#!/bin/sh function log { logger -t "user-data.${_FUNC}" -- $@; } function die { log "$@"; exit_trap 1 1 / "$@"; } # msg used for sns event, last one wins function msg { MSG="$@"; log "$@"; } # Generic retry command wrapper, incl. timeout of 30s # $1 = number of tries; 0 = forever # $2 = number of seconds to sleep between tries # $@ actual command retry() { local tries=$1 local waitfor=$2 shift 2 while true; do # Only use timeout of $1 is an executable, call directly if function type -tf $1 >/dev/null && { timeout --preserve-status 30 $@ && return; } || { $@ && return; } ((tries=tries-1)) [ $tries -eq 0 ] && return 1 sleep $waitfor done } function add_swap() { [ -f /.swapfile ] || { dd if=/dev/zero of=/.swapfile bs=1M count=$1 && chmod 600 /.swapfile && mkswap /.swapfile && swapon /.swapfile; } grep -q "/.swapfile" /etc/fstab || echo "/.swapfile none swap sw 0 0" >> /etc/fstab sysctl -w vm.swappiness=10 } # Get SSM secure string base64 decoded # $0 SSM_PATH, value to stdout function get_secret() { aws ssm get-parameter --name ${1,,} --with-decryption --query 'Parameter.Value' | base64 -d } # Store values as base64 on SSM # $0 SSM_PATH VALUE function put_secret() { aws ssm put-parameter --name ${1,,} --type SecureString --value "$(echo "$2" | base64 -w0)" --overwrite } # Gets existing passphrase or creates new passphrase and stores it function init_passphrase() { local _URL=$1 local _PPFILE=$2 # If secret already exists noop [ -f $_PPFILE ] && return 0 get_secret $_URL > $_PPFILE && chmod 600 $_PPFILE || \ { xxd -l16 -p /dev/random > $_PPFILE; chmod 600 $_PPFILE; put_secret $_URL "$(cat $_PPFILE)"; } } function asg_heartbeat { [ -n "$LAUNCH_HOOK" ] && aws autoscaling record-lifecycle-action-heartbeat --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID --lifecycle-hook-name $LAUNCH_HOOK --auto-scaling-group-name $AWS_AUTOSCALING_GROUPNAME || true } function setup_sns_alarms() { # store SNS message json template cat < /etc/cloudbender/sns_alarm.json { "Source": "CloudBender", "AWSAccountId": "$AWS_ACCOUNT_ID", "Region": "$REGION", "Artifact": "$ARTIFACT", "Asg": "$AWS_AUTOSCALING_GROUPNAME", "Instance": "$INSTANCE_ID", "ip": "$IP_ADDRESS" } EOF mkdir -p /var/lib/cloudbender cat < /var/lib/cloudbender/sns_alarm.sh #!/bin/bash SUBJECT=\$1 MSG=\$2 LEVEL=\${3:-Info} ATTACHMENT=\${4:-""} EMOJI=\${5:-""} jq -M --arg subject "\$SUBJECT" --arg level "\$LEVEL" --arg msg "\$MSG" --arg attachment "\$ATTACHMENT" --arg emoji "\$EMOJI" --arg hostname "\$HOSTNAME" '.Subject = \$subject | .Level = \$level | .Message = \$msg | .Attachment = \$attachment | .Emoji = \$emoji | .Hostname = \$hostname' < /etc/cloudbender/sns_alarm.json | sed -e 's/\\\\\\\\/\\\\/g' > /tmp/sns.json aws sns publish --region ${REGION} --target-arn $ALARMSNSARN --message file:///tmp/sns.json EOF chmod +x /var/lib/cloudbender/sns_alarm.sh } function exit_trap { set +e trap - ERR EXIT local ERR_CODE=$1 local ERR_LINE="$2" local ERR_FUNC="$3" local ERR_CMD="$4" if [ $ERR_CODE -ne 0 ]; then CFN_STATUS="FAILURE" RESULT="ABANDON" else CFN_STATUS="SUCCESS" RESULT="CONTINUE" fi # Add SNS events on demand if [ "x${ALARMSNSARN}" != 'x' ]; then if [ $ERR_CODE -ne 0 ]; then LEVEL="Error" SUBJECT="Error during cloud-init." if [ $ERR_LINE -ne 1 ]; then MSG="$ERR_CMD failed in $ERR_FUNC at $ERR_LINE. Return: $ERR_CODE" ATTACHMENT="$(pr -tn $0 | tail -n+$((ERR_LINE - 3)) | head -n7)" else MSG="$ERR_CMD" fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then SUBJECT="$SUBJECT Instance kept running for debug." else SUBJECT="$SUBJECT Instance terminated by ASG lifecycle hook." fi else LEVEL="Info" SUBJECT="ZDT Alpine Instance launched." fi if [ -z "${DISABLECLOUDBENDERSNSSCALINGEVENTS}" ] || [ "$LEVEL" != "Info" ]; then /var/lib/cloudbender/sns_alarm.sh "$SUBJECT" "$MSG" "$LEVEL" "$ATTACHMENT" fi # Disable scaling events during shutdown [ -n "${DISABLECLOUDBENDERSNSSCALINGEVENTS}" ] && echo "DISABLE_SCALING_EVENTS=1" >> /etc/cloudbender/rc.conf fi [ -n "$LAUNCH_HOOK" ] && aws autoscaling complete-lifecycle-action --lifecycle-action-result $RESULT --instance-id $INSTANCE_ID --lifecycle-hook-name $LAUNCH_HOOK --auto-scaling-group-name ${AWS_AUTOSCALING_GROUPNAME} || true if [ -n "${AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_LOGICAL_ID}" ]; then aws cloudformation signal-resource --stack-name ${AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_STACK_NAME} --logical-resource-id ${AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_LOGICAL_ID} --unique-id ${INSTANCE_ID} --status ${CFN_STATUS} fi # timestamp being done end_uptime=$(awk '{print $1}' < /proc/uptime) log "Exiting user-data. Duration: $(echo "$end_uptime-$start_uptime" | bc) seconds" exit 0 }