#!/bin/bash #set -eEx #set -o pipefail set -x ARTIFACTS=($(echo $1 | tr "," "\n")) ACTION="${2:-apply}" ARGOCD="${3:-False}" LOCAL_DEV=1 #VERSION="latest" KUBE_VERSION="$(kubectl version -o json | jq -r .serverVersion.gitVersion)" WORKDIR=$(mktemp -p /tmp -d kubezero.XXX) [ -z "$DEBUG" ] && trap 'rm -rf $WORKDIR' ERR EXIT SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) # shellcheck disable=SC1091 . "$SCRIPT_DIR"/libhelm.sh CHARTS="$(dirname $SCRIPT_DIR)/charts" # Guess platform from current context _auth_cmd=$(kubectl config view | yq .users[0].user.exec.command) if [ "$_auth_cmd" == "gke-gcloud-auth-plugin" ]; then PLATFORM=gke elif [ "$_auth_cmd" == "aws-iam-authenticator" ]; then PLATFORM=aws else PLATFORM=nocloud fi parse_version() { echo $([[ $1 =~ ^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[0]//v/}") } KUBE_VERSION=$(parse_version $KUBE_VERSION) ### Various hooks for modules ################ # cert-manager # ################ function cert-manager-post() { # If any error occurs, wait for initial webhook deployment and try again # see: https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/webhook/#webhook-connection-problems-shortly-after-cert-manager-installation if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then wait_for "kubectl get deployment -n $namespace cert-manager-webhook" kubectl rollout status deployment -n $namespace cert-manager-webhook wait_for 'kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations -o yaml | grep "caBundle: LS0"' fi wait_for "kubectl get ClusterIssuer -n $namespace kubezero-local-ca-issuer" kubectl wait --timeout=180s --for=condition=Ready -n $namespace ClusterIssuer/kubezero-local-ca-issuer } ########### # ArgoCD # ########### function argocd-pre() { kubectl delete job argo-argocd-redis-secret-init -n argocd || true for f in $CLUSTER/secrets/argocd-*.yaml; do kubectl apply -f $f done } ########### # Metrics # ########### # Cleanup patch jobs from previous runs , ArgoCD does this automatically function metrics-pre() { kubectl delete jobs --field-selector status.successful=1 -n monitoring } ### Main get_kubezero_values $ARGOCD # Always use embedded kubezero chart helm template $CHARTS/kubezero -f $WORKDIR/kubezero-values.yaml --kube-version $KUBE_VERSION --name-template kubezero --version ~$KUBE_VERSION --devel --output-dir $WORKDIR # Root KubeZero apply directly and exit if [ ${ARTIFACTS[0]} == "kubezero" ]; then kubectl replace -f $WORKDIR/kubezero/templates $(field_manager $ARGOCD) exit $? # "catch all" apply all enabled modules elif [ ${ARTIFACTS[0]} == "all" ]; then ARTIFACTS=($(ls $WORKDIR/kubezero/templates | sed -e 's/.yaml//g')) fi # Delete in reverse order, continue even if errors if [ "$ACTION" == "delete" ]; then set +e for (( idx=${#ARTIFACTS[@]}-1 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )) ; do _helm delete ${ARTIFACTS[idx]} || true done else if [ "$ACTION" == "apply" -o "$ACTION" == "crds" ]; then for t in ${ARTIFACTS[@]}; do _helm crds $t || true done fi for t in ${ARTIFACTS[@]}; do _helm $ACTION $t || true done fi