| [agent.envVars](./values.yaml#L1076) | list | Environment variables for the agent Pod | `[]` |
| [agent.garbageCollection.enabled](./values.yaml#L1110) | bool | When enabled, Jenkins will periodically check for orphan pods that have not been touched for the given timeout period and delete them. | `false` |
| [agent.garbageCollection.namespaces](./values.yaml#L1112) | string | Namespaces to look at for garbage collection, in addition to the default namespace defined for the cloud. One namespace per line. | `""` |
| [agent.garbageCollection.timeout](./values.yaml#L1117) | int | Timeout value for orphaned pods | `300` |
| [agent.hostNetworking](./values.yaml#L973) | bool | Enables the agent to use the host network | `false` |
| [agent.idleMinutes](./values.yaml#L1120) | int | Allows the Pod to remain active for reuse until the configured number of minutes has passed since the last step was executed on it | `0` |
| [agent.image.repository](./values.yaml#L952) | string | Repository to pull the agent jnlp image from | `"jenkins/inbound-agent"` |
| [agent.imagePullSecretName](./values.yaml#L961) | string | Name of the secret to be used to pull the image | `nil` |
| [agent.inheritYamlMergeStrategy](./values.yaml#L1140) | bool | Controls whether the defined yaml merge strategy will be inherited if another defined pod template is configured to inherit from the current one | `false` |
| [agent.jnlpregistry](./values.yaml#L949) | string | Custom registry used to pull the agent jnlp image from | `nil` |
| [agent.kubernetesConnectTimeout](./values.yaml#L935) | int | The connection timeout in seconds for connections to Kubernetes API. The minimum value is 5 | `5` |
| [agent.kubernetesReadTimeout](./values.yaml#L937) | int | The read timeout in seconds for connections to Kubernetes API. The minimum value is 15 | `15` |
| [agent.restrictedPssSecurityContext](./values.yaml#L1000) | bool | Set a restricted securityContext on jnlp containers | `false` |
| [agent.retentionTimeout](./values.yaml#L941) | int | Time in minutes after which the Kubernetes cloud plugin will clean up an idle worker that has not already terminated | `5` |
| [agent.secretEnvVars](./values.yaml#L1080) | list | Mount a secret as environment variable | `[]` |
| [agent.serviceAccount](./values.yaml#L921) | string | Override the default service account | `serviceAccountAgent.name` if `agent.useDefaultServiceAccount` is `true` |
| [agent.sideContainerName](./values.yaml#L1097) | string | Side container name | `"jnlp"` |
| [agent.skipTlsVerify](./values.yaml#L931) | bool | Disables the verification of the controller certificate on remote connection. This flag correspond to the "Disable https certificate check" flag in kubernetes plugin UI | `false` |
| [agent.usageRestricted](./values.yaml#L933) | bool | Enable the possibility to restrict the usage of this agent to specific folder. This flag correspond to the "Restrict pipeline support to authorized folders" flag in kubernetes plugin UI | `false` |
| [agent.useDefaultServiceAccount](./values.yaml#L917) | bool | Use `serviceAccountAgent.name` as the default value for defaults template `serviceAccount` | `true` |
| [agent.volumes](./values.yaml#L1014) | list | Additional volumes | `[]` |
| [agent.waitForPodSec](./values.yaml#L943) | int | Seconds to wait for pod to be running | `600` |
| [agent.websocket](./values.yaml#L964) | bool | Enables agent communication via websockets | `false` |
| [agent.workingDir](./values.yaml#L956) | string | Configure working directory for default agent | `"/home/jenkins/agent"` |
| [agent.yamlMergeStrategy](./values.yaml#L1138) | string | Defines how the raw yaml field gets merged with yaml definitions from inherited pod templates. Possible values: "merge" or "override" | `"override"` |
| [agent.yamlTemplate](./values.yaml#L1127) | string | The raw yaml of a Pod API Object to merge into the agent spec | `""` |
| [controller.additionalExistingSecrets](./values.yaml#L465) | list | List of additional existing secrets to mount | `[]` |
| [controller.additionalPlugins](./values.yaml#L415) | list | List of plugins to install in addition to those listed in controller.installPlugins | `[]` |
| [controller.additionalSecrets](./values.yaml#L474) | list | List of additional secrets to create and mount | `[]` |
| [controller.admin.createSecret](./values.yaml#L91) | bool | Create secret for admin user | `true` |
