import os import io import gzip import re import base64 import yaml import copy import subprocess import sys import zlib import jinja2 import python_minifier import markupsafe from jinja2.filters import make_attrgetter from jinja2.runtime import Undefined import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @jinja2.pass_context def option(context, attribute, default_value="", source="options"): """Get attribute from options data structure, default_value otherwise""" environment = context.environment options = environment.globals["_config"][source] if not attribute: return default_value try: getter = make_attrgetter(environment, attribute) value = getter(options) if isinstance(value, Undefined): return default_value return value except (jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError): return default_value @jinja2.pass_context def include_raw_gz(context, files=None, gz=True, remove_comments=False): jenv = context.environment output = "" # For shell script we can even remove whitespaces so treat them individually # sed -e '2,$ {/^ *$/d ; /^ *#/d ; /^[ \t] *#/d ; /*^/d ; s/^[ \t]*// ; s/*[ \t]$// ; s/ $//}' for name in files: output = output + markupsafe.Markup(jenv.loader.get_source(jenv, name)[0]) if remove_comments: # Remove full line comments but not shebang _re_comment = re.compile(r"^\s*#[^!]") _re_blank = re.compile(r"^\s*$") _re_keep = re.compile(r"^## template: jinja$") stripped_output = "" for curline in output.splitlines(): if re.match(_re_blank, curline): continue elif re.match(_re_keep, curline): stripped_output = stripped_output + curline + "\n" elif re.match(_re_comment, curline): logger.debug("Removed {}".format(curline)) else: stripped_output = stripped_output + curline + "\n" output = stripped_output if not gz: return output buf = io.BytesIO() f = gzip.GzipFile(mode="w", fileobj=buf, mtime=0) f.write(output.encode()) f.close() # MaxSize is 21847 "Compressed user-data from {} to {}".format(len(output), len(buf.getvalue())) ) return base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode("utf-8") @jinja2.pass_context def raise_helper(context, msg): raise Exception(msg) # Custom tests def regex(value="", pattern="", ignorecase=False, match_type="search"): """Expose `re` as a boolean filter using the `search` method by default. This is likely only useful for `search` and `match` which already have their own filters. """ if ignorecase: flags = re.I else: flags = 0 _re = re.compile(pattern, flags=flags) if getattr(_re, match_type, "search")(value) is not None: return True return False def match(value, pattern="", ignorecase=False): """Perform a `re.match` returning a boolean""" return regex(value, pattern, ignorecase, "match") def search(value, pattern="", ignorecase=False): """Perform a `` returning a boolean""" return regex(value, pattern, ignorecase, "search") # Custom filters def sub(value="", pattern="", replace="", ignorecase=False): if ignorecase: flags = re.I else: flags = 0 return re.sub(pattern, replace, value, flags=flags) def pyminify(source): minified = python_minifier.awslambda(source, filename=None, entrypoint=None) gz_source = gz_pack(minified) "Compressed python code from {} to {}".format(len(source), len(gz_source)) ) return gz_source # From pyminifier def gz_pack(source): """ Returns 'source' as a gzip-compressed, self-extracting python script. .. note:: This method uses up more space than the zip_pack method but it has the advantage in that the resulting .py file can still be imported into a python program. """ out = "" # Preserve shebangs (don't care about encodings for this) first_line = source.split("\n")[0] if re.compile("^#!.*$").match(first_line): if first_line.rstrip().endswith("python"): first_line = first_line.rstrip() first_line += "3" out = first_line + "\n" compressed_source = zlib.compress(source.encode("utf-8")) out += "import zlib, base64\n" out += "exec(zlib.decompress(base64.b64decode('" out += base64.b64encode(compressed_source).decode("utf-8") out += "')))\n" return out def inline_yaml(block): return yaml.safe_load(block) def JinjaEnv(template_locations=[]): LoggingUndefined = jinja2.make_logging_undefined(logger=logger, base=Undefined) jenv = jinja2.Environment( trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, undefined=LoggingUndefined, extensions=["jinja2.ext.loopcontrols", ""], ) if template_locations: jinja_loaders = [] for _dir in template_locations: jinja_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(str(_dir))) jenv.loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(jinja_loaders) else: jenv.loader = jinja2.BaseLoader() jenv.globals["include_raw"] = include_raw_gz jenv.globals["raise"] = raise_helper jenv.globals["option"] = option jenv.filters["sub"] = sub jenv.filters["pyminify"] = pyminify jenv.filters["inline_yaml"] = inline_yaml jenv.tests["match"] = match jenv.tests["regex"] = regex jenv.tests["search"] = search return jenv def read_config_file(path, variables={}): """reads yaml config file, passes it through jinja and returns data structre - OS ENV are available as {{ ENV. }} - variables defined in parent configs are available as {{ }} """ jinja_variables = copy.deepcopy(variables) jinja_variables["ENV"] = os.environ if path.exists(): logger.debug("Reading config file: {}".format(path)) # First check for sops being present try: jenv = jinja2.Environment( enable_async=True, auto_reload=False, loader=jinja2.FunctionLoader(_sops_loader), undefined=jinja2.StrictUndefined, extensions=["jinja2.ext.loopcontrols"], ) template = jenv.get_template(str(path)) rendered_template = template.render(jinja_variables) data = yaml.safe_load(rendered_template) if data: return data except Exception as e: logger.exception("Error reading config file: {} ({})".format(path, e)) sys.exit(1) return {} def _sops_loader(path): """Tries to loads yaml file If "sops" key is detected the file is piped through sops before returned """ with open(path, "r") as f: config_raw = data = yaml.safe_load(config_raw) if data and "sops" in data and "DISABLE_SOPS" not in os.environ: try: result = [ "sops", "--input-type", "yaml", "--output-type", "yaml", "--decrypt", "/dev/stdin", ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, input=config_raw.encode("utf-8"), env=dict(os.environ, **{"AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG": "1"}), ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.exception( "SOPS encrypted config {}, but unable to find sops binary! Try eg:".format( path ) ) sys.exit(1) return result.stdout.decode("utf-8") else: return config_raw