import os import io import gzip import jinja2 import oyaml as yaml import re import base64 import pyminifier.token_utils import pyminifier.minification import pyminifier.compression import pyminifier.obfuscate import types import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @jinja2.contextfunction def get_custom_att(context, att=None, ResourceName="FortyTwo", attributes={}, flush=False, dump=False, dependencies=False): """ Returns the rendered required fragement and also collects all foreign attributes for the specified CustomResource to include them later in the actual CustomResource include property """ if ResourceName not in attributes: attributes[ResourceName] = set() # If flush is set all we do is empty our state dict if flush: attributes.clear() return # return all registered attributes if dump: return attributes # If dependencies, return all Artifacts this stack depends on, which are the attr of FortyTwo config = context.get_all()['_config'] if dependencies: deps = set() try: for att in attributes['FortyTwo']: deps.add(att.split('.')[0]) except KeyError: pass # Incl. FortyTwo itself if any FortyTwo function is used if config['cfn']['Mode'] == "FortyTwo" and attributes: deps.add('FortyTwo') return list(deps) # If call with an attribute, return fragement and register if att: attributes[ResourceName].add(att) if config['cfn']['Mode'] == "FortyTwo": return('{{ "Fn::GetAtt": ["{0}", "{1}"] }}'.format(ResourceName, att)) elif config['cfn']['Mode'] == "AWSImport" and ResourceName == "FortyTwo": # AWS only allows - and :, so replace '.' with ":" return('{{ "Fn::ImportValue": {{ "Fn::Sub": "${{Conglomerate}}:{0}" }} }}'.format(att.replace('.',':'))) else: # We need to replace . with some PureAlphaNumeric thx AWS ... return('{{ Ref: {0} }}'.format(att.replace('.','DoT'))) @jinja2.contextfunction def include_raw_gz(context, files=None, gz=True): jenv = context.environment output = '' for name in files: output = output + jinja2.Markup(jenv.loader.get_source(jenv, name)[0]) # logger.debug(output) if not gz: return(output) buf = io.BytesIO() f = gzip.GzipFile(mode='w', fileobj=buf, mtime=0) f.write(output.encode()) f.close() return base64.b64encode(buf.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') @jinja2.contextfunction def render_once(context, name=None, resources=set(), reset=False): """ Utility function to True only once """ if reset: resources.clear() return if name and name not in resources: resources.add(name) return True return False @jinja2.contextfunction def raise_helper(context, msg): raise Exception(msg) # Custom tests def regex(value='', pattern='', ignorecase=False, match_type='search'): ''' Expose `re` as a boolean filter using the `search` method by default. This is likely only useful for `search` and `match` which already have their own filters. ''' if ignorecase: flags = re.I else: flags = 0 _re = re.compile(pattern, flags=flags) if getattr(_re, match_type, 'search')(value) is not None: return True return False def match(value, pattern='', ignorecase=False): ''' Perform a `re.match` returning a boolean ''' return regex(value, pattern, ignorecase, 'match') def search(value, pattern='', ignorecase=False): ''' Perform a `` returning a boolean ''' return regex(value, pattern, ignorecase, 'search') # Custom filters def regex_replace(value='', pattern='', replace='', ignorecase=False): if ignorecase: flags = re.I else: flags = 0 return re.sub(pattern,replace,value,flags=flags) def pyminify(source, obfuscate=False, minify=True): # pyminifier options options = types.SimpleNamespace(tabs=False,replacement_length=1,use_nonlatin=0, obfuscate=0,obf_variables=1,obf_classes=0,obf_functions=0,obf_import_methods=0,obf_builtins=0) tokens = pyminifier.token_utils.listified_tokenizer(source) if minify: source = pyminifier.minification.minify(tokens, options) tokens = pyminifier.token_utils.listified_tokenizer(source) if obfuscate: name_generator = pyminifier.obfuscate.obfuscation_machine(use_unicode=False) pyminifier.obfuscate.obfuscate("__main__", tokens, options, name_generator=name_generator) #source = pyminifier.obfuscate.apply_obfuscation(source) source = pyminifier.token_utils.untokenize(tokens) minified_source = pyminifier.compression.gz_pack(source)"Compressed python code to {}".format(len(minified_source))) return minified_source def JinjaEnv(template_locations=[]): jenv = jinja2.Environment(trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True, undefined=jinja2.Undefined, extensions=['jinja2.ext.loopcontrols']) jinja_loaders = [] for _dir in template_locations: jinja_loaders.append(jinja2.FileSystemLoader(_dir)) jenv.loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader(jinja_loaders) jenv.globals['include_raw'] = include_raw_gz jenv.globals['get_custom_att'] = get_custom_att jenv.globals['render_once'] = render_once jenv.globals['raise'] = raise_helper jenv.filters['regex_replace'] = regex_replace jenv.filters['pyminify'] = pyminify jenv.tests['match'] = match jenv.tests['regex'] = regex jenv.tests['search'] = search return jenv