#!/bin/bash set -ex ACTION=$1 ARTIFACTS=($(echo $2 | tr "," "\n")) CLUSTER=$3 LOCATION=${4:-""} which yq || { echo "yq not found!"; exit 1; } which helm || { echo "helm not found!"; exit 1; } helm_version=$(helm version --short) echo $helm_version | grep -qe "^v3.[5-9]" || { echo "Helm version >= 3.5 required!"; exit 1; } # Simulate well-known CRDs being available API_VERSIONS="-a monitoring.coreos.com/v1 -a snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1" KUBE_VERSION="--kube-version $(kubectl version -o json | jq -r .serverVersion.gitVersion)" TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d kubezero.XXX) [ -z "$DEBUG" ] && trap 'rm -rf $TMPDIR' ERR EXIT # Waits for max 300s and retries function wait_for() { local TRIES=0 while true; do eval " $@" && break [ $TRIES -eq 100 ] && return 1 let TRIES=$TRIES+1 sleep 3 done } function chart_location() { if [ -z "$LOCATION" ]; then echo "$1 --repo https://cdn.zero-downtime.net/charts" else echo "$LOCATION/$1" fi } # make sure namespace exists prior to calling helm as the create-namespace options doesn't work function create_ns() { local namespace=$1 if [ "$namespace" != "kube-system" ]; then kubectl get ns $namespace || kubectl create ns $namespace fi } # delete non kube-system ns function delete_ns() { local namespace=$1 [ "$namespace" != "kube-system" ] && kubectl delete ns $namespace } # Extract crds via helm calls and apply delta=crds only function _crds() { helm template $(chart_location $chart) -n $namespace --name-template $module $targetRevision --skip-crds --set ${module}.installCRDs=false -f $TMPDIR/values.yaml $API_VERSIONS $KUBE_VERSION > $TMPDIR/helm-no-crds.yaml helm template $(chart_location $chart) -n $namespace --name-template $module $targetRevision --include-crds --set ${module}.installCRDs=true -f $TMPDIR/values.yaml $API_VERSIONS $KUBE_VERSION > $TMPDIR/helm-crds.yaml diff -e $TMPDIR/helm-no-crds.yaml $TMPDIR/helm-crds.yaml | head -n-1 | tail -n+2 > $TMPDIR/crds.yaml # Only apply if there are actually any crds if [ -s $TMPDIR/crds.yaml ]; then kubectl apply -f $TMPDIR/crds.yaml --server-side fi } # helm template | kubectl apply -f - # confine to one namespace if possible function apply(){ helm template $(chart_location $chart) -n $namespace --name-template $module $targetRevision --skip-crds -f $TMPDIR/values.yaml $API_VERSIONS $KUBE_VERSION $@ \ | python3 -c ' #!/usr/bin/python3 import yaml import sys for manifest in yaml.safe_load_all(sys.stdin): if manifest: if "metadata" in manifest and "namespace" not in manifest["metadata"]: manifest["metadata"]["namespace"] = sys.argv[1] print("---") print(yaml.dump(manifest))' $namespace > $TMPDIR/helm.yaml kubectl $action -f $TMPDIR/helm.yaml && rc=$? || rc=$? } function _helm() { local action=$1 local module=$2 local chart="$(yq eval '.spec.source.chart' $TMPDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml)" local namespace="$(yq eval '.spec.destination.namespace' $TMPDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml)" targetRevision="" _version="$(yq eval '.spec.source.targetRevision' $TMPDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml)" [ -n "$_version" ] && targetRevision="--version $_version" yq eval '.spec.source.helm.values' $TMPDIR/kubezero/templates/${module}.yaml > $TMPDIR/values.yaml if [ $action == "crds" ]; then # Allow custom CRD handling declare -F ${module}-crds && ${module}-crds || _crds elif [ $action == "apply" ]; then # namespace must exist prior to apply create_ns $namespace # Optional pre hook declare -F ${module}-pre && ${module}-pre apply # Optional post hook declare -F ${module}-post && ${module}-post elif [ $action == "delete" ]; then apply # Delete dedicated namespace if not kube-system [ -n "$DELETE_NS" ] && delete_ns $namespace fi return 0 } ################ # cert-manager # ################ function cert-manager-post() { # If any error occurs, wait for initial webhook deployment and try again # see: https://cert-manager.io/docs/concepts/webhook/#webhook-connection-problems-shortly-after-cert-manager-installation if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then wait_for "kubectl get deployment -n $namespace cert-manager-webhook" kubectl rollout status deployment -n $namespace cert-manager-webhook wait_for 'kubectl get validatingwebhookconfigurations -o yaml | grep "caBundle: LS0"' apply fi wait_for "kubectl get ClusterIssuer -n $namespace kubezero-local-ca-issuer" kubectl wait --timeout=180s --for=condition=Ready -n $namespace ClusterIssuer/kubezero-local-ca-issuer } ########### # ArgoCD # ########### function argocd-pre() { for f in $CLUSTER/secrets/argocd-*.yaml; do kubectl apply -f $f done } ########### # Metrics # ########### # Cleanup patch jobs from previous runs , ArgoCD does this automatically function metrics-pre() { kubectl delete jobs --field-selector status.successful=1 -n monitoring } ########## ## MAIN ## ########## if [ ! -f $CLUSTER/kubezero/application.yaml ]; then echo "Cannot find cluster config!" exit 1 fi KUBEZERO_VERSION=$(yq eval '.spec.source.targetRevision' $CLUSTER/kubezero/application.yaml) # Extract all kubezero values from argo app yq eval '.spec.source.helm.values' $CLUSTER/kubezero/application.yaml > $TMPDIR/values.yaml # Render all enabled Kubezero modules helm template $(chart_location kubezero) -f $TMPDIR/values.yaml --version $KUBEZERO_VERSION --devel --output-dir $TMPDIR # Resolve all the all enabled artifacts if [ ${ARTIFACTS[0]} == "all" ]; then ARTIFACTS=($(ls $TMPDIR/kubezero/templates | sed -e 's/.yaml//g')) fi echo "Artifacts: ${ARTIFACTS[@]}" if [ $1 == "apply" -o $1 == "crds" ]; then for t in ${ARTIFACTS[@]}; do _helm $1 $t || true done # Delete in reverse order, continue even if errors elif [ $1 == "delete" ]; then set +e for (( idx=${#ARTIFACTS[@]}-1 ; idx>=0 ; idx-- )) ; do _helm delete ${ARTIFACTS[idx]} || true done fi