

KubeZero Umbrella Chart for Kiam

Current chart version is 0.2.5

Source code can be found here

Chart Requirements

Repository Name Version
https://uswitch.github.io/kiam-helm-charts/charts/ kiam 5.8.1
https://zero-down-time.github.io/kubezero/ kubezero-lib >= 0.1.1

KubeZero default configuration

We run agents on the controllers as well, so we force eg. ebs csi controllers and others to assume roles etc. This means we need to run kiam containers on the controllers using hostnetwork: true. Therefore we also change the default port from 443 to 6444 to not collide with the potential api-server port on the controllers. Make sure any firewall rules between controllers and workers are adjusted accordingly.

Kiam Certificates

The required certificates for Kiam server and agents are provided by a local cert-manager, which is configured to have a cluster local self-signing CA as part of the KubeZero platform.
Kiam TLS Config
KubeZero cert-manager

Metadata restrictions

Required for the csi ebs plugin and most likely various others assuming basic AWS information.

  • /latest/meta-data/instance-id
  • /latest/dynamic/instance-identity/document

Chart Values

Key Type Default Description
kiam.agent.gatewayTimeoutCreation string "5s"
kiam.agent.host.interface string "cali+"
kiam.agent.host.iptables bool false
kiam.agent.image.tag string "v3.6-rc1"
kiam.agent.log.level string "warn"
kiam.agent.prometheus.servicemonitor.enabled bool false
kiam.agent.sslCertHostPath string "/etc/ssl/certs"
kiam.agent.tlsCerts.caFileName string "ca.crt"
kiam.agent.tlsCerts.certFileName string "tls.crt"
kiam.agent.tlsCerts.keyFileName string "tls.key"
kiam.agent.tlsSecret string "kiam-agent-tls"
kiam.agent.tolerations[0].effect string "NoSchedule"
kiam.agent.tolerations[0].key string "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
kiam.agent.updateStrategy string "RollingUpdate"
kiam.agent.whiteListRouteRegexp string `"^/latest/(meta-data/instance-id dynamic)"`
kiam.server.assumeRoleArn string "" kiam server IAM role to assume, required as we run the agents next to the servers normally, eg. arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/kiam-server-role
kiam.server.deployment.enabled bool true
kiam.server.deployment.replicas int 1
kiam.server.image.tag string "v3.6-rc1"
kiam.server.log.level string "warn"
kiam.server.nodeSelector."node-role.kubernetes.io/master" string ""
kiam.server.prometheus.servicemonitor.enabled bool false
kiam.server.service.port int 6444
kiam.server.service.targetPort int 6444
kiam.server.sslCertHostPath string "/etc/ssl/certs"
kiam.server.tlsCerts.caFileName string "ca.crt"
kiam.server.tlsCerts.certFileName string "tls.crt"
kiam.server.tlsCerts.keyFileName string "tls.key"
kiam.server.tlsSecret string "kiam-server-tls"
kiam.server.tolerations[0].effect string "NoSchedule"
kiam.server.tolerations[0].key string "node-role.kubernetes.io/master"
kiam.server.updateStrategy string "RollingUpdate"
kiam.server.useHostNetwork bool true


  • Verify iptables rules on hosts to be set by the kiam agent:
    iptables -L -t nat -n --line-numbers
    iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING <wrong rule>