| [controller.admin.existingSecret](./values.yaml#L94) | string | The name of an existing secret containing the admin credentials | `""` |
| [controller.admin.password](./values.yaml#L81) | string | Admin password created as a secret if `controller.admin.createSecret` is true | `<random password>` |
| [controller.admin.passwordKey](./values.yaml#L86) | string | The key in the existing admin secret containing the password | `"jenkins-admin-password"` |
| [controller.admin.userKey](./values.yaml#L84) | string | The key in the existing admin secret containing the username | `"jenkins-admin-user"` |
| [controller.admin.username](./values.yaml#L78) | string | Admin username created as a secret if `controller.admin.createSecret` is true | `"admin"` |
| [controller.executorMode](./values.yaml#L65) | string | Sets the executor mode of the Jenkins node. Possible values are "NORMAL" or "EXCLUSIVE" | `"NORMAL"` |
| [controller.extraPorts](./values.yaml#L394) | list | Optionally configure other ports to expose in the controller container | `[]` |
| [controller.fsGroup](./values.yaml#L192) | int | Deprecated in favor of `controller.podSecurityContextOverride`. uid that will be used for persistent volume. | `1000` |
| [controller.httpsKeyStore.fileName](./values.yaml#L861) | string | Jenkins keystore filename which will appear under controller.httpsKeyStore.path | `"keystore.jks"` |
| [controller.httpsKeyStore.httpPort](./values.yaml#L857) | int | HTTP Port that Jenkins should listen to along with HTTPS, it also serves as the liveness and readiness probes port. | `8081` |
| [controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsHttpsJksPasswordSecretKey](./values.yaml#L852) | string | Name of the key in the secret that contains the JKS password | `"https-jks-password"` |
| [controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsHttpsJksPasswordSecretName](./values.yaml#L850) | string | Name of the secret that contains the JKS password, if it is not in the same secret as the JKS file | `""` |
| [controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsHttpsJksSecretKey](./values.yaml#L848) | string | Name of the key in the secret that already has ssl keystore | `"jenkins-jks-file"` |
| [controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsHttpsJksSecretName](./values.yaml#L846) | string | Name of the secret that already has ssl keystore | `""` |
| [controller.httpsKeyStore.jenkinsKeyStoreBase64Encoded](./values.yaml#L866) | string | Base64 encoded Keystore content. Keystore must be converted to base64 then being pasted here | `nil` |
| [controller.initConfigMap](./values.yaml#L452) | string | Name of the existing ConfigMap that contains init scripts | `nil` |
| [controller.initContainerEnv](./values.yaml#L147) | list | Environment variables for Init Container | `[]` |
| [controller.initContainerEnvFrom](./values.yaml#L143) | list | Environment variable sources for Init Container | `[]` |
| [controller.initContainerResources](./values.yaml#L134) | object | Resources allocation (Requests and Limits) for Init Container | `{}` |
| [controller.initScripts](./values.yaml#L448) | object | Map of groovy init scripts to be executed during Jenkins controller start | `{}` |
| [controller.initializeOnce](./values.yaml#L420) | bool | Initialize only on first installation. Ensures plugins do not get updated inadvertently. Requires `persistence.enabled` to be set to `true` | `false` |
| [controller.installLatestPlugins](./values.yaml#L409) | bool | Download the minimum required version or latest version of all dependencies | `true` |
| [controller.installLatestSpecifiedPlugins](./values.yaml#L412) | bool | Set to true to download the latest version of any plugin that is requested to have the latest version | `false` |
| [controller.installPlugins](./values.yaml#L401) | list | List of Jenkins plugins to install. If you don't want to install plugins, set it to `false` | `["kubernetes:4296.v20a_7e4d77cf6","workflow-aggregator:600.vb_57cdd26fdd7","git:5.6.0","configuration-as-code:1897.v79281e066ea_7"]` |
| [controller.podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable](./values.yaml#L321) | string | Number of pods that can be unavailable. Either an absolute number or a percentage | `"0"` |
| [controller.podLabels](./values.yaml#L247) | object | Custom Pod labels (an object with `label-key: label-value` pairs) | `{}` |
