85 lines
3.3 KiB

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ include "eck-operator.fullname" . }}
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
{{- include "eck-operator.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
eck.yaml: |-
{{- $metricsPort := int (include "eck-operator.metrics.port" .)}}
log-verbosity: {{ int .Values.config.logVerbosity }}
{{- if and .Values.config.metrics.secureMode.enabled (eq $metricsPort 0) }}
{{- fail "config.metrics.port must be greater than 0 when config.metrics.secureMode.enabled is true" }}
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.config.metrics.secureMode.enabled }}
metrics-port: {{ add $metricsPort 1 }}
{{- else }}
metrics-port: {{ $metricsPort }}
{{- end }}
container-registry: {{ .Values.config.containerRegistry }}
{{- with .Values.config.containerSuffix }}
container-suffix: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.config.containerRepository }}
container-repository: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
max-concurrent-reconciles: {{ int .Values.config.maxConcurrentReconciles }}
{{- with .Values.config.passwordHashCacheSize }}
password-hash-cache-size: {{ int . }}
{{- end }}
ca-cert-validity: {{ .Values.config.caValidity }}
ca-cert-rotate-before: {{ .Values.config.caRotateBefore }}
{{- with .Values.config.caDir }}
ca-dir: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
cert-validity: {{ .Values.config.certificatesValidity }}
cert-rotate-before: {{ .Values.config.certificatesRotateBefore }}
disable-config-watch: {{ .Values.config.disableConfigWatch }}
{{- with .Values.config.exposedNodeLabels }}
exposed-node-labels: [{{ join "," . }}]
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.config.ipFamily }}
ip-family: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
set-default-security-context: {{ .Values.config.setDefaultSecurityContext }}
kube-client-timeout: {{ .Values.config.kubeClientTimeout }}
{{- with .Values.config.kubeClientQPS }}
kube-client-qps: {{ int . }}
{{- end }}
elasticsearch-client-timeout: {{ .Values.config.elasticsearchClientTimeout }}
disable-telemetry: {{ .Values.telemetry.disabled }}
distribution-channel: {{ .Values.telemetry.distributionChannel }}
{{- with .Values.telemetry.interval }}
telemetry-interval: {{ . }}
{{- end }}
validate-storage-class: {{ .Values.config.validateStorageClass }}
{{- if .Values.tracing.enabled }}
enable-tracing: true
{{- end }}
{{- if .Values.refs.enforceRBAC }}
enforce-rbac-on-refs: true
{{- end }}
enable-webhook: {{ .Values.webhook.enabled }}
{{- if .Values.webhook.enabled }}
webhook-name: {{ include "eck-operator.webhookName" . }}
{{- if not .Values.webhook.manageCerts }}
manage-webhook-certs: false
webhook-cert-dir: {{ .Values.webhook.certsDir }}
{{- end }}
webhook-port: {{ .Values.webhook.port }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.managedNamespaces }}
namespaces: [{{ join "," . }}]
{{- end }}
operator-namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
enable-leader-election: {{ .Values.config.enableLeaderElection }}
elasticsearch-observation-interval: {{ .Values.config.elasticsearchObservationInterval }}
{{- if not .Values.config.containerSuffix }}
ubi-only: {{ .Values.config.ubiOnly }}
{{- end }}
{{- with .Values.webhook.certsSecret }}
webhook-secret: {{ . }}
{{- end }}