import os import logging from .utils import ensure_dir from .stackgroup import StackGroup from .jinja import read_config_file logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CloudBender(object): """ Config Class to handle recursive conf/* config tree """ def __init__(self, root_path): self.root = root_path = None self.all_stacks = [] self.ctx = { "config_path": os.path.join(self.root, "config"), "template_path": os.path.join(self.root, "cloudformation"), "parameter_path": os.path.join(self.root, "parameters"), "artifact_paths": [os.path.join(self.root, "artifacts")] } if not os.path.isdir(self.ctx['config_path']): raise "Check '{0}' exists and is a valid project folder.".format(root_path) def read_config(self): """Load the /config.yaml, /*.yaml as stacks, sub-folders are sub-groups """ # Read top level config.yaml and extract CloudBender CTX _config = read_config_file(os.path.join(self.ctx['config_path'], 'config.yaml')) if _config and _config.get('CloudBender'): self.ctx.update(_config.get('CloudBender')) # Make sure all paths are abs for k, v in self.ctx.items(): if k in ['config_path', 'template_path', 'parameter_path', 'artifact_paths']: if isinstance(v, list): new_list = [] for path in v: if not os.path.isabs(path): new_list.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, path))) else: new_list.append(path) self.ctx[k] = new_list elif isinstance(v, str): if not os.path.isabs(v): self.ctx[k] = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.root, v)) if k in ['template_path', 'parameter_path']: ensure_dir(self.ctx[k]) = StackGroup(self.ctx['config_path'], self.ctx) self.all_stacks = # If cfn vars config is completely empty set some default for tests to work # if "vars" not in _config: # _config = { "vars": { 'Azs': {'TestAZ': 'Next'}, 'Segments': {'Testnet': 'internet'}, "Mode": "Piped" } } # self.vars.update(_config.get('vars')) def dump_config(self): logger.debug("".format(vars(self))) def clean(self): for s in self.all_stacks: s.delete_template_file() s.delete_parameter_file() def resolve_stacks(self, token): stacks = [] # remove optional leading "config/" to allow bash path expansions if token.startswith("config/"): token = token[7:] # If path ends with yaml we look for stacks if token.endswith('.yaml'): stacks =, match_by='path') # otherwise assume we look for a group, if we find a group return all stacks below else: # Strip potential trailing slash token = token.rstrip('/') sg =, match_by='path') if sg: stacks = sg.get_stacks() return stacks def filter_stacks(self, filter_by, stacks=None): # filter_by is a dict { property, value } # if no group of stacks provided, look in all available if not stacks: stacks = self.all_stacks matching_stacks = [] for s in stacks: match = True for p, v in filter_by.items(): if not (hasattr(s, p) and getattr(s, p) == v): match = False break if match: matching_stacks.append(s) return matching_stacks