| [controller.podSecurityContextOverride](./values.yaml#L208) | string | Completely overwrites the contents of the pod security context, ignoring the values provided for `runAsUser`, `fsGroup`, and `securityContextCapabilities` | `nil` |
| [controller.priorityClassName](./values.yaml#L671) | string | The name of a `priorityClass` to apply to the controller pod | `nil` |
| [controller.probes.livenessProbe.failureThreshold](./values.yaml#L272) | int | Set the failure threshold for the liveness probe | `5` |
| [controller.probes.livenessProbe.httpGet.path](./values.yaml#L275) | string | Set the Pod's HTTP path for the liveness probe | `"{{ default \"\" .Values.controller.jenkinsUriPrefix }}/login"` |
| [controller.probes.livenessProbe.httpGet.port](./values.yaml#L277) | string | Set the Pod's HTTP port to use for the liveness probe | `"http"` |
| [controller.probes.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds](./values.yaml#L286) | string | Set the initial delay for the liveness probe in seconds | `nil` |
| [controller.probes.livenessProbe.periodSeconds](./values.yaml#L279) | int | Set the time interval between two liveness probes executions in seconds | `10` |
| [controller.probes.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds](./values.yaml#L281) | int | Set the timeout for the liveness probe in seconds | `5` |
| [controller.probes.readinessProbe.failureThreshold](./values.yaml#L290) | int | Set the failure threshold for the readiness probe | `3` |
| [controller.probes.readinessProbe.httpGet.path](./values.yaml#L293) | string | Set the Pod's HTTP path for the liveness probe | `"{{ default \"\" .Values.controller.jenkinsUriPrefix }}/login"` |
| [controller.probes.readinessProbe.httpGet.port](./values.yaml#L295) | string | Set the Pod's HTTP port to use for the readiness probe | `"http"` |
| [controller.probes.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds](./values.yaml#L304) | string | Set the initial delay for the readiness probe in seconds | `nil` |
| [controller.probes.readinessProbe.periodSeconds](./values.yaml#L297) | int | Set the time interval between two readiness probes executions in seconds | `10` |
| [controller.probes.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds](./values.yaml#L299) | int | Set the timeout for the readiness probe in seconds | `5` |
| [controller.probes.startupProbe.failureThreshold](./values.yaml#L259) | int | Set the failure threshold for the startup probe | `12` |
| [controller.probes.startupProbe.httpGet.path](./values.yaml#L262) | string | Set the Pod's HTTP path for the startup probe | `"{{ default \"\" .Values.controller.jenkinsUriPrefix }}/login"` |
| [controller.probes.startupProbe.httpGet.port](./values.yaml#L264) | string | Set the Pod's HTTP port to use for the startup probe | `"http"` |
| [controller.probes.startupProbe.periodSeconds](./values.yaml#L266) | int | Set the time interval between two startup probes executions in seconds | `10` |
| [controller.probes.startupProbe.timeoutSeconds](./values.yaml#L268) | int | Set the timeout for the startup probe in seconds | `5` |
| [controller.prometheus.metricRelabelings](./values.yaml#L828) | list | | `[]` |
| [controller.prometheus.prometheusRuleNamespace](./values.yaml#L820) | string | Set a custom namespace where to deploy PrometheusRule resource | `""` |
| [controller.prometheus.relabelings](./values.yaml#L826) | list | | `[]` |
| [controller.prometheus.scrapeEndpoint](./values.yaml#L811) | string | The endpoint prometheus should get metrics from | `"/prometheus"` |
| [controller.prometheus.scrapeInterval](./values.yaml#L807) | string | How often prometheus should scrape metrics | `"60s"` |
| [controller.prometheus.serviceMonitorAdditionalLabels](./values.yaml#L803) | object | Additional labels to add to the service monitor object | `{}` |
| [controller.prometheus.serviceMonitorNamespace](./values.yaml#L805) | string | Set a custom namespace where to deploy ServiceMonitor resource | `nil` |
| [controller.runAsUser](./values.yaml#L189) | int | Deprecated in favor of `controller.podSecurityContextOverride`. uid that jenkins runs with. | `1000` |
| [controller.schedulerName](./values.yaml#L649) | string | Name of the Kubernetes scheduler to use | `""` |
