global: # hub: # tag: 1.11.0 logAsJson: true defaultPodDisruptionBudget: enabled: false priorityClassName: "system-cluster-critical" istio-discovery: pilot: autoscaleEnabled: false replicaCount: 1 # Not implemented, monkey patched in the chart itself nodeSelector: "" tolerations: - effect: NoSchedule key: resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 128Mi # env: # PILOT_ENABLE_MYSQL_FILTER: true # PILOT_ENABLE_REDIS_FILTER: true # PILOT_HTTP10: true telemetry: enabled: false meshConfig: accessLogFile: /dev/stdout accessLogEncoding: 'JSON' tcpKeepalive: interval: 60s time: 120s kiali-server: enabled: false auth: strategy: anonymous deployment: ingress_enabled: false view_only_mode: true server: metrics_enabled: false external_services: custom_dashboards: enabled: false prometheus: url: "http://metrics-kube-prometheus-st-prometheus.monitoring:9090" istio: enabled: false gateway: istio-ingress/private-ingressgateway #url: "" rateLimiting: enabled: true log: level: warn format: json # 1MB local cache for already reached limits to reduce calls to Redis localCacheSize: 1048576 # Wether to block requests if ratelimiting is down failureModeDeny: false # rate limit descriptors for each domain, examples 10 req/s per sourceIP descriptors: ingress: - key: remote_address rate_limit: unit: second requests_per_unit: 10 privateIngress: - key: remote_address rate_limit: unit: second requests_per_unit: 10