   "apiVersion": "monitoring.coreos.com/v1",
   "kind": "PrometheusRule",
   "metadata": {
      "labels": {
         "prometheus": "k8s"
      "name": "cert-manager",
      "namespace": "monitoring"
   "spec": {
      "groups": [
            "name": "cert-manager",
            "rules": [
                  "alert": "CertManagerAbsent",
                  "annotations": {
                     "description": "New certificates will not be able to be minted, and existing ones can't be renewed until cert-manager is back.",
                     "runbook_url": "https://github.com/imusmanmalik/cert-manager-mixin/blob/main/RUNBOOK.md#certmanagerabsent",
                     "summary": "Cert Manager has disappeared from Prometheus service discovery."
                  "expr": "absent(up{job=\"cert-manager\"})",
                  "for": "10m",
                  "labels": {
                     "severity": "critical"
            "name": "certificates",
            "rules": [
                  "alert": "CertManagerCertExpirySoon",
                  "annotations": {
                     "dashboard_url": "https://grafana.example.com/d/TvuRo2iMk/cert-manager",
                     "description": "The domain that this cert covers will be unavailable after {{ $value | humanizeDuration }}. Clients using endpoints that this cert protects will start to fail in {{ $value | humanizeDuration }}.",
                     "runbook_url": "https://github.com/imusmanmalik/cert-manager-mixin/blob/main/RUNBOOK.md#certmanagercertexpirysoon",
                     "summary": "The cert `{{ $labels.name }}` is {{ $value | humanizeDuration }} from expiry, it should have renewed over a week ago."
                  "expr": "avg by (exported_namespace, namespace, name) (\n  certmanager_certificate_expiration_timestamp_seconds - time()\n) < (21 * 24 * 3600) # 21 days in seconds\n",
                  "for": "1h",
                  "labels": {
                     "severity": "warning"
                  "alert": "CertManagerCertNotReady",
                  "annotations": {
                     "dashboard_url": "https://grafana.example.com/d/TvuRo2iMk/cert-manager",
                     "description": "This certificate has not been ready to serve traffic for at least 10m. If the cert is being renewed or there is another valid cert, the ingress controller _may_ be able to serve that instead.",
                     "runbook_url": "https://github.com/imusmanmalik/cert-manager-mixin/blob/main/RUNBOOK.md#certmanagercertnotready",
                     "summary": "The cert `{{ $labels.name }}` is not ready to serve traffic."
                  "expr": "max by (name, exported_namespace, namespace, condition) (\n  certmanager_certificate_ready_status{condition!=\"True\"} == 1\n)\n",
                  "for": "10m",
                  "labels": {
                     "severity": "critical"
                  "alert": "CertManagerHittingRateLimits",
                  "annotations": {
                     "dashboard_url": "https://grafana.example.com/d/TvuRo2iMk/cert-manager",
                     "description": "Depending on the rate limit, cert-manager may be unable to generate certificates for up to a week.",
                     "runbook_url": "https://github.com/imusmanmalik/cert-manager-mixin/blob/main/RUNBOOK.md#certmanagerhittingratelimits",
                     "summary": "Cert manager hitting LetsEncrypt rate limits."
                  "expr": "sum by (host) (\n  rate(certmanager_http_acme_client_request_count{status=\"429\"}[5m])\n) > 0\n",
                  "for": "5m",
                  "labels": {
                     "severity": "critical"