| [controller.scriptApproval](./values.yaml#L443) | list | List of groovy functions to approve | `[]` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.env](./values.yaml#L608) | object | Environment variables for the Jenkins Config as Code auto-reload container | `{}` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.envFrom](./values.yaml#L606) | list | Environment variable sources for the Jenkins Config as Code auto-reload container | `[]` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.image.registry](./values.yaml#L563) | string | Registry for the image that triggers the reload | `"docker.io"` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.image.repository](./values.yaml#L565) | string | Repository of the image that triggers the reload | `"kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar"` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.image.tag](./values.yaml#L567) | string | Tag for the image that triggers the reload | `"1.28.0"` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.scheme](./values.yaml#L596) | string | The scheme to use when connecting to the Jenkins configuration as code endpoint | `"http"` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.skipTlsVerify](./values.yaml#L598) | bool | Skip TLS verification when connecting to the Jenkins configuration as code endpoint | `false` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.sleepTime](./values.yaml#L603) | string | How many seconds to wait before updating config-maps/secrets (sets METHOD=SLEEP on the sidecar) | `nil` |
| [controller.sidecars.configAutoReload.sshTcpPort](./values.yaml#L617) | int | | `1044` |
| [controller.usePodSecurityContext](./values.yaml#L182) | bool | Enable pod security context (must be `true` if podSecurityContextOverride, runAsUser or fsGroup are set) | `true` |
| [credentialsId](./values.yaml#L27) | string | The Jenkins credentials to access the Kubernetes API server. For the default cluster it is not needed. | `nil` |
| [fullnameOverride](./values.yaml#L13) | string | Override the full resource names | `jenkins-(release-name)` or `jenkins` if the release-name is `jenkins` |
| [networkPolicy.enabled](./values.yaml#L1284) | bool | Enable the creation of NetworkPolicy resources | `false` |
| [networkPolicy.externalAgents.except](./values.yaml#L1303) | list | A list of IP sub-ranges to be excluded from the allowlisted IP range | `[]` |
| [networkPolicy.externalAgents.ipCIDR](./values.yaml#L1301) | string | The IP range from which external agents are allowed to connect to controller, i.e., | `nil` |
| [networkPolicy.internalAgents.allowed](./values.yaml#L1293) | bool | Allow internal agents (from the same cluster) to connect to controller. Agent pods will be filtered based on PodLabels | `true` |
| [networkPolicy.internalAgents.namespaceLabels](./values.yaml#L1297) | object | A map of labels (keys/values) that agents namespaces must have to be able to connect to controller | `{}` |
| [networkPolicy.internalAgents.podLabels](./values.yaml#L1295) | object | A map of labels (keys/values) that agent pods must have to be able to connect to controller | `{}` |
| [persistence.annotations](./values.yaml#L1255) | object | Annotations for the PVC | `{}` |
| [persistence.dataSource](./values.yaml#L1265) | object | Existing data source to clone PVC from | `{}` |
| [persistence.enabled](./values.yaml#L1239) | bool | Enable the use of a Jenkins PVC | `true` |
| [persistence.existingClaim](./values.yaml#L1245) | string | Provide the name of a PVC | `nil` |
| [persistence.labels](./values.yaml#L1257) | object | Labels for the PVC | `{}` |
| [persistence.mounts](./values.yaml#L1277) | list | Additional mounts | `[]` |
| [persistence.size](./values.yaml#L1261) | string | The size of the PVC | `"8Gi"` |
| [persistence.storageClass](./values.yaml#L1253) | string | Storage class for the PVC | `nil` |
| [persistence.subPath](./values.yaml#L1270) | string | SubPath for jenkins-home mount | `nil` |
| [persistence.volumes](./values.yaml#L1272) | list | Additional volumes | `[]` |
| [rbac.create](./values.yaml#L1309) | bool | Whether RBAC resources are created | `true` |
| [rbac.readSecrets](./values.yaml#L1311) | bool | Whether the Jenkins service account should be able to read Kubernetes secrets | `false` |
| [rbac.useOpenShiftNonRootSCC](./values.yaml#L1313) | bool | Whether the Jenkins service account should be able to use the OpenShift "nonroot" Security Context Constraints | `false` |