# Default values for clamav.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

# nameOverride -- override the name of the clamav chart
nameOverride: ""

# fullnameOverride -- override the full name of the clamav chart
fullnameOverride: ""

  # service.port -- The port to be used by the clamav service
  port: 3310

  # clamav.image -- The clamav docker image
  image: clamav/clamav
  # clamav.version -- The clamav docker image version - defaults to .Chart.appVersion
  version: "unstable"

  replicaCount: 1

    # clamav.freshclam.mirrors -- A list of clamav mirrors to be used by the clamav service
    mirrors: database.clamav.net
    # clamav.limits.fileSize -- The largest file size scanable by clamav, in MB
    fileSize: 20
    # clamav.limits.scanSize -- The largest scan size permitted in clamav, in MB
    scanSize: 100
    # clamav.limits.connectionQueueLength -- Maximum length the queue of pending connections may grow to
    connectionQueueLength: 100
    # clamav.limits.maxThreads --Maximum number of threads running at the same time.
    maxThreads: 4
    # clamav.sendBufTimeout -- This option specifies how long to wait (in milliseconds) if the send buffer is full, keep low to avoid clamd hanging
    sendBufTimeout: 500

    # clamav.resources -- The resource requests and limits for the clamav service
      cpu: 300m
      memory: 1300M
    #  cpu: 1500m
    #  memory: 2000M