import os import io import gzip import jinja2 import oyaml as yaml import re import base64 import pyminifier.token_utils import pyminifier.minification import pyminifier.compression import pyminifier.obfuscate import types import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @jinja2.contextfunction def get_custom_att(context, att=None, ResourceName="FortyTwo", attributes={}, flush=False, dump=False, dependencies=False): """ Returns the rendered required fragement and also collects all foreign attributes for the specified CustomResource to include them later in the actual CustomResource include property """ # If flush is set all we do is empty our state dict if flush: attributes.clear() return # return all registered attributes if dump: return attributes # If dependencies, return all Artifacts this stack depends on, which are the attr of FortyTwo if dependencies: deps = set() if ResourceName in attributes: for att in attributes[ResourceName]: deps.add(att.split('.')[0]) return list(deps) # If call with an attribute, return fragement and register if att: if ResourceName not in attributes: attributes[ResourceName] = set() attributes[ResourceName].add(att) config = context.get_all()['_config'] if config['cfn']['Mode'] == "FortyTwo": return('{{ "Fn::GetAtt": ["{0}", "{1}"] }}'.format(ResourceName, att)) elif config['cfn']['Mode'] == "AWSImport" and ResourceName == "FortyTwo": # AWS only allows - and :, so replace '.' with ":" return('{{ "Fn::ImportValue": {{ "Fn::Sub": "${{Conglomerate}}:{0}" }} }}'.format(att.replace('.',':'))) else: # We need to replace . with some PureAlphaNumeric thx AWS ... return('{{ Ref: {0} }}'.format(att.replace('.','DoT'))) @jinja2.contextfunction def include_raw_gz(context, files=None, gz=True): jenv = context.environment output = '' for name in files: output = output + jinja2.Markup(jenv.loader.get_source(jenv, name)[0]) # logger.debug(output) if not gz: return(output) buf = io.BytesIO() f = gzip.GzipFile(mode='w', fileobj=buf, mtime=0) f.write(output.encode()) f.close() return base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') @jinja2.contextfunction def render_once(context, name=None, resources=set(), reset=False): """ Utility function to True only once """ if reset: resources.clear() return if name and name not in resources: resources.add(name) return True return False @jinja2.contextfunction def raise_helper(context, msg): raise Exception(msg) # Custom tests def regex(value='', pattern='', ignorecase=False, match_type='search'): ''' Expose `re` as a boolean filter using the `search` method by default. This is likely only useful for `search` and `match` which already have their own filters. ''' if ignorecase: flags = re.I else: flags = 0 _re = re.compile(pattern, flags=flags) if getattr(_re, match_type, 'search')(value) is not None: return True return False def match(value, pattern='', ignorecase=False): ''' Perform a `re.match` returning a boolean ''' return regex(value, pattern, ignorecase, 'match') def search(value, pattern='', ignorecase=False): ''' Perform a `` returning a boolean ''' return regex(value, pattern, ignorecase, 'search') # Custom filters def regex_replace(value='', pattern='', replace='', ignorecase=False): if ignorecase: flags = re.I else: flags = 0 return re.sub(pattern,replace,value,flags=flags) def pyminify(source, obfuscate=False, minify=True): # pyminifier options options = types.SimpleNamespace(tabs=False,replacement_length=1,use_nonlatin=0, obfuscate=0,obf_variables=1,obf_classes=0,obf_functions=0,obf_import_methods=0,obf_builtins=0) tokens = pyminifier.token_utils.listified_tokenizer(source) if minify: source = pyminifier.minification.minify(tokens, options) tokens = pyminifier.token_utils.listified_tokenizer(source) if obfuscate: name_generator = pyminifier.obfuscate.obfuscation_machine(use_unicode=False) pyminifier.obfuscate.obfuscate("__main__", tokens, options, name_generator=name_generator) #source = pyminifier.obfuscate.apply_obfuscation(source) source = pyminifier.token_utils.untokenize(tokens) minified_source = pyminifier.compression.gz_pack(source)"Compressed python code to {}".format(len(minified_source))) return minified_source def JinjaEnv(template_locations=[]): jenv = jinja2.Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, undefined=jinja2.Undefined, extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols']) jinja_loaders = [] for _dir in template_locations: jinja_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(_dir)) jenv.loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(jinja_loaders) jenv.globals['include_raw'] = include_raw_gz jenv.globals['get_custom_att'] = get_custom_att jenv.globals['render_once'] = render_once jenv.globals['raise'] = raise_helper jenv.filters['regex_replace'] = regex_replace jenv.filters['pyminify'] = pyminify jenv.tests['match'] = match jenv.tests['regex'] = regex jenv.tests['search'] = search return jenv