#!/bin/bash # Simulate well-known CRDs being available API_VERSIONS="-a monitoring.coreos.com/v1 -a snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1 -a policy/v1/PodDisruptionBudget -a apiregistration.k8s.io/v1" export HELM_SECRETS_BACKEND="vals" LOCAL_DEV=${LOCAL_DEV:-""} # Waits for max 300s and retries function wait_for() { local TRIES=0 while true; do eval " $@" && break [ $TRIES -eq 100 ] && return 1 let TRIES=$TRIES+1 sleep 3 done } function chart_location() { if [ -n "$LOCAL_DEV" ]; then echo $CHARTS/$1 else echo "$1 --repo https://cdn.zero-downtime.net/charts" fi } function argo_used() { kubectl get application kubezero -n argocd >/dev/null \ && echo "True" || echo "False" } # get kubezero-values from ArgoCD if available or use in-cluster CM function get_kubezero_values() { local argo=${1:-"False"} if [ "$argo" == "True" ]; then kubectl get application kubezero -n argocd -o yaml | yq .spec.source.helm.valuesObject > ${WORKDIR}/kubezero-values.yaml else kubectl get configmap kubezero-values -n kubezero -o yaml | yq '.data."values.yaml"' > ${WORKDIR}/kubezero-values.yaml fi } # Update kubezero-values CM function update_kubezero_cm() { kubectl get application kubezero -n argocd -o yaml | yq .spec.source.helm.valuesObject > ${WORKDIR}/kubezero-values.yaml kubectl get cm -n kubezero kubezero-values -o=yaml | \ yq e '.data."values.yaml" |= load_str("/tmp/kubezero/kubezero-values.yaml")' | \ kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f - } function disable_argo() { cat > _argoapp_patch.yaml <<EOF spec: syncWindows: - kind: deny schedule: '0 * * * *' duration: 24h namespaces: - '*' EOF kubectl patch appproject kubezero -n argocd --patch-file _argoapp_patch.yaml --type=merge && rm _argoapp_patch.yaml echo "Enabled service window for ArgoCD project kubezero" } function enable_argo() { kubectl patch appproject kubezero -n argocd --type json -p='[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/syncWindows"}]' || true echo "Removed service window for ArgoCD project kubezero" } function cntFailedPods() { NS=$1 NR=$(kubectl get pods -n $NS --field-selector="status.phase!=Succeeded,status.phase!=Running" -o custom-columns="POD:metadata.name" -o json | jq '.items | length') echo $NR } function waitSystemPodsRunning() { while true; do [ "$(cntFailedPods kube-system)" -eq 0 ] && break sleep 3 done } function argo_app_synced() { APP=$1 # Ensure we are synced otherwise bail out status=$(kubectl get application $APP -n argocd -o yaml | yq .status.sync.status) if [ "$status" != "Synced" ]; then echo "ArgoCD Application $APP not 'Synced'!" return 1 fi return 0 } # make sure namespace exists prior to calling helm as the create-namespace options doesn't work function create_ns() { local namespace=$1 if [ "$namespace" != "kube-system" ]; then kubectl get ns $namespace > /dev/null || kubectl create ns $namespace fi } # delete non kube-system ns function delete_ns() { local namespace=$1 [ "$namespace" != "kube-system" ] && kubectl delete ns $namespace } # Extract crds via helm calls function _crds() { helm secrets --evaluate-templates template $(chart_location $chart) -n $namespace --name-template $module $targetRevision --include-crds -f $WORKDIR/values.yaml $API_VERSIONS --kube-version $KUBE_VERSION $@ | python3 -c ' #!/usr/bin/python3 import yaml import sys yaml.add_multi_constructor("tag:yaml.org,2002:value", lambda loader, suffix, node: None, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) for manifest in yaml.safe_load_all(sys.stdin): if manifest: if "kind" in manifest and manifest["kind"] == "CustomResourceDefinition": print("---") print(yaml.dump(manifest))' > $WORKDIR/crds.yaml # Only apply if there are actually any crds if [ -s $WORKDIR/crds.yaml ]; then [ -n "$DEBUG" ] && cat $WORKDIR/crds.yaml kubectl apply -f $WORKDIR/crds.yaml --server-side --force-conflicts fi } # helm template | kubectl apply -f - # confine to one namespace if possible function render() { helm secrets --evaluate-templates template $(chart_location $chart) -n $namespace --name-template $module $targetRevision --skip-crds -f $WORKDIR/values.yaml $API_VERSIONS --kube-version $KUBE_VERSION $@ \ | python3 -c ' #!