aws_permissions = perms["LaunchPermissions"]
return images
def copy_image(self, from_client, to_client, image_id):
source = self.get_image(from_client, image_id)
res = to_client.copy_image(, Description=source.description,
SourceImageId=source.image_id, SourceRegion=source.region)
tags = [
{ "Key": "source_ami", "Value": source.image_id, },
{ "Key": "source_region", "Value": source.region, }
to_client.create_tags(Resources=[res["ImageId"]], Tags=tags)
return self.get_image(to_client, res["ImageId"])
def has_incorrect_perms(self, ami, accounts, public):
if accounts and set(ami.allowed_users) != set(accounts):
return True
if public and not ami.public:
return True
def update_image_permissions(self, client, ami):
Attribute="launchPermission", ImageId=ami.image_id,
LaunchPermission={"Add": ami.aws_permissions})
def run(self, args, root, log):
released = {}
pending_copy = []
pending_perms = []
source_client = self.get_source_region_client(
args.use_broker, args.source_region)
# TODO: iterate over amis from the command line
# check source ami perms, queue for fixing if necessary
source_ami = self.get_image(source_client, args.ami)
if self.has_incorrect_perms(
source_ami, args.allow_accounts, args.public):"Incorrect permissions for ami {args.ami} in region "
pending_perms.append((source_client, source_ami.image_id))
# Copy image to regions where it is missing, catalog images that need
# permission fixes
for client in self.iter_regions(args.use_broker, args.region):
region_name = region_from_client(client) # For logging
# Don't copy to source region
if region_name == region_from_client(source_client):
continue"Considering region {region_name}")
image = self.get_image_with_tags(client, source_ami=args.ami)
if not image:"Copying ami {args.ami} from {args.source_region} "
f"to {region_name}")
ami = self.copy_image(source_client, client, args.ami)
pending_copy.append((client, ami.image_id))
elif self.has_incorrect_perms(
image, args.allow_accounts, args.public):"Incorrect permissions for ami {args.ami} in region "
pending_perms.append((client, image.image_id))
# Wait for images to copy
while pending_copy:
client, id = pending_copy.pop(0) # emulate a FIFO queue
region_name = region_from_client(client) # For logging
image = self.get_image(client, id)
if image.state != AMIState.AVAILABLE:"Waiting for image copy for {id} to complete "
f"in {region_name}")
pending_copy.append((client, id))
pending_perms.append((client, id))
released[region_name] = id
# Update all permissions
for client, id in pending_perms:
region_name = region_from_client(client) # For logging"Updating permissions on ami {id} in "
image = self.get_image(client, id)
if args.public:
image.allowed_groups = ["all"]
elif args.allow_accounts:
image.allowed_users = args.allow_accounts
self.update_image_permissions(client, image)
if args.out_file:
with open(args.out_file, "w") as fp:
json.dump(released, fp, indent=4)
json.dump(released, sys.stdout, indent=4)
class RefreshReleases:
"""Refresh releases YAML with existing profile/build AMIs
command_name = "refresh-releases"
def add_args(parser):
parser.add_argument("--use-broker", action="store_true",
help="use identity broker to obtain per-region credentials")
parser.add_argument("--region", "-r", action="append",
help="regions for check, may be specified multiple times")
parser.add_argument("profile", help="name of profile to refresh")
# TODO: get_images_with_tags needs to support tag filters with array of values
# parser.add_argument("builds", nargs="*",
# help="names of builds within the profile to refresh")
def check_args(args):
if not args.use_broker and not args.region:
return ['Use broker or region must be specified']
if args.use_broker and args.region:
return ['Broker and region flags are mutually exclusive']
def run(self, args, root, log):
profile = args.profile
tags = { 'profile': args.profile }
release_dir = os.path.join(root, "releases")
if not os.path.exists(release_dir):
release_yaml = os.path.join(release_dir, f"{profile}.yaml")
releases = {}
if os.path.exists(release_yaml):
with open(release_yaml, "r") as data:
releases = yaml.safe_load(data)
for client in ReleaseAMIs().iter_regions(args.use_broker, args.region):
region_name = region_from_client(client) # For logging"Refreshing {profile} AMIs from {region_name}...")
amis = ReleaseAMIs().get_images_with_tags(client, **tags)
for ami in amis:
build = ami.profile_build
release = ami.release
name =
ami_id = ami.image_id" * {ami_id} {name}")
if build not in releases:
releases[build] = {}
if release not in releases[build]:
releases[build][release] = {}
if name not in releases[build][release]:
releases[build][release][name] = {
'description': ami.description,
'profile': profile,
'profile_build': build,
'version': ami.version,
'release': ami.release,
'arch': ami.arch,
'revision': ami.revision,
'end_of_life': ami.end_of_life,
'build_time': dateutil.parser.parse(ami.creation_date).strftime('%s'),
# TODO? source_ami, source_region
'artifacts': {}
releases[build][release][name]['artifacts'][region_name] = ami_id"Writing new {release_yaml}")
with open(release_yaml, "w") as data:
yaml.dump(releases, data, sort_keys=False)
2020-05-28 20:21:11 +00:00
class ConvertPackerJSON:
"""Convert packer.conf to packer.json
command_name = "convert-packer-config"
def add_args(parser):
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
def run(self, args, root, log):
2020-05-28 20:21:11 +00:00
source = os.path.join(root, "packer.conf")
dest = os.path.join(root, "build", "packer.json")
source, dest, "json", 2, False)
class FullBuild:
"""Make all of the AMIs for a profile
command_name = "amis"
def add_args(parser):
parser.add_argument("--region", "-r", default="us-west-2",
help="region to use for build")
2020-05-30 21:30:32 +00:00
parser.add_argument("--use-broker", action="store_true",
help="use identity broker to obtain per-region credentials")
parser.add_argument("profile", help="name of profile to build")
parser.add_argument("builds", nargs="*",
help="name of builds within a profile to build")
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
def run(self, args, root, log):"Converting packer.conf to JSON...")
ConvertPackerJSON().run(args, root, log)
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"Resolving profiles...")
ResolveProfiles().resolve_profiles([args.profile], root)
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"Running packer...")
MakeAMIs().run(args, root, log)
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00"Updating release readme...")
GenReleaseReadme().run(args, root, log)
def find_repo_root():
2020-05-30 04:11:25 +00:00
"""Find the root of the repo, which contains a .git folder
path = os.getcwd()
while ".git" not in set(os.listdir(path)) and path != "/":
path = os.path.dirname(path)
if path == "/":
raise Exception("No repo found, stopping at /")
return path
def main():
2020-05-30 04:11:25 +00:00
"""An introspective main method
Just some silly metaprogramming to make commands really easy to write and
to avoid needing to hand register them. Commands have a specific interface,
per below, but should be really easy to create and will be auto discovered.
Commands are objects that have the following attributes:
__doc__ (python docstring)
used as help text in the CLI
command_name (string)
name of the command as invoked by the cli
add_args(parser) (class or static method)
passed an argparse subparser at setup time that will ultimately
handle the arguments for the command at runtime. Should add any
configuration necessary for the command to use later. Must not
rely on object state as it is not invoked with an instance of the
2020-06-02 06:15:38 +00:00
check_args(self, args) (class method, optional)
passed the set of arguments that were parsed before the command was
invoked. This function should return a list of errors or None.
Non-empty lists will cause the command to not be executed and help
being printed.
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
run(self, args, root, log) (instance method)
2020-05-30 04:11:25 +00:00
passed the arguments object as parsed by argparse as well as a
string indicating the root of the repository (the folder containing
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
the .git folder) and an instance of a stanard libary logger for
output. Should throw exceptions on error and return when completed.
Should *not* execute sys.exit
2020-05-30 04:11:25 +00:00
dispatch = {}
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
subs = parser.add_subparsers(dest="command_name", required=True)
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
# Configure logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
for command in sys.modules[__name__].__dict__.values():
if not hasattr(command, "command_name"):
dispatch[command.command_name] = command()
doc = getattr(command, "__doc__", "")
subparser = subs.add_parser(
command.command_name, help=doc, description=doc)
2020-05-30 21:29:18 +00:00
add_args = getattr(command, "add_args", None)
if add_args:
args = parser.parse_args()
2020-06-02 06:15:38 +00:00
2020-06-02 06:15:14 +00:00
command = dispatch[args.command_name]
2020-06-02 06:15:38 +00:00
errors = getattr(command, "check_args", lambda x: [])(args)
if errors:
# Ugly hack, gets the help for the subcommand, no public API for this
else:, find_repo_root(), logger)
if __name__ == "__main__":