gateway: autoscaling: enabled: false minReplicas: 1 maxReplicas: 4 targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 80 replicaCount: 1 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 120 minReadySeconds: 10 resources: requests: cpu: 50m memory: 64Mi limits: # cpu: 100m memory: 512Mi service: type: NodePort externalTrafficPolicy: Local # Map port 80/443 to 8080/8443 so we don't need to root # ports is extended as follows: # noGateway: true -> this port does NOT get mapped to a Gateway port # tls: optional gateway port setting # gatewayProtocol: Loadbalancer protocol which is NOT the same as Container Procotol ! podAnnotations: '{ "terminationDrainDuration": "90s" }' certificates: [] #- name: ingress-cert # dnsNames: [] telemetry: enabled: false proxyProtocol: true hardening: rejectUnderscoresHeaders: true unescapeSlashes: true preserveExternalRequestId: false