/usr/bin/python3 import yaml import sys yaml.add_multi_constructor("tag:yaml.org,2002:value", lambda loader, suffix, node: None, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) for manifest in yaml.safe_load_all(sys.stdin): if manifest: if "kind" in manifest and manifest["kind"] == "CustomResourceDefinition": continue if "metadata" in manifest and "namespace" not in manifest["metadata"]: manifest["metadata"]["namespace"] = sys.argv[1] print("---") print(yaml.dump(manifest))' $namespace > $WORKDIR/helm.yaml } function _helm() { local action=$1 local module=$2 # check if module is even enabled and return if not [ ! -f $WORKDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml ] && { echo "Module $module disabled. No-op."; return 0; } local chart="$(yq eval '.spec.source.chart' $WORKDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml)" local namespace="$(yq eval '.spec.destination.namespace' $WORKDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml)" targetRevision="" if [ -z "$LOCAL_DEV" ]; then _version="$(yq eval '.spec.source.targetRevision' $WORKDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml)" [ -n "$_version" ] && targetRevision="--version $_version" fi yq eval '.spec.source.helm.valuesObject' $WORKDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml > $WORKDIR/values.yaml if [ $action == "crds" ]; then # Allow custom CRD handling declare -F ${module}-crds && ${module}-crds || _crds elif [ $action == "apply" ]; then echo "using values to $action of module $module: " cat $WORKDIR/values.yaml # namespace must exist prior to apply create_ns $namespace # Optional pre hook declare -F ${module}-pre && ${module}-pre render kubectl $action -f $WORKDIR/helm.yaml --server-side --force-conflicts && rc=$? || rc=$? # Optional post hook declare -F ${module}-post && ${module}-post elif [ $action == "delete" ]; then render kubectl $action -f $WORKDIR/helm.yaml && rc=$? || rc=$? # Delete dedicated namespace if not kube-system [ -n "$DELETE_NS" ] && delete_ns $namespace fi return 0 } function all_nodes_upgrade() { CMD="$1" echo "Deploy all node upgrade daemonSet(busybox)" cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: kubezero-all-nodes-upgrade namespace: kube-system labels: app: kubezero-upgrade spec: selector: matchLabels: name: kubezero-all-nodes-upgrade template: metadata: labels: name: kubezero-all-nodes-upgrade spec: hostNetwork: true hostIPC: true hostPID: true tolerations: - operator: Exists initContainers: - name: node-upgrade image: busybox command: ["/bin/sh"] args: ["-x", "-c", "$CMD" ] volumeMounts: - name: host mountPath: /host - name: hostproc mountPath: /hostproc securityContext: privileged: true capabilities: add: ["SYS_ADMIN"] containers: - name: node-upgrade-wait image: busybox command: ["sleep", "3600"] volumes: - name: host hostPath: path: / type: Directory - name: hostproc hostPath: path: /proc type: Directory EOF kubectl rollout status daemonset -n kube-system kubezero-all-nodes-upgrade --timeout 300s kubectl delete ds kubezero-all-nodes-upgrade -n kube-system } function control_plane_upgrade() { TASKS="$1" [ -z "$KUBE_VERSION" ] && KUBE_VERSION="latest" echo "Deploy cluster admin task: $TASKS" cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: kubezero-upgrade namespace: kube-system labels: app: kubezero-upgrade spec: hostNetwork: true hostIPC: true hostPID: true containers: - name: kubezero-admin image: public.ecr.aws/zero-downtime/kubezero-admin:${KUBE_VERSION} imagePullPolicy: Always command: ["kubezero.sh"] args: [$TASKS] env: - name: DEBUG value: "$DEBUG" - name: NODE_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: spec.nodeName volumeMounts: - name: host mountPath: /host - name: workdir mountPath: /tmp securityContext: capabilities: add: ["SYS_CHROOT"] volumes: - name: host hostPath: path: / type: Directory - name: workdir emptyDir: {} nodeSelector: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane: "" tolerations: - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule restartPolicy: Never EOF kubectl wait pod kubezero-upgrade -n kube-system --timeout 120s --for=condition=initialized 2>/dev/null while true; do kubectl logs kubezero-upgrade -n kube-system -f 2>/dev/null && break sleep 3 done kubectl delete pod kubezero-upgrade -n kube-system }