178 lines
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178 lines
9.5 KiB
"apiVersion": "monitoring.coreos.com/v1",
"kind": "PrometheusRule",
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"prometheus": "k8s"
"name": "etcd",
"namespace": "monitoring"
"spec": {
"groups": [
"name": "etcd",
"rules": [
"alert": "etcdMembersDown",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": members are down ({{ $value }}).",
"summary": "etcd cluster members are down."
"expr": "max without (endpoint) (\n sum without (instance, pod) (up{job=~\".*etcd.*\"} == bool 0)\nor\n count without (To) (\n sum without (instance, pod) (rate(etcd_network_peer_sent_failures_total{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[120s])) > 0.01\n )\n)\n> 0\n",
"for": "20m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"
"alert": "etcdInsufficientMembers",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": insufficient members ({{ $value }}).",
"summary": "etcd cluster has insufficient number of members."
"expr": "sum(up{job=~\".*etcd.*\"} == bool 1) without (instance, pod) < ((count(up{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}) without (instance, pod) + 1) / 2)\n",
"for": "3m",
"labels": {
"severity": "critical"
"alert": "etcdNoLeader",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": member {{ $labels.instance }} has no leader.",
"summary": "etcd cluster has no leader."
"expr": "etcd_server_has_leader{job=~\".*etcd.*\"} == 0\n",
"for": "1m",
"labels": {
"severity": "critical"
"alert": "etcdHighNumberOfLeaderChanges",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": {{ $value }} leader changes within the last 15 minutes. Frequent elections may be a sign of insufficient resources, high network latency, or disruptions by other components and should be investigated.",
"summary": "etcd cluster has high number of leader changes."
"expr": "increase((max without (instance, pod) (etcd_server_leader_changes_seen_total{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}) or 0*absent(etcd_server_leader_changes_seen_total{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}))[15m:1m]) >= 4\n",
"for": "5m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"
"alert": "etcdGRPCRequestsSlow",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": 99th percentile of gRPC requests is {{ $value }}s on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }} for {{ $labels.grpc_method }} method.",
"summary": "etcd grpc requests are slow"
"expr": "histogram_quantile(0.99, sum(rate(grpc_server_handling_seconds_bucket{job=~\".*etcd.*\", grpc_method!=\"Defragment\", grpc_type=\"unary\"}[5m])) without(grpc_type))\n> 0.15\n",
"for": "10m",
"labels": {
"severity": "critical"
"alert": "etcdMemberCommunicationSlow",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": member communication with {{ $labels.To }} is taking {{ $value }}s on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }}.",
"summary": "etcd cluster member communication is slow."
"expr": "histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(etcd_network_peer_round_trip_time_seconds_bucket{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[5m]))\n> 0.15\n",
"for": "10m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"
"alert": "etcdHighNumberOfFailedProposals",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": {{ $value }} proposal failures within the last 30 minutes on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }}.",
"summary": "etcd cluster has high number of proposal failures."
"expr": "rate(etcd_server_proposals_failed_total{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[15m]) > 5\n",
"for": "15m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"
"alert": "etcdHighFsyncDurations",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": 99th percentile fsync durations are {{ $value }}s on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }}.",
"summary": "etcd cluster 99th percentile fsync durations are too high."
"expr": "histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucket{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[5m]))\n> 0.5\n",
"for": "10m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"
"alert": "etcdHighFsyncDurations",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": 99th percentile fsync durations are {{ $value }}s on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }}.",
"summary": "etcd cluster 99th percentile fsync durations are too high."
"expr": "histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(etcd_disk_wal_fsync_duration_seconds_bucket{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[5m]))\n> 1\n",
"for": "10m",
"labels": {
"severity": "critical"
"alert": "etcdHighCommitDurations",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": 99th percentile commit durations {{ $value }}s on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }}.",
"summary": "etcd cluster 99th percentile commit durations are too high."
"expr": "histogram_quantile(0.99, rate(etcd_disk_backend_commit_duration_seconds_bucket{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[5m]))\n> 0.25\n",
"for": "10m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"
"alert": "etcdDatabaseQuotaLowSpace",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": database size exceeds the defined quota on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }}, please defrag or increase the quota as the writes to etcd will be disabled when it is full.",
"summary": "etcd cluster database is running full."
"expr": "(last_over_time(etcd_mvcc_db_total_size_in_bytes{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[5m]) / last_over_time(etcd_server_quota_backend_bytes{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[5m]))*100 > 95\n",
"for": "10m",
"labels": {
"severity": "critical"
"alert": "etcdExcessiveDatabaseGrowth",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": Predicting running out of disk space in the next four hours, based on write observations within the past four hours on etcd instance {{ $labels.instance }}, please check as it might be disruptive.",
"summary": "etcd cluster database growing very fast."
"expr": "predict_linear(etcd_mvcc_db_total_size_in_bytes{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[4h], 4*60*60) > etcd_server_quota_backend_bytes{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}\n",
"for": "10m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"
"alert": "etcdDatabaseHighFragmentationRatio",
"annotations": {
"description": "etcd cluster \"{{ $labels.job }}\": database size in use on instance {{ $labels.instance }} is {{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of the actual allocated disk space, please run defragmentation (e.g. etcdctl defrag) to retrieve the unused fragmented disk space.",
"runbook_url": "https://etcd.io/docs/v3.5/op-guide/maintenance/#defragmentation",
"summary": "etcd database size in use is less than 50% of the actual allocated storage."
"expr": "(last_over_time(etcd_mvcc_db_total_size_in_use_in_bytes{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[5m]) / last_over_time(etcd_mvcc_db_total_size_in_bytes{job=~\".*etcd.*\"}[5m])) < 0.5 and etcd_mvcc_db_total_size_in_use_in_bytes{job=~\".*etcd.*\"} > 104857600\n",
"for": "10m",
"labels": {
"severity": "warning"