{{- include "kubezero-lib.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
- name:lvm-pool
- alert:LVMVolumeGroupMissingPhysicalVolume
componentType:volume group
description:LVM volume group '{{`{{`}} $labels.name {{`}}`}}' on node '{{`{{`}} $labels.instance {{`}}`}}' is missing {{`{{`}} $value {{`}}`}} underlying physical volume(s).
summary:LVM volume group '{{`{{`}} $labels.name {{`}}`}}' is missing the underlying physical volume.
vgName:'{{`{{`}} $labels.name {{`}}`}}'
expr:lvm_vg_missing_pv_count > 0
- alert:LVMVolumeGroupCapacityLow
componentType:volume group
description:LVM volume group '{{`{{`}} $labels.name {{`}}`}}' on node '{{`{{`}} $labels.instance {{`}}`}}' has {{`{{`}} with printf "lvm_vg_free_size_bytes{instance='%s',name='%s'}" $labels.instance $labels.name | query {{`}}`}} {{`{{`}} . | first | value {{`}}`}} {{`{{`}} end {{`}}`}}bytes of space remaining
summary:LVM volume group '{{`{{`}} $labels.name {{`}}`}}' is running low on capacity. Already {{`{{`}} $value {{`}}`}}% of total capacity is consumed.
description:LVM thin pool '{{`{{`}} $labels.name {{`}}`}}' on node '{{`{{`}} $labels.instance {{`}}`}}' has {{`{{`}} with printf "lvm_lv_total_size_bytes{instance='%s',name='%s',segtype='%s'}-((lvm_lv_used_percent{instance='%s',name='%s',segtype='%s'}*lvm_lv_total_size_bytes{instance='%s',name='%s',segtype='%s'})/100)" $labels.instance $labels.name $labels.segtype $labels.instance $labels.name $labels.segtype $labels.instance $labels.name $labels.segtype | query {{`}}`}} {{`{{`}} . | first | value {{`}}`}} {{`{{`}} end {{`}}`}}bytes of space remaining
lvName:'{{`{{`}} $labels.name {{`}}`}}'
summary:LVM thin pool '{{`{{`}} $labels.name {{`}}`}}' is running low on capacity. Already {{`{{`}} $value {{`}}`}}% of total capacity is consumed.
description:Persistent Volume Claim '{{`{{`}} $labels.persistentvolumeclaim {{`}}`}}' has no consumer
summary:Persistent Volume Claim '{{`{{`}} $labels.persistentvolumeclaim {{`}}`}}' in namespace '{{`{{`}} $labels.namespace {{`}}`}}' is not consumed by any pod in any namespace
description:Persistent Volume's filesystem on node '{{`{{`}} $labels.node {{`}}`}}' for persistent volume claim '{{`{{`}} $labels.persistentvolumeclaim {{`}}`}}' has become read-only
summary:Volume mount failed for persistent volume claim '{{`{{`}} $labels.persistentvolumeclaim {{`}}`}}' on node '{{`{{`}} $labels.node {{`}}`}}' due to read-only file-system
summary:Node '{{`{{`}} $labels.node {{`}}`}}' has encountered errors on ext4 file-system on volume having claim '{{`{{`}} $labels.persistentvolumeclaim {{`}}`}}'
description:Persistent Volume on node '{{`{{`}} $labels.node {{`}}`}}' receiving ext4 filesystem warning for persistent volume claim '{{`{{`}} $labels.persistentvolumeclaim {{`}}`}}'
summary:Node '{{`{{`}} $labels.node {{`}}`}}' has encountered warning on ext4 file-system on volume having claim '{{`{{`}} $labels.persistentvolumeclaim {{`}}`